Alongside numerous strong Jedi in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), there is a lengthy list of powerful Sith. The Sith Empire, brought to prominence by the former Jedi and turned Sith lord, Darth Malak, is at the forefront of Sith domination during the events of the game.

While Sith is a colloquial term to describe the vast Sith empire of the KOTOR games – from simple troops to Sith masters and lords, numerous Sith stand above the rest due to their power, cunning, and leadership characteristic of the Sith code.

5 Uthar Wynn

The Sith Headmaster

  • Rank: Sith Master/Lord
  • Lightsaber Type: Double Bladed
  • Master: Jorak Uln
  • Species: Humanoid

Uthar Wynn was the Sith lord in charge of the Sith academy on Korriban during KOTOR. While not the most powerful Sith on this list, Wynn commanded the respect of the numerous Sith masters and dark-side users in the academy.

A key figure in the player finding one of the star maps on Korriban, Uthar Wynn, made Revan complete several challenges to become a Sith, with the last leading the former Sith lord on a dark side goose chase to locate it. Uthar Wynn is as intelligent as he is powerful, attempting to turn Revan against his apprentice, Yuthura Ban, after suspecting a coup. Revan later defeats both dark side users if the player chooses certain choices. If players choose the dark side, Uthar Wynn will pledge allegiance to Revan.

4 Jorak Uln

The Mad Recluse

Jorak Uln in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

  • Rank: Sith Master/Lord
  • Lightsaber Type: Double Bladed
  • Master: Exar Kun
  • Species: Humanoid

The least-known Sith on this list, Jorak Uln, was a powerful dark-side user who was the former headmaster of the Sith academy on Korriban. Banished by his apprentice Uthar Wynn, Jorak Uln fled to the tomb of the dangerous Sith lord Tulak Hord.

Upon reaching the tomb, players are ambushed by Uln and later tortured by the Sith until the brink of death. A brutal and cruel force user, Jorak Uln is powerful, fighting Revan and multiple other opponents simultaneously. The Sith’s ability to use force drain and expert proficiency at using a double-bladed lightsaber make him deadly in combat. While dangerous, Revan eventually slays the Sith lord.

3 Darth Bandon

The Shadow Hand Of A Dark Lord

Darth Bandon in KOTOR with two dark jedi

  • Rank: Shadow Hand
  • Lightsaber Type: Single Bladed
  • Master: Darth Malak
  • Species: Humanoid

A former Jedi and the first apprentice of Darth Malak, Darth Bandon was the second in command of Malak’s Sith empire as his shadow hand. A powerful warrior with few equals, Bandon displayed his prowess in the dark side in battle with Revan, using force lighting and other dark side techniques, such as granting himself complete immunity to force attacks.

Bandon met his demise to the blade of Revan, with the former Sith lord slaying the Sith amongst two other dark Jedi on the planet Manaan. Once defeated, Darth Bandon drops his body armor, considered one of the best armors in the game.

2 Darth Malak

The Lesser Dark Lord

Darth Malak in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

  • Rank: Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Lightsaber Type: Single Bladed
  • Master (s): Darth Revan, Zhar Lestin
  • Species: Humanoid

The former apprentice and friend of the dark lord Revan, Darth Malak, is the main antagonist of the KOTOR games and the leader of Revan’s Sith empire after the former Sith’s capture by the Jedi. Darth Malak is a ruthless and formidable dark lord, besting the powerful Jedi, Bastila Shan, and going toe to toe with Revan on multiple occasions – holding his own against one of Star Wars most powerful non-canon characters.

Darth Malak also trained prominent dark-side users such as Darth Bandon, as well as ordering the destruction of entire planets such as Taris – a ruthless user of the dark side; Malak is a powerful Sith lord and one of KOTOR’sbest villains, second only to Revan.

1 Darth Revan

The True Dark Lord Of The Sith

Darth Revan In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake And The Original

  • Rank: Dark Lord of the Sith
  • Lightsaber Type: Single Bladed
  • Master (s): Arren Kae, Kreia, Zhar Lestin, Dorak
  • Species: Humanoid

While Revan’s fate is determined by the player’s choices during the events of KOTOR, players can assume the role of Darth Revan if they go down the path of the dark side. The strongest Sith lord on this list, Darth Revan is an expert practitioner of the dark side, defeating numerous powerful Jedi and Sith alike in his conquest for dominance over the Star Wars galaxy. Before Revan became a Sith, Revan fought in the Mandalorian wars, claiming victory for the republic under his stewardship, defeating Mandalore the Ultimate in combat.

Revan is well known to have influenced other Sith lords through his teachings, such as Darth Bane’s creation of the Rule of Two and the likes of Darth Kreia in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords. Darth Revan is the most powerful Sith lord in KOTOR, not just because of his power but his influence.


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