Robot vacuums have always used sensors to detect furniture and identify your spaces, but of course, you’d expect one coming out in 2024 to be significantly more intelligent. In the era of AI-powered everything, Samsung just announced the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo, a smart vacuum/mop/steamer robot that knows when it needs to dig into a stain.

This cleaner surpasses Samsung’s last robot vacuum, the Bespoke Jet Bot AI+ with even more (artificial) intelligence. For instance, the AI Object Recognition which is pretty standard on all robot vacuums is promised to be much better on the Jet Bot Combo.

Most robo-vacs can determine spaces where they’re not wanted. They’ve been doing that for years. They’ll quickly figure out that a space is an area you want them to avoid, and map that as a “no-go zone.” Of course, the Jet Bot Combo does that too, but it also goes a step further by returning to areas that it thinks need a little more love.

So, if it’s dealing with an extra stubborn stain, it will go back to its cleaning station, use some water and the station’s built-in steam engine to heat its mop pads and return to the problem to fight it a little more. Samsung claims its powerful mops running at 170 RPM are enough even for the most stubborn stains.

The Jet Bot Combo also knows what kind of floor it’s dealing with. So, as soon as it touches a carpet, it adjusts its suction power. It also either quickly lifts its mop pads or leaves them at the cleaning station so they don’t make your carpet wet and gross. The cleaning station then welcomes the mop pads, washes them, and dries them with hot air afterward so they don’t stink up the air in your room.

Samsung will showcase the Bespoke Jet Bot Combo at CES 2024 but the product is still in its development phase and some of these features might change.


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