
  • Knights of the Eternal Throne is packed with plot twists and events, with chapters resolving threads from previous expansions.
  • The expansion’s swift pace is due to BioWare condensing what was meant to be a trilogy into just two parts.
  • Some chapters, like “Into The Void” and “End Times,” offer unique settings and memorable action sequences.

Out of all Star Wars: The Old Republic expansions, Knights of the Eternal Throne is arguably packed with most events and plot twists despite being relatively short. Almost every chapter resolves a plot thread set up in the previous expansion. Its swift pace can partially be attributed to BioWare trimming down what was originally supposed to be a trilogy of expansions into just two.


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KOTET opens soon after the ending of Knights of the Fallen Empire (KOTFE) ends, with Empress Vaylin taking the throne after her brother’s defeat. She continues the destructive conquest of the Eternal Empire, and it is up to the player character, the Outlander, to stop her. Along with the war efforts, they also have to figure out how to get rid of Valkorion’s spirit that is stuck in their mind. Knights of the Eternal Throne is made up of nine separate chapters, but some of them are arguably better than others.

9 Chapter 4: Where Dreams Die

Exploring A Mysterious World

Chapter 4 of KOTET begins in media res with the Outlander and crew aboard the Gravestone after fighting Vaylin and disarming the quantum bomb. However, due to SCORPIO’s machinations, everyone on the ship is transferred to a mysterious mechanical world known as Iokath, the exploration of which is key to the chapter.

The chapter includes some notable moments, such as the introduction of Iokath and Vaylin interacting with a projection of her dead brother, Thexan. Overall, it feels like the first part of the Iokath story and, therefore, doesn’t have a proper culmination, allowing other chapters to overshadow it. It is also the only chapter in KOTET that does not feature any light/dark decisions.

8 Chapter 5: Ascension

Breaking Free From Mechanical Hell

Ascension is a direct continuation of the previous chapter. It also takes place on Iokath but is packed with more action than the previous chapter. After forging another temporary alliance with SCORPIO, the Outlander gets to fight a giant mech and later pilot it into the courtyard, where they have an opportunity to crush countless droids.


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The chapter culminates with the Outlander fighting ARIES, the last independent AI on Iokath. After he is defeated, they choose what to do with SCORPIO, a character who has been both an ally and an enemy. They can let her merge with Iokath and replace ARIES or destroy her, ending her quest for freedom.

7 Chapter 3: Dark Reunions

A Time Of Revenge And Revelations

This chapter takes place entirely on the Gravestone and is relatively short compared to others. There are some original segments, like the mouse droid mini-game, but other than that, the most notable part of the chapter is fighting Vaylin at the end. This is the first direct confrontation the Outlander has with her, and it is here that Valkorion’s conditioning is revealed.

This chapter also varies in tone depending on what happened with Koth prior. If he never left the Alliance, he remains a loyal ally. If he betrayed the Outlander, their cooperation would be a temporary alliance of convenience without trust. If that is the case, the Outlander will get an opportunity to kill Koth at the end of the chapter.

6 Chapter 2: Run For The Shadows

At The Heart Of A Coup

Some players will find this chapter highly nostalgic due to its nature. It sees the player return to Dromund Kaas to negotiate with Empress Acina about a partnership between the Empire and the Alliance. However, someone attempts to kill both Acina and the Outlander, leaving them stranded in the jungle as they try to find a way out.


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The chapter is notable for having a unique companion with the player, Empress Acina. It allows Republic players to visit the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas and includes two points at which the player decides someone else’s fate. At the end of the chapter, they get an opportunity to kill or imprison former Chancellor Saresh, a widely disliked character that many players will wish to eliminate.

5 Chapter 7: Into The Void

The Emperor’s Deserted Home World

The darkest and most depressing chapter of the expansion, “Into the Void,” creates a unique setting and atmosphere as the Outlander visits Nathema, the world consumed by the Sith Emperor. The place is completely barren except for a creepy sanitarium populated by brainwashed zealots and furious beasts.

The player gets an opportunity to learn of how cruelly Valkorion treated his daughter, Vaylin, driving her insane with severe torture and experiments at the hands of Nathema scientists. The players also meet the spirit of Valkorion’s father, Dramath. Whether they keep or release him will alter the course of the final chapter.

4 Chapter 8: End Times

The Last Stand Against The Eternal Empire

The penultimate chapter sees the Eternal Empire invade Odessen again. Vaylin broke her conditioning and wished to rain down chaos and destruction on the Alliance. While this chapter arguably overdoes the Walker segments, most action sequences are engaging and memorable.


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The chapter also presents the player with a choice between Torian and Vette, two loyal beloved companions, one of whom will inevitably die at Vaylin’s hands. Depending on their choice in Chapter 1, the player will face and kill the Empress either with Lana and Theron or with Senya and Arcann, creating unique dialogue and interactions for both scenarios.

3 Chapter 6: The Dragon’s Maw

An Infiltration Attempt Gone Wrong

This is a very unique chapter for multiple reasons. Its first half consists of a puzzle segment with the Outlander and Theron posing as knights of Zakuul and infiltrating the Royal Palace. They place ion charges everywhere to free the rebels and gather more allies against Zakuul. They manage to confront Vaylin, but Arcann intervenes.

The culmination of this chapter is focused on Arcann. Depending on what the player did in Chapter 1, he will either let go of his anger and join the Alliance or try to kill the Outlander and perish. Either way, the chapter ends on a triumphant note. Despite some flaws, such as the inability to choose whether to use Vaylin’s conditioning or not and a long segment of fighting enemies before Arcann, this is a strong, well-paced chapter.

2 Chapter 1: Wrath And Ruin

Forces Players To Make A Difficult Choice That Affects The Story

KOTET‘s first chapter has a strong opening, as it immediately allows the player to see and participate in action. Empress Vaylin is attacking Voss while the Outlanders are on their way to defend the planet. This chapter allows the player to revisit familiar locations and see the war’s impact on them.

Eventually, the player discovers Senya Tirall, who attempts to heal her son, Arcann. The player reaches them and has to make an important choice: allow the former tyrant a chance to redeem himself or bring him to justice. The outcome of the chapter is different depending on this choice, providing variety and replayability.

1 Chapter 9: The Eternal Throne

Pits The Outlander Against Valkorion And Features Two Unique Endings

The final chapter is, without a doubt, the most memorable part of the expansion. The first half sees the Outlander powering through a burning Zakuul to claim the throne and stop the carnage. They have either Lana and Theron or Arcann and Senya at their side, and the trio is forced to face insurmountable odds to reach the throne.

When they reach the throne, Valkorion attempts to take hold of the Outlander’s body, leading to the final clash with the main villain. The first stage of the battle includes the spirits of other Valkorion family members and has four possible setups depending on what the fates of Arcann and Dramath are. Either way, the Outlander joins Arcann and Vaylin in their final battle against Valkorion, at the end of which the player decides to become a Peacekeeper or an Emperor.


Star Wars: The Old Republic

December 20, 2011


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