While exploring The War Within alpha, some WoW fans notice a fun new detail on the Warbands character select screen that seems promising.


  • Fans can choose 4 characters to appear around a campfire on the updated World of Warcraft login screen in The War Within.
  • Characters may randomly sit, suggesting random emotes could happen.
  • Future updates may bring more backgrounds and features like Follower Dungeons for players to enjoy.

World of Warcraft fans have begun noticing their characters sitting on the Warbands character select screen in The War Within alpha. Though a seemingly innocuous change, World of Warcraft players are excited to see what this new life breathed into the login screen could mean for the future.

Warbands are a new feature coming in World of Warcraft: The War Within that will revolutionize how players approach the game. In addition to tons of alt-friendly adjustments to make many aspects of the game account-wide, the character select screen is getting an overhaul that includes a function where fans can select four of their favorite characters to pose together.


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However, during World of Warcraft: The War Within alpha, some fans noticed a fun detail about this new character select screen. Initially, the characters on this special login screen just idly stood around. That said, some testers have noticed their characters have begun sitting around the campfire instead. WoW content creators Taliesin & Evitel and MrGM discovered their characters taking a load off, proving it was not just a fluke or glitch.

The New Character Select Screen in WoW: The War Within

  • Players can choose up to four favorites from among their roster of World of Warcraft characters to appear around a shared campfire space on their login screen.
  • Fans have noticed their characters sitting occasionally, suggesting they may randomly emote at times.
  • Only one background is available at launch, but WoW may add more for fans to collect in the future.

When World of Warcraft first showed off Warbands at BlizzCon last year, the mocked-up image for the new loading screen showed four characters dynamically posed around a campfire. The alpha version of the character select screen was a bit less exciting, but the spark of life in the form of randomly sitting down around the fire shows that World of Warcraft is still adding more things to the feature. Players are wondering what other emotes they might eventually spy around their campfire, and hope their characters might eventually be able to dance and laugh together.

The new Warbands system may have even more new features in the future as well. World of Warcraft has hinted at new backgrounds that fans could collect and use for their Warbands, and WoW executive producer Holly Longdale teased completing Follower Dungeons with one’s own alts. Warbands are one of the most exciting new features coming in The War Within, and watching World of Warcraft evolve it in real time is likely to delight players in the new expansion.

WoW Dragonflight

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight was developed by Blizzard Entertainment and is the ninth expansion pack for the iconic massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft.

Dragonflight features an overhauled user interface, raises the level cap to 70, and introduces a new race and class. 

November 28, 2022


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