So, how does this thing charge? The jacket comes with a Uze power bank and charging cable, which are built-in in one of its inner pockets. You first charge the power bank via a regular electrical outlet, and once it’s charged all the way, you plug it into the cable coming out of the pocket to charge the jacket. You can use the power bank to charge your other devices, too.

The power bank took five to six hours on the first few charging attempts. Using the jacket with a charging time as high as that was obviously very inconvenient. Upon reaching out to the company, I was told that the charging time would improve after a couple of cycles of charge/discharge. It eventually came down to around two to three hours, which was still remarkably more than what was advertised—45 minutes.

The first time I ran a test, the battery lasted less than an hour. A couple of tests later, it eventually grew to around two hours, which was still unimpressive. It lasted just enough to commute to and back from work, but I can’t imagine an outdoor worker, for instance, being happy with these numbers.


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