Key Takeaways

  • Spider-Man’s relatable origin story engages fans with meaningful emotions and lessons.
  • Aunt May’s iconic last words in No Way Home motivate Peter to take responsibility.
  • Peter Parker’s struggle with balancing his personal and superhero life in Spider-Man 2 leads to crucial decisions.

It’s refreshing to see how relatable Spider-Man is, once fans stop focusing on the whole bitten-by-a-radioactive-spider-to-get-superpowers schtick. Before this incident, he was nothing more than a smart nerd who was constantly bullied and too weak to defend himself. When he receives his powers, the first thing he does is buy into the revenge fantasies running inside his head that would be true for anyone who’s the target of bullying and unfair practices, only for his actions to bite him back when a tragedy transforms him to become Spider-Man.


10 Spider-Man Comic Storylines That Might Be Difficult To Adapt Into Movies

Spider-Man has been part of countless different stories, and some of them would be incredibly hard to feature in a movie.

It’s an amazing origin story, making it easy to see why fans can’t get enough of this webhead no matter how many movies he’s featured in. Despite being a relatively jovial hero who loves to crack his fair share of lame jokes while battling hooligans, the stories become all the more engaging when serious emotions are discussed in a mature and meaningful manner. This can be seen in some of the saddest quotes in Spider-Man movies, which has left fans wanting for more.

5 “I Can’t Help Thinking About… The Last Thing I Said To Him. He Tried To Tell Me Something Important, And I Threw It In His Face.”

Peter Parker In Spider-Man (2002)

Peter and Aunt May in Spider-Man

Spider-Man (2002)

Release Date
May 3, 2002

Sam Raimi

121 Minutes

  • Lamenting his last words to Uncle Ben after attending his funeral

It’s hard not to feel a sense of satisfaction as Peter instantly gives the opportunistic wrestling booker a taste of his own medicine when he refuses to stop a robber from running away with his cash. It’s a great gotcha moment, but things take a turn for the worse when this passiveness leads to Uncle Ben’s premature demise. Peter hunts down the killer, only to find out it was the same man he’d let go. It’s a sobering moment that makes him realize he was partly responsible for Uncle Ben’s death.

After coming back from his funeral, Peter opens up about his feelings to Aunt May and talks about the last interaction he had with the man who was like a father to him. His regret is palpable here, and viewers won’t be able to help but feel for a poor kid. He didn’t know that lashing out would have such lasting consequences, and he decided to take his uncle’s last words to heart and use his powers for good.

4 “I Can’t Do This Without You!”

Peter Parker In The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Gwen Stacy's Death

Release Date
May 1, 2014

Marc Webb

142 minutes

  • Peter cradles Gwen’s corpse in his arms after she falls to her death

There’s no denying that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has its fair share of problems, to the point where most people label it as the worst live-action Spider-Man movie of all time. It’s a harsh statement, but fans can still have some fun with this movie, courtesy of the brilliant chemistry between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. This is precisely why the finale of this Spider-Man movie can be so emotional.

After Harry’s antics cause Gwen to start falling, Peter desperately shoots a web that takes the shape of an outstretched hand. It showcases his anguish at that moment and how he doesn’t want the love of his life to fall, but she does anyway. The web doesn’t reach her in time, and she loses her life, with Peter cradling her lifeless body in his arms, begging her to come back. In a movie that is a mess more often than not, Gwen’s death is executed perfectly and excellently showcases Peter’s hopelessness, courtesy of a beautiful performance by Andrew Garfield.

3 “You Have A Gift. You Have Power. And With Great Power, There Must Also Come Great Responsibility.”

May Parker In Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

Spider-Man No Way Home Aunt May's Death

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Release Date
December 17, 2021

Jon Watts

148 Minutes

  • Aunt May’s last words to Peter

No Way Home is one of the most ambitious Spider-Man movies of all time, serving as a live-action crossover for the ages that lets Spider-Man fans enjoy one of the most fascinating cinematic experiences they could feast their eyes on. Seeing the Spider-Men of the past and present working together is something fans can’t get enough of, but this movie isn’t just an entertaining roller-coaster.


6 Best Spider-Man Villains That Did Not Debut In The Comics

Not all of Spider-Man’s most iconic enemies made their first appearance in the webslinger’s comic books. Here’s who they are.

Some moments ground the experience, with Aunt May’s death being a huge turning point for this version of Peter. She loses her life after Green Goblin’s assault, but she doesn’t let her death go to waste. Before she passes, she tells Peter the iconic lines that have become a staple of the series, pushing him to do the right thing and team up with the Spider-Men to send everyone back to their universes and undo the damage he’d done.

2 “No, Uncle Ben. I’m Just Peter Parker. I’m Spider-Man… No More. No More.”

Peter Parker In Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Uncle Ben talking to Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) in Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man 2

Release Date
June 30, 2004

Sam Raimi

127 minutes

  • Relinquishing his role as a superhero due to his personal life being in shambles

Spider-Man 2 is an incredible movie, expertly capturing how tough it would be for a superhero to try and balance their personal and vigilante lifestyles. Spider-Man may be flourishing as a competent hero, but Peter’s life is in shambles. The love of his life is losing faith in him and ending up with someone else, and he’s barely able to keep a job and pay rent.

This eventually wears him down to the point where he abandons the mask. A figurative conversation with Uncle Ben in his head shows that a part of him wants to do the right thing, but it comes at too big a cost. With his powers fading and his motivations in tatters, it’s easy to see why Peter shares these heartbreaking words with his uncle and assumes the life of a normal, unremarkable man.

1 “Look, You See? You Know What This Is? You Know What I Want For Us?”

Peter Parker In Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Mary Jane breaking up with Peter in Spider-Man 3

Release Date
May 2, 2007

Sam Raimi

139 minutes

  • A painful moment where Peter desperately brings out the ring when Mary Jane is forced to break up with him

Spider-Man 3 has its problems, with studio interference ruining the third Sam Raimi movie and halting the momentum of this series. Still, to say that this movie is a complete trainwreck would be a huge exaggeration, especially since seeing Spider-Man become an edgelord is one of the most iconic Spider-Man moments of all time. However, the movie also has its heartfelt moments, such as when Mary Jane is forced by Harry to break Peter’s heart.

It’s a hard moment to witness, especially when Peter brings out the ring that he was going to use to propose. Watching him pull out his ring proves exactly why Tobey Maguire was the perfect cast for Spider-Man, providing a moment of vulnerability that hammers in why his version of the web-crawler is considered to be the best of the lot.


7 Best Spider-Man Horror Stories, Ranked

Spider-Man’s sunny disposition doesn’t suggest the character would lend himself to horror, but these comics waste no time in proving that wrong.


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