Vivo will launch a mixed reality (MR) headset next year, the company reportedly announced during an event on Tuesday. The wearable is speculated to compete with other MR headsets in the wearable market such as the Apple Vision Pro and Samsung’s upcoming Project Moohan, which was announced earlier this month. Although specifics remain unknown, Vivo will launch the mixed reality headset next year, with its first prototype arriving in the second half of 2025.
Vivo Mixed Reality Headset Launch
This information comes from tipster Digital Chat Station’s (translated from Chinese) recent post on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. As per the tipster, the Vivo MR headset will be similar to the Apple Vision Pro. However, the wearable is speculated to surpass Apple’s headset with its features.
The first prototype of the headset is tipped to be available in September. It will reportedly undergo “high-fidelity prototype experiences” in several cities in China by the end of next year.
However, there is no information regarding the launch date of the MR headset. Citing a Vivo executive, an report by Innogyan notes that its debut will depend on the preparedness of supporting content ecosystems.
This reported announcement builds upon the confirmation of the development of a MR headset by the Chinese original equipment manufacturer (OEM) at the Vivo Imaging Conference held in China in July. At the time, Yu Meng, Vice President of Imaging at Vivo, highlighted that the purported device would be launched in 2025.
OS for XR Devices
Earlier this month, Google announced a new operating system for extended reality (XR) devices — an umbrella term which encompasses augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR). As per the technology giant, the new Android XR OS will offer support for features that rely on artificial intelligence (AI), AR and VR. Leveraging the Gemini AI assistant, users will be able to have conversations with the assistant and ask it questions about objects and locations within their field of view. Further, it will also bring support for Circle to Search feature that is available on select Android phones, to perform a visual lookup with a gesture.
Google says the first developer preview of Android XR is already available to developers for the development of apps and games for upcoming devices powered by this OS.