Sons of the Forest 1.0 update brought tons of new content to the game, including cannibal and mutant variants, caves, equipment, and systems. As players move through the storyline, they must find key items to access certain areas or gather materials. A late-game tool players must get is the pickaxe. Many of these items are hidden deep in the caves, and the pickaxe is no exception.

The pickaxe can mine the one valuable resource on the island, Solafite. Solafite has several uses, particularly for weapon and suit upgrades, and is critical to beating the main storyline. There is only one pickaxe on the island in Sons of the Forest, and players can use this guide to locate it.


How to Get the 3D Printer in Sons of The Forest

Learn how to get the 3D Printer in Sons of the Forest along with other helpful tidbits.

Pickaxe Cave Location in Sons of the Forest

The pickaxe is inside a cave beside a small lake on the island’s northeast side. Before going after it, players must have the rebreather because multiple underwater caves are along their path. The rebreather can be picked up near the beach spawn point inside another cave. Players should also have a better light source before cave diving, like the flashlight or a torch.

The pickaxe cave has strong mutants, so stock up on weapons, ammo, medicine, food, and drink.

The cave entrance is a human-made hole in the middle of large rocks with a rope leading down. Players can use the rope to climb down, but laying down a tarp and saving progress is a good idea.

Where to Find the Pickaxe in Sons of the Forest

Sons of the Forest 1.0 Pickaxe Cave Entrance

After climbing down the rope, move forward until you come across a waterfall. It leads to another waterfall that falls into a pool of dark water. Jump into the water, and the rebreather will activate as you swim deeper into the caves.

Swim through the underwater cave, passing skeletons and squeezing through small, cramped pathways. Eventually, you’ll come up to a small room. Follow the cave deeper, and players will see planks blocking a door to the left and a drop-off to the right. Go towards the drop-off and slide down.

Sons of the Forest 1.0 Pickaxe Cave

Players will land in a pool of water and can either equip the rebreather and swim down or exit the water to pick up some loot. However, a spotty mutant is inside the area, so be prepared to deal with that.

Sons of the Forest 1.0 Spotty Mutant

Swim through the underwater cave and emerge into a small room. Players will see pieces of wood through an opening in the wall and another water pool leading to an underwater cave.

Sons of the Forest 1.0 Pick Axe Location

Swim through the narrow cave until it opens to a larger room with three workers’ bodies hanging from the ceiling. There is a light at the back of the room next to a wall of Solafite. Players will find the pickaxe wedged into some of the Solafite.

How to Leave the Pickaxe Cave

Sons of the Forest 1.0 Pickaxe Cave Exit

Players will find a path to the left of where the pickaxe was. There are two more spotty mutants down the cave. Keep going past them, and there’s a rope leading upwards. At the top, move forward and jump down to the lower level.

Continue through the case until there’s a dead end and another rope. The exit is at the top of this rope, a short way through the cave.

sons of the forest-1

February 22, 2024

Endnight Games


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