Key Takeaways

  • Spider-Man
    movies showcase various versions of the hero with different narratives and implications.
  • Spider-Man 3
    may not have reached the heights of its predecessors but still provides iconic moments and entertainment.
  • Spider-Man: No Way Home
    serves as a well-executed event movie with a complex narrative that sets up the character for the future.

Spider-Man has been a success since his comic book days, going on to appear in multiple games, TV series, and movies. As a regular teenager trying to balance his personal life with the arduous journey of becoming a superhero, Spidey has created a catalog filled with great stories. In terms of movies, the web-headed superhero has spread his webs across ten movies since his first live-action Hollywood appearance in 2002.

Each with their own representation of Spider-Man, these movies present different aspects of the hero, and even different versions, as both Peter Parker and Miles Morales put on the mask at times. Be it because of how they develop their characters, depict comic book villains, or build up the hero’s origin story, there is a wide range of narratives in the best n Spider-Man movies.

10 Spider-Man 3

A Disappointing Ending To A Great Trilogy

As one of the most polarizing superhero movies out there, Spider-Man 3 wraps up the Sam Raimi trilogy starring Tobey Maguire on a somewhat controversial note. While it did provide iconic scenes and a lot of fan-service moments, the movie lacked in terms of story, attempting to do too much in a short amount of time.

With Eddie Brock as Venom, Harry Osborne as the Hobgoblin, black suit Peter Parker, and Sandman, this movie had a great list of villains, but it did not manage to give a worthy finale to the trilogy by giving enough focus to each of them. All in all, it still manages to be an entertaining watch despite some cringe-worthy moments and tumultuous storylines, which stopped it from reaching the heights of its predecessors.

9 The Amazing Spider-Man 2

An Unfocused Narrative With Potential For Greatness


Despite its promising start, the superhero’s reboot failed to reach its full potential, with the second installment lacking in so many ways. With an unfocused narrative, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 disappointed fans with an overstuffed plot similar to Spider-Man 3, with a plethora of villains that are never fully explored.

Yet it still managed to bring some crucial storylines to life, including one of the saddest deaths in all the Spider-Man movies as the hero fails to save Gwen Stacy. Overall, this movie had potential, with a talented cast, a solid predecessor, and great moments, but its overarching, overbloated narrative failed to reach its full potential.

8 Spider-Man: Homecoming

An Entertaining Adventure Wrapped In A Simple Story


  • Release Date: June 28, 2017
  • Director: Jon Watts
  • Rating: 7.4
  • Runtime: 133 minutes

As a fun and entertaining starting adventure to introduce the hero to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Spider-Man: Homecoming has its ups and downs. The movie is at its best when keeping things simple and straightforward in a classic Spider-Man adventure, especially considering it did not focus on giving the hero an origin story (again).

Yet it does not go much deeper than that, showcasing a colorful depiction of the superhero trying to prove himself as worthy of entering the MCU. While its refreshing and simple narrative did justice to the hero’s legacy, it was mostly a set-up story that lacks the narrative complexity that Spider-Man can have, especially since the film relied a lot on the MCU’s legacy.

7 Spider-Man: Far From Home

A Fun Spider-Man Adventure That Establishes The Hero In The Post-Endgame MCU

Tom Holland (Spider-Man Farm From Home)

  • Release Date: June 26, 2019
  • Director: Jon Watts
  • Rating: 7.4
  • Runtime: 129 minutes

Tom Holland’s portrayal of Peter Parker and Spider-Man has brought so much to all of his movies, including to Spider-Man: Far From Home’s overarching story. As one of the highest grossing Spider-Man movies, the Far From Home’s narrative does a great job at portraying Peter Parker’s personal struggles, Spider-Man’s responsibility, and teenage romance.

Combining some comedic fun with darker themes as Peter Parker struggles to come to grips with Iron Man’s death, the movie’s narrative definitely tells an interesting story. With the villain revealing Spider-Man’s identity in a series of great plot twists, the narrative does have its highlights despite still relying on the overarching MCU narrative to give it all context.

6 The Amazing Spider-Man

A Witty And Enjoyable Reboot That Played It Too Safe

The Amazing Spider-Man Franchise Gwen Stacy Emma Stone

As the first reboot following the Sam Raimi trilogy, Andrew Garfield stepped into Spidey’s shoes, doing a great job at portraying the web-headed superhero, especially his witty banter when wearing the mask. Retelling the hero’s origin story in a very similar way, The Amazing Spider-Man brought a similar narrative to its predecessors but with some added details to make it a tad more innovative.

However, its new elements were not enough to make this story stand out, especially considering that not a lot of time passed between the franchises. Overall, it managed to bring a great cast to a well-known story that did not have the complexity to rise beyond the original, despite great character relationships and emotional moments.

5 Spider-Man: No Way Home

A Well Executed Event Movie That Focuses On Giving Depth To Peter Parker

Spider-Man No Way Home Box Office Billion

Probably the biggest Spider-Man movie event ever, along with one of the best crossovers in the entire MCU, Spider-Man: No Way Home presented the reunion of all three live-action Spider-Men. The movie is filled with Easter Eggs and electrifying moments, as Tom Holland’s Peter Parker tries to define what it means to be his own version of Spider-Man.

Even though the story has its fair share of plot holes, it still managed to give a complexity to the MCU’s Spider-Man that had been lacking previously, allowing him to mature into the superhero he wants to be. With an emotional and fitting ending, it provides a well executed narrative that has more positives than negatives, especially considering how it was able to set up the character for the future.

4 Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse

The Perfect First Part To An Epic Two-Part Story

Spider-Man Across The Spider-Verse Spidey Variant

After the success of the Sony animation Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, its sequel managed to keep up that pace with an animation worthy of its name. While there is no agreement on which is the better movie, in terms of story, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse probably has the highest highs, featuring incredible and unique versions of the superhero from across the multiverse.

However, the movie ends on a cliffhanger, as it is only part one of a two-part story. Despite its incomplete status, the second installment of Miles Morales’ story comes with incredible moments as the young hero defies everyone to come to his own definition of what it takes to be Spider-Man in a Spider-Verse filled with its own rules.

3 Spider-Man

A Simple Yet Influential Template For Superhero Movies

tobey mcguire as spider-man

  • Release Date: April 30, 2002
  • Director: Sam Raimi
  • Rating: 7.4
  • Runtime: 121 minutes

There is a reason why this movie is considered an important step for the superhero genre in becoming what it is today, as Sam Raimi introduced the iconic wall-crawler to audiences in a comic book movie that serves as a template for so many others. While Spider-Man is simple, and it does not innovate on the genre by today’s standards, this narrative plays on the strengths of the genre nonetheless.

Not only introducing Peter Parker as a relatable character, Spider-Man also brought one of the character’s best and scariest villains to life. This movie not only inspired the tone of other superhero movies, it gave a narrative anchor to other Spider-Man installments as well, making the Spider-Man franchises what they are today.

2 Spider-Man 2

A Great Spider-Man Story And A Sequel To Remember

A picture from Spider-Man 2

  • Release Date: June 25, 2004
  • Director: Sam Raimi
  • Rating: 7.5
  • Runtime: 127 minutes

Even though Spider-Man 2 has a lot of elements that made it stand out upon its release, it really shines through its story, which proves that a good superhero story does not have to innovate on every level to be great. As a superhero movie with a story worth watching, Spider-Man 2 follows the hero’s complex emotional journey as he questions whose duties are more important: Peter Parker, or Spider-Man

As Peter Parker struggles with all of his relationships, including one with his mentor turned villain, this sequel improves on the original by taking a special interest in its characters. The narrative is gripping from start to finish, aided by memorable moments and action-packed scenes that still flourish 20 years later.

1 Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

A Fresh Take On Spider-Man With A Heartfelt Message And Bold Storyline

penne parker, spider-gwen, spider-ham, miles morales spider-man, peter b. parker spider-man, spider-noir

  • Release Date: December 12, 2018
  • Directors: Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman
  • Rating: 8.4
  • Runtime: 117 minutes

With a fresh new perspective as Miles Morales takes on Spidey’s webbed mantle, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse brought a breath of fresh air to a well-known and well-loved superhero. Focusing on the story of a different Spider-Man as he comes into contact with other Spider-Men from across the multiverse, Miles Morales is a young hero trying to overcome his fears to save the people he loves.

This movie has a breathtaking art style, an incredible soundtrack, and a plethora of Easter Eggs, yet it stands out for its flawless story that, when everything comes together, feels like a comic book come to life. By delivering a heartfelt message through a complex protagonist, Into the Spider-Verse ranks as one of the best Spider-Man movies ever made with its bold, unmatched storytelling making it a warm and worthy watch.


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