
  • A resourceful Tears of the Kingdom player created a deadly spiral vehicle using Colgera Jaws.
  • Their imposing war machine can make short work of mobs by mowing them down.

One resourceful The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player has recently devised a deadly spiral vehicle that uses Colgera Jaws to shred everything in its path. The wacky contraption hence essentially turns one of the scariest Tears of the Kingdom bosses into a comparably imposing war machine.

May 12 marked the first anniversary of Tears of the Kingdom‘s widely acclaimed release. Aside from substantially expanding on the Breath of the Wild map, the latest Zelda game also received high praise for its Ultrahand mechanics, which allow players to put together all sorts of vehicles and structures. Many fans are still enjoying tinkering with this system to this day.


Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Builds Functional Cruiser

One industrious Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player utilizes Zonai devices and planks to build a functional cruiser.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Builds Giant Enemy Mower

That demographic includes Reddit user kmarkow, who recently put together a deadly spiral vehicle that essentially acts as a giant mower. Their war machine is predominantly composed of parts of Colgera, the boss of Tears of the Kingdom‘s Wind Temple. Specifically, the player had created an elongated spring shape by sticking around a dozen Colgera Jaws to one another, thus ending up with a rather menacing-looking roller. The mechanism responsible for moving this contraption comprises one Zonai Big Wheel connected to a Stabilizer, which is itself flanked from the other side by a Steering Stick. Meanwhile, the wheel is conjoined with the jaws via a single Zonai Sled.

The player’s recently shared video demonstration of this war machine suggests that it is quite suitable for taking on enemy mobs, having had little trouble mowing down an entire Bokoblin patrol. The contraption also appears to boast surprising maneuverability relative to its bulky frame. Nevertheless, kmarkow said they still intend to attempt to improve its handling by adding more weight to the Steering Stick side. Based on the player’s footage, it would appear that the spiral vehicle can accommodate at least several more parts before hitting the game’s 21-component limit, after which it would start falling apart if any more items were to be added to it.

Although Colgera can be farmed by visiting Tears of the Kingdom‘s Depths after every Blood Moon, the sheer number of its jaws incorporated into this deadly contraption means that procuring its required components through battling would be an extremely time-consuming affair. Instead, kmarkow simply used some of their Zonaite reserves to mimic the necessary parts using the Autobuild ability.

One potential way of making this jaw mower even more deadly would be to make it cover an even wider area via so-called “stake nudging.” Originally discovered in summer 2023, this clever technique allows Tears of the Kingdom players to build invisible connections between objects.


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