
  • Power Control mode requires multiple tank characters to dominate control points effectively in Star Wars: Hunters.
  • Trophy Chase mode needs heavy support and defensive abilities from tanks to keep the trophy holder alive.
  • Dynamic Control mode focuses on damage characters to take out opponents at the control spot.

In Star Wars: Hunters, as players become more familiar with the game and unlock all the new game modes, they will need to know how to properly adapt to ensure that their squad comes out victorious in each. Each mode, such as Power Control or Trophy Chase, has different obstacles that must be overcome, but doing so isn’t always easy.


Star Wars: Hunters – All Characters (& How To Unlock Them)

Star Wars: Hunters features a colorful cast of characters taken straight out of the Star Wars universe and into mobiles and Switch consoles.

In all four modes, players will need to choose the best character in tandem with the rest of their team. For those who want to enhance their squad as much as possible to ensure their win, these are the best team compositions to prepare for each game mode in Star Wars: Hunters.

4 Best Team Composition For Squad Brawl

Utilize A Damage-Focused Team To Take Out As Many Opponents As Possible

Image of the squad brawl mode in Star Wars Hunters

Character Type





Imara Vex





In Squad Brawl, players will need to be the first to reach the elimination number of 25 kills in order for their team to win. There is a time limit as well, so if both teams don’t hit 25 within 5 minutes, the team with the most kills will win the battle instead. This is the most basic mode that can be played, and it doesn’t feature too many additional bells or whistles that need to be taken note of.

With this in mind, the best approach to take is to have at least two damage characters, one tank, and one support for the team. The main priority here is making sure that there’s a good number of damage dealers, especially since this basic mode won’t require a support character as heavily as other game modes. There are many damage characters to choose from, but the best include Imara Vex and Rieve. They will give players the most damage as a close-quarters and long-distance duo.

3 Best Team Composition For Power Control

Utilize Multiple Tank Characters To Dominate The Control Points

Image of power control mode in Star Wars Hunters

Character Type










In the Power Control mode, the team will need to capture at least two of the control spots on the map and maintain control of two spots or more consistently until the team reaches 100 points and wins. This mode will require a few team members to wait it out at some of the control spots, while the others go out and stop any enemies from coming in and taking over the control spots.


Star Wars: Hunters – Beginner Tips & Tricks

While the controls for Star Wars: Hunters are fairly user-friendly, the competitive nature of the game can make it a challenge to master.

In this mode, players will want to ensure that they have at least two tank characters ready to go. This is due to the fact that these characters often have a lot of health and can easily protect the control spots and defend them due to their ability to protect themselves. Grozz can heal himself, so he can easily protect a spot, while Sentinel can use a shield for defense. The team will need some damage as well to keep enemies at bay and support to heal everyone, such as Skora.

2 Best Team Composition For Trophy Chase

Bring Multiple Support Players To Keep The Tank Alive While Holding The Trophy

Image of the trophy in Trophy Chase in Star Wars Hunters

Character Type









Imara Vex

Just like with the Power Control mode, the team will need to reach 100 points total to win. In Trophy Chase, however, one team member will need to grab the trophy and hold onto it without dying to garner points until they reach the required amount to win. This mode will require a lot of heavy support and defensive abilities from tanks to keep whoever is holding the trophy alive.

In Trophy Chase, players can choose to either double up on support characters or tank characters. If the team chooses two tank characters, it is best to make sure they are the type that can heal themselves, such as Grozz or Charr. For support, players should stick with Skora and Zaina, since they can provide a good amount of damage as well as consistent healing, especially for the character holding the trophy. It’s best to let the tank keep the trophy since they won’t go down so easily.

1 Best Team Composition For Dynamic Control

Focus On Damage Characters To Take Out Opponents Coming For the Control Point

J-3DI in Star Wars Hunters

Character Type










As with Power Control mode, players will again need to reach a total of 100 points to win, but this time, there will only be one control spot that needs to be captured rather than three. This makes the mode much more focused on one particular location, and teams will all be gathering in this area, making it more difficult to hide in the shadows or sneak up on opponents in a back area of the map. However, the location of the control spot will change throughout the battle.

In this mode, it is best to double up on damage characters since there will only be one control spot that needs to be guarded by a tank. It is recommended that players bring along Rieve and J-3DI, who can use an ultimate that allows him to spin around and destroy any enemies in the area (the control spot). Rieve is a great close-combat character to use to take out any nearby enemies.

star wars hunters


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