Samsung rolled out One UI 7 Beta in Germany, India and other select regions last week. It is scheduled to be globally rolled out early next year, alongside the next-generation Galaxy S series. A tipster now suggests that a subsequent version of the Android 15-based operating system (OS) might bring an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered feature called Audio Eraser which could adjust different parts of the audio in video clips without requiring a dedicated editing software.

Audio Eraser Feature in One UI 7

This information comes from tipster Ice Universe. In a post on the Chinese social media platform Weibo, the tipster shared a screenshot of the purported Audio Eraser feature which is said to be a part of future versions of One UI 7. As the name suggests, it may leverage AI to boost or dial down specific elements of the audio in video clips.

The accompanying screenshot of the feature states that it can eliminate distracting noise in videos by adjusting the volume of elements such as voice, wind, and other sounds. The graphic hints at sliders for adjusting the crowd and music noise too. Further, it says that the feature uses Galaxy AI to function.

While still unconfirmed, Samsung’s Audio Eraser feature appears to work along the same lines as the Audio Magic Eraser on Google Pixel smartphones. It can block unwanted noise, such as cars honking or crowd chatting, from audio and video clips.

Other One UI 7 Features

One UI 7 introduces visual enhancements with extensive customisation options, a new notification system called Now Bar, redesigned One UI widgets, and additions to Galaxy AI. The AI suite gets new advanced writing tools integrated into the OS. This is claimed to eliminate the need for switching apps when selecting the text. Users can carry out grammar and spell checks, change the writing tone, summarise, or create bulleted lists — functionality similar to Apple Intelligence.

There is also a Call Transcripts feature with support for 20 languages. It is claimed to work automatically for recorded conversations, as per Samsung.


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