
  • The Goo Grenade is a versatile gadget that creates cover and hampers enemy movement, making it a great choice for Light builds in The Finals.
  • The Pyro Grenade causes chaos and can set fire to leaked gas, making it an effective tool for the run-and-gun playstyle of Light builds.
  • The Glitch Grenade disables enemy specializations and items, leaving them defenseless for 10 seconds, making it a crucial gadget for Light builds in The Finals.

A list of the best Light gadgets in The Finals can differ from player to player, but there are a few that always make an appearance, whether in active or reserve loadouts. Embark Studios’ FPS title is one of the latest to hit the market, and its chaotic action has many gamers leaning toward the Light build over the Medium and the Heavy. Since this selection allows for increased agility and much faster-paced action, it is imperative that the chosen loadouts support rather than hamper this playstyle.


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Before getting to the best gadgets for Light builds in The Finals, it’s important to know which ones can be chosen. Overall, there are 12 that players can ultimately choose from, but only six are available right from the start. Those unlocked by default include Breach Charge, Goo Grenade, Flashbang, Smoke Grenade, Pyro Grenade, and Frag Grenade. Players will need to spend 1000 VR each to unlock the rest, which can take some time if they’re not religiously grinding the game. This list takes a look at the gadgets that will best support the Light build in The Finals.

7 Goo Grenade

A Great Multi-Class Gadget to Create Cover or Block Enemy Support

One of the Best Light Gadgets in The Finals: Goo Grenade

The Goo Grenade is available for all builds, and is an excellent utility option to go for as it can easily create cover when players are under serious fire and trying to make an escape. A great advantage is that it can even help them with movement aids and provide a platform to jump to mid-height grounds.


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What makes it one of the best Light gadgets in The Finals is that players can use it to single out opponents and take them down more easily. Considering that support is almost always around the corner, getting the jump on someone, taking them out, blocking off routes for support, and making an escape is the way to go. Since the Light build allows for greater agility but comes with less health, it is imperative to create cover and block off access whenever possible.

6 Pyro Grenade

A Multi-Class Grenade That Can Set Fire to Anything, Blow Up Gas, and Cause Chaos

One of the Best Light Gadgets in The Finals: Pyro Grenade

The Pyro Grenade may be ranked lower than the Frag Grenade, but there is no question about its usefulness and its ranking among the best Light gadgets in The Finals. Available in two stacks and with a total of 120 damage over 10 seconds, it is excellent for causing chaos. Its cooldown is 15 seconds, which allows players to use multiple in a drawn-out fight. Since it is also available for Medium and Heavy builds, teammates can easily coordinate who will pick what.


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One great aspect of the Pyro Grenade that many may have missed is that it sets fire to the gas leaked by one of the props and the Gas Grenade. Combining it with the former, for example, can create devastating plays. Since the Light build is geared towards going in, causing damage, and getting out, the Pyro Grenade can be a great opening salvo to disorient and kill one’s opponents.

5 Breach Charge

Effective in Destroying Structures as an Opening Salvo and Clearing Paths

One of the Best Light Gadgets in The Finals: Breach Charge

What makes the Breach Charge one of the best Light gadgets in The Finals is how it takes advantage of the game’s fully destructible environment. Exclusive to the Light build, it allows players to act as the lead and detonate the walls or floor of wherever the enemies are making their stand. Since the Light builds have the highest mobility, this task is best done by them. They can then launch a couple of Frag or Pyro Grenades or shoot and cause more chaos before quickly relocating.


The Finals: Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Here are a few things new players should keep in mind when jumping into a game in The Finals.

Since the Breach Charge damages the user as well, just like other explosives, it’s imperative they ensure they are out of its range before detonating it. Since there’s a timer of 1.9 seconds before it becomes ready, they have ample time to get in position for a follow-up attack. Since players can deploy two Breach Charges, they can put the second one in place for a quick getaway or a trap.

4 Stun Gun

A Great Light Build-Exclusive Gadget to Hamper Enemy Abilities and Slow Them Down

One of the best Light Gadgets in The Finals - Stun Gun

The Stun Gun is a very effective gadget in this FPS game, especially when used against Medium and Heavy builds. Since it slows down movement by a great margin and stops enemies from using gadgets or specializations for five seconds, it is being used a lot in the current meta. This comes in very handy for the Light build’s run-and-gun playstyle, especially as an exclusive, and it’s one of the best Light gadgets in The Finals.


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The Stun Gun does have a couple of negative points though. A single charge and a cooldown of 15 seconds is a bit restrictive, and there’s a chance it can backfire if players aren’t in close range. That said, while it does come with a skill ceiling and restrictions, it can definitely be a good weapon to have access to. It can prove incredibly useful when stopping Healing Beams, getting the jump on an RPG-holding Heavy, and more.

3 Frag Grenade

A Great Gadget to Cause Instant Damage

One of the Best Light Gadgets in The Finals: Frag Grenade

The Frag Grenade is a classic. Available for all builds as well, it easily marks its spot among the best Light gadgets in The Finals. When compared to the Pyro Grenade’s 120 damage, it does a total of 149, although the cooldown is a bit longer at 20 seconds. However, the fact that it can easily take out Turrets, Motion Sensors, and other items is a great point in its court.


The Finals: Crossplay Guide

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It is important to note that the Frag Grenade does not damage building structures; players will have to use the Breach Charge or the gas cylinders for that purpose. Even then, it easily allows for a significant amount of damage in an instant, a factor that can come in clutch many, many times.

2 Vanishing Bomb

A Light-Exclusive Gadget That Can Make Players Invisible

One of the Best Light Gadgets in The Finals: Vanishing Bomb

One of the best Light gadgets in The Finals, the Vanishing Bomb “vanishes” players and allies in the blast radius for five seconds. Since the Cloaking Device specialization also makes them invisible and for a longer duration of 12 seconds, many believe the gadget is not worth picking up. While the specialization is sublime, a combination of the Evasive Dash and the Vanishing Bomb can prove more effective all around. Additionally, the Evasive Dash comes with three dashes that regenerate at a decent pace. This makes it more useful in the arena.


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One of the best Light gadgets in The Finals, especially where aesthetics are concerned, the Vanishing Bomb creates a pink splash that can alert enemies to its usage, but quick relocation, which is almost always what happens, can neutralize this con. Further, its ability to vanish teammates adds even more utility, especially when allies are in dangerous situations. Considering the game’s fast-paced combat, the Vanishing Bomb is crucial in loadouts, whether active or reserve.

1 Glitch Grenade

This Light Build-Exclusive Gadget Can Disable Enemy Specializations and Items

One of the Best Light Gadgets in The Finals: Glitch Grenade

The Glitch Grenade sees perhaps the most use among the Light build playerbase, especially after many content creators talked about it being one of the best Light gadgets in The Finals. It creates a disruption field that disables almost every “live” element present. The long list includes active gadgets like Turrets, Mines, and Motion Sensors, and it even stops enemies from using fresh items or specializations. Simply put, it leaves enemies able to use only their guns for 10 seconds, nothing else.


The Finals: Best Weapons

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The Glitch Grenade activates after 1.8 seconds and comes with two stacks. The 20-second cooldown may seem long, but anything less than this would’ve made it more broken than it already is. Since it often turns out to be the difference between dying in a gun rush or actually winning a battle, it cannot be overlooked. As such, it is one of the best Light gadgets in The Finals without a doubt, and it is a must-have in a Light build.

the finals

The Finals
December 8, 2023

Embark Studios


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