Key Takeaways

  • Zahard Empire rules Tower of God, with intricate hierarchy & political complexity among Zahard Family, 10 Great Families & Princesses.
  • Factions like FUG & Wolhaiksong are enemies of Zahard Empire, challenging its authority & stability, threatening the established order.
  • Zahard is deified as ruler, but Tower’s core rules ensure fairness & balance, restraining even his immense power within the Empire.

The Tower of God universe is a sprawling web of political intrigue, powerful entities, and towering ambitions. At the center of it all stands the Zahard Empire, a near-unstoppable force that controls the vast majority of the Tower’s floors.

Formed by King Zahard and the 10 Great Warriors who first entered the Tower, the Empire governs its domains with an iron grip, asserting dominance through an intricate hierarchy of families, Rankers, and rulers. But behind its grandeur lies a rich tapestry of history, power struggles, and fractured alliances that shape the world of Tower of God as fans know it.

SPOILERS: This article contains spoilers for the Tower of God webtoon and anime, including key plot points regarding the Zahard Empire and its key figures.

The Foundation and Reach of the Zahard Empire

The Zahard Empire was born when Zahard and the 10 Great Warriors, now known as the heads of the 10 Great Families, first entered the Tower and began conquering its floors.

Through rigorous trials, they earned the Tower’s recognition and authority, ultimately expanding their reign to the 134th Floor. Zahard declared that he would stop his ascent there, solidifying his power by fragmenting the Tower’s key, preventing anyone from reaching the 135th Floor (which most assume is the final floor).

Let me ask you something. What am I to you people? I was the first one to climb the Tower. I was the greatest Fisherman in battle. And I pioneered a civilization of mutual understanding among the people of the Tower. But you probably know me best by a different word. The word… “King”.

It’s often assumed that Zahard did this as both a power move and a desire to keep his empire intact, ensuring that no one else could surpass him or claim the Tower’s highest secrets, but the truth is, no one knows the real reason he did this (yet).

The Ruling Class: Zahard Family, the 10 Great Families, and the Princesses


At the top of the Zahard Empire’s hierarchy are the Zahard Family and the 10 Great Families— the latter formed from the Great Warriors who entered the Tower with Zahard, cementing their places as the most powerful clans. Together, these families create the backbone of the Empire’s rule, filled with Rankers and influential figures that extend their control over vast regions of the Tower.

The Princesses of Zahard

The Princesses of Zahard are among the most powerful and revered figures in the Tower. Unlike typical royalty, they are not biological daughters of King Zahard but are instead chosen for their extraordinary abilities and potential. To become a Princess is an incredible honor, one that requires the candidate to display immense power, resourcefulness, and beauty. However, the most crucial qualification is whether the individual can withstand and utilize Zahard’s power, which is transferred to them through a special procedure.

Once chosen, a Princess undergoes a transformation that enhances their combat abilities, making them physically stronger and more durable than even high-ranking members of the 10 Great Families. For example, Androssi Zahard, one of the more prominent Princesses in the series, is noted by Bam to be incredibly powerful— forcing him to use his Shinsu to keep up with her in battle.

The role of a Princess is not merely symbolic though; they serve as enforcers of Zahard’s will, acting as both guardians of his Empire and symbols of its supreme authority. They are viewed by the citizens as “the ultimate species,” worshipped for their beauty and strength. However, the responsibility of being a Princess comes with severe restrictions. Zahard has the ability to control his Princesses, and none are free to act entirely on their own will. Additionally, the competition to become a Princess is brutal, with numerous candidates vying for the coveted position, each hoping to gain Zahard’s favor and the power it bestows.

  • Anak Zahard stands as an exception—a “shame” of the Zahard Family due to her illegitimate birth.

The 10 Great Families: Pillars of the Empire


Equally integral to the power structure of the Zahard Empire are the 10 Great Families, formed by the Great Warriors who originally entered the Tower alongside Zahard. These families are considered the nobility of the Tower, with each family head holding near-immortal status, thanks to contracts made with the Tower’s Guardians during their climb. Over the centuries, they have amassed enormous political power, rivaled only by the Zahard Family itself.

The heads of the 10 Great Families—Arie Hon, Khun Eduan, and Ha Yurin, to name a few—are among the most feared and respected individuals in the Tower. They are virtually untouchable, with their immortality and unparalleled strength making them nearly invincible. Each family head passes down their legacy to their descendants, who are often born with tremendous talent and power. Children from these families, especially direct descendants, are frequently more gifted than ordinary Tower residents. However, despite the privilege of their birth, life within the Great Families is fiercely competitive.

The Political Structure of the Zahard Empire


Although Zahard himself is the highest ruler of the Empire, during the beginning of the series, he was described to be “resting” and away from maintaining outside affairs. In his place, the political machinery of the Tower is maintained by a combination of powerful entities, each playing a distinct role in preserving the Empire’s order.

The Three Lords: Custodians of the Empire


The highest political authority in the Tower, aside from Zahard, rests with the Three Lords. These figures act as proxies for the king, rotating their leadership every 1,000 years. In Tower of God‘s current timeline, Molic One P. GR holds the position of power.

Each Lord brings their own unique approach to governance:

  • Molic One P. GR: A conservative ruler focused on the Tower’s stability, Molic is seen as a protector of tradition and order.
  • Joochun: A progressive Lord with a reputation for supporting the continued climb of the Tower. Known for his love of alcohol, he is rumored to share ties with Urek Mazino.
  • Flux: Known as the Magician, Flux is an artificial being created by Macseth. His true form is hidden, and only illusions of him appear in the Tower.

The Rulers: Guardians of Individual Floors


Each Floor within the Zahard Empire is governed by a Ruler, a High Ranker from one of the 10 Great Families. The Rulers hold immense power, but their authority is subject to the whims of the Guardians, the Tower’s ancient overseers. The Ruler can organize tests for Regulars but must follow the Tower’s core rules, ensuring fairness and transparency.

This is because even though the Ruler is affiliated with the Zahard Empire, the ancient Guardians and traditions of the Tower are the highest authority in the Tower. So, despite their strength or position, a Ruler cannot act against the wishes of the Guardian of their floor, as their power is derived from the Guardian’s approval.

The Enemies of the Empire: FUG and Wolhaiksong

While the Zahard Empire is powerful, it is not without its enemies. Two major factions pose significant threats to Zahard’s rule: FUG and Wolhaiksong.

  • FUG is a ruthless criminal organization, sworn to destroy Zahard and the 10 Great Families. Their mission is one of vengeance, aiming to bring down the entire Tower’s political hierarchy. FUG’s influence extends deep into the shadows of the Tower, and while they may not have the strength to directly challenge Zahard’s rule, they are a constant thorn in the side of the Empire.
  • Wolhaiksong, led by Urek Mazino and Baek Ryun, is an organization that opposes the more conservative and authoritarian practices of the Zahard Empire. Though less extreme than FUG, Wolhaiksong seeks to find a way out of the Tower, an objective that threatens the established order maintained by the Empire and the Great Families.

Propaganda, Deification, and Zahard’s Legacy

King Zahard, often referred to as “The Great King Zahard,” is not just a ruler—he is worshipped as a deity throughout much of the Tower. His legendary status, along with the mythologized journeys of the 10 Great Warriors, has solidified his place in Tower society as a near-immortal figure. The citizens of the Tower revere Zahard and his Princesses, seeing them as the ultimate beings, both feared and idolized. This deification helps cement the Zahard Empire’s rule, ensuring loyalty and a sense of awe among its subjects. Many in the Tower view the Empire as invincible, with Zahard’s influence stretching across every floor under his control.

However, this god-like status does not exempt Zahard or his empire from the Tower’s core rules, particularly within the Inner Tower.

  • Despite the Zahard Empire’s immense power, all entities—including Zahard himself—are still bound by the Tower’s regulations, especially in relation to the testing floors. Even the Rulers of each floor, who operate under the authority of Zahard and the 10 Great Families, must adhere to these rules.

The Tower’s Core Rules

The Tower has its own set of strict guidelines, enforced by its ancient Guardians. These rules serve as a system of checks and balances, preventing even the most powerful entities, such as Zahard’s Rankers and Rulers, from exercising unchecked power. Some of the key restrictions include:

  • Rulers and Rankers may not interfere with Regulars during their tests.
  • Irreegulars are prohibited from entering certain areas designated for Regulars, and if they do trespass, their powers are restricted.
  • Rankers are forbidden from causing harm to test-takers or directly influencing the outcomes of tests.
  • Test Directors and Admins must follow the guidelines laid out by the Tower’s Administrators, ensuring that no test or rule is unfairly altered.

These restrictions ensure a level of fairness within the Tower’s hierarchy, forcing even Zahard’s Empire to respect the Tower’s ancient mechanisms. For example, even Mule Love, a Test Director, was reprimanded for conducting a test outside of official guidelines, demonstrating that no one is above the Tower’s regulations.

Although Zahard’s power is immense, the Tower’s rules and its Guardians provide a balance, preventing any one entity, no matter how deified, from completely overriding the Tower’s natural order.

The Zahard Empire is the cornerstone of Tower of God‘s narrative, shaping the world that Bam, Khun, and Rak seek to navigate. Understanding the Zahard Empire is crucial to understanding the broader conflicts and dynamics within the Tower and the series as a whole.


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