
  • Final Fantasy 16 departs from traditional gameplay, offering players the freedom to experiment with a new rulebook and break free from “fossilized” aspects of the franchise.
  • The switch to real-time combat may be off-putting to longtime fans, but the well-balanced gameplay and Precision Dodge ability make it engaging.
  • Managing cooldown timers of Eikon abilities is crucial for maximizing damage and staggering enemies. Completing optional side quests, especially the Hunt missions, provides valuable rewards and adds depth to the game.

Final Fantasy 16 departs from several well-established series traditions in order to chart a bold new path forward and, as Square Enix luminary Naoki Yoshida put it, break free of the aspects of the franchise that had become “fossilized.” While some of Final Fantasy 16‘s changes position it as a bit of an island within the larger Final Fantasy world, they also afford players the freedom to experiment with an entirely new rulebook to guide their playthrough. Final Fantasy 16 is not a typical Final Fantasy, and trying to approach it as one can lead to frustration.

The developers themselves knew that many longtime fans might be somewhat put-off by the switch to real-time combat, opting to include a set of helpful rings that Clive can equip as accessories to make the combat more manageable and approachable for newcomers. That said, Final Fantasy 16‘s gameplay is so well-balanced and finely-tuned that equipping these accessories may actually diminish some of the enjoyment of experiencing it. If one is to dive into Final Fantasy 16 with an open mind and willing to embrace its systems, there are some guiding rules that will be helpful in the long-run.

RELATED: How Final Fantasy 16’s Length Compares to Past Games in the Franchise

Final Fantasy 16’s Unwritten Rules

Master Final Fantasy 16’s Precision Dodge or Counter

One of the biggest changes longtime fans will need to get used to is Final Fantasy 16‘s switch to real-time combat. Gone are the days of menu-based commands and actions dictated by character speed, making Final Fantasy 16 a much more engaging and hands-on affair. One of the most powerful (and useful) techniques in the game is Clive’s Precision Dodge ability, which allows players to narrowly escape damage by dodging at the last minute and then follow it up with a Perfect Counter. Alternately, players can get acquainted with the Parry mechanic, though the Precision Dodge is easier to execute and less risky.


Precision Dodge


How to Execute

Press R1 to dodge right as an enemy is about to attack

Press Square for a melee attack right before an enemy’s attack lands


Opens up enemy for Perfect Counter

Time slows on a successful parry, opening up enemies for a Flurry attack

Penalty for mistiming

None – Clive still dodges away from danger

Enemy attack lands head-on

Continually Cycle Through Eikon Abilities and Keep an Eye on Cooldown Timers

It won’t take long to get to a point in Final Fantasy 16‘s main quest where Clive has a full suite of Eikon abilities at his fingertips, giving players plenty of options in terms of which abilities to slot on each of the face buttons and how they approach encounters. Regardless of which Eikons players choose for their ability loadout, one of the most important things to do is continually manage the cooldown timers of each ability. Depleting a more difficult enemy’s stagger gauge requires doling out consistent punishment from Clive, and some Eikon abilities are the most effective at quickly putting enemies into a stagger state. Monitoring cooldown timers allows players to make best use of their economy of movement and maximize damage in each encounter.

Pursue Every Optional Side Quest and Complete the Hunt Missions

While this might be a foregone conclusion for completionists, some players that might be experiencing Final Fantasy 16 as their first game in the series should understand the value of completing all the optional content in the game rather than beelining through the critical path. Not only do several of these side quests help to develop Final Fantasy 16‘s great cast of characters and provide more context for its world, they offer some incredibly valuable rewards. The Hunt side quest chain, in particular, is practically necessary for acquiring some of the game’s best weapons. It doesn’t hurt that these fights are some of the most challenging, and the most fun, in Final Fantasy 16.

final fantasy 16

Final Fantasy 16

Final Fantasy 16 is an action RPG developed by Square Enix. Set in the land of Valisthea, six different factions are on the brink of war due to a spreading disease known as the Blight. Much of the plot revolves around summoned monsters called Eikons, who are controlled by unique humans called Dominants. 

Final Fantasy


June 22, 2023

Square Enix

Square Enix

Action RPG

M For Mature 17+ Due To Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence

How Long To Beat
36 Hours


PS Plus Availability


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