
  • Geonosis would fit perfectly in Star Wars Outlaws, offering a unique world with untapped potential for gameplay and story exploration.
  • The orange deserts of Geonosis, while memorable, have not been utilized much in recent Star Wars media and could benefit from modern graphics.
  • Geonosis’s ties to the criminal underworld and history with the Confederacy of Independent Systems make it a prime candidate for plot hooks in the game. Paratrooper insectoids and other creepy enemies could make it feel unique.

Star Wars Outlaws is set to bring fans a galaxy-sprawling adventure, with a number of planets already confirmed for the game. With obscure locales like Akiva included alongside huge names like Tattooine, a mid-shelf world like Geonosis would slot into Star Wars Outlaws perfectly.

While most news surrounding Star Wars Outlaws relates to its preorder controversy, with good reason, there’s still a lot for fans to get excited about. So far, the planets that Kay Vess and her companions will explore include Akiva, Cantonica, Kijimi, Tattooine, and Toshara. Fans will be no stranger to Tattooine, especially with how much it continues to be used in recent Star Wars projects. However, planets like Cantonica and Kijimi hail from the sequel trilogy, leaving a huge canvas of unexplored ideas for Ubisoft to paint on.


Star Wars Outlaws’ Jabba the Hutt Can’t Be Fan Service to a Fault

Star Wars Outlaws puts Kay Vess in Luke Skywalker’s shoes and how Massive tackles this sequence will be a testament to its fan service restraint.

Geonosis Would Be A Perfect Fit For Star Wars Outlaws

The orange deserts of Geonosis were introduced back in Attack of the Clones, a world of flying insectoids, sprawling droid factories, and gladiatorial arenas. It’s on this world that the Confederacy of Independent Systems was formed, and the Clone Wars begun, but it’s not seen much use in Star Wars media in recent years. Even with the prequels seeing something of a renaissance in today’s fandom climate, the planet that kickstarted one of the most popular corners of the canon isn’t thought of much. Star Wars Outlaws and the Outer Rim escapades it promises could do with this world in its catalog.

Geonosis Needs More Time To Shine

Attack of the Clones is an undeniably flawed film, partly thanks to how Geonosis was handled. That’s not to say Geonosis is a poorly-built world; if anything, it’s far more memorable than the many other desert planets that populate the galaxy. The problem came with the art direction and its palette of unrelenting orange is harsh on the eyes. In addition, the big CGI fight scene between clones and droids didn’t have much weight to it compared to those seen in Revenge of the Sith and other great Star Wars battles.

Today’s more refined graphics would go a long way towards letting Geonosis strut its stuff. While it has gotten some limelight in other material, including an arc of 2008’s The Clone Wars, Star Wars Outlaws‘ sprawling maps could open up new dimensions of a planet scarcely seen at rest. A look at Geonosis under the Empire is something fans really have to look for, so a mainstream chance at filling out the blanks would go a long way. Moreover, many fans would love to fight in the Petranaki Arena or investigate the remnants of droid factories through the gaming medium.

The Planet Comes With Plot Hooks Primed For Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws‘ planet-hopping adventure will see protagonist Kay Vess constantly flirting with the galaxy’s criminal underworld. The Outer Rim planet of Geonosis is perfect for this, given its pivotal position in the formation of the CIS—a faction that seceded from the incumbent Republic. Moreover, it would provide great insight into what happened with the planet’s many droid factories, something that could also deepen the character of ND-5—a reprogrammed commando droid who will be accompanying her. It’s possible that ND-5 was manufactured on Geonosis, and his perspective on the planet after being retooled would be an interesting sight.

Geonosis’ Horror Potential Could Really Shake Up Star Wars Outlaws

In much the same way that Cal breaking his lightsaber on Dathomir ratcheted up Fallen Order‘s tension, the bug-people of Geonosis could be a real shakeup to Star Wars Outlaws‘ narrative. The Clone Wars introduced zombie Geonosians and paratrooper insectoids that could carry clones off to unknown fates—and that’s without mentioning all the monsters seen in the Petranaki Arena. The intense stakes of such an alien planet would keep Outlaws fresh with a creepy difficulty spike.

star wars outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws

Massive Entertainment’s Star Wars Outlaws is an in-development game that will be published by Ubisoft. The sci-fi franchise’s first full open-world project, Outlaws follows Kay Vess and is set during the Imperial Era. Announced for PC and ninth-generation hardware, the game is expected to drop in 2024.

August 30, 2024
Ubisoft , Lucasfilm Games


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