
  • Sega has created many beloved characters, but some heroes often go overlooked or forgotten.
  • Heroes like Protagonist from
    Super Hang-On
    and Ulala from
    Space Channel 5
    deserve a chance to return to the limelight.
  • Characters like Vectorman, Hibana, Ax Battler, Tillis, Daniel Curien, Vyse, and Orta also deserve more attention and recognition.

Sega is known for creating some of the most beloved adventures in all of gaming, and crafting formidable heroes to embark on these adventures. Names like Sonic The Hedgehog and Kazuma Kiryu are legendary in the gaming world, but aside from these deservedly beloved characters, Sega is home to many other heroes that often go overlooked.


The 7 Best Sega Characters, Ranked

There have been countless iconic Sega characters created over the years, but the following seven stand out above the rest.

Sometimes these protagonists are dismissed or forgotten too quickly by fans. Other times, it’s Sega themselves that allow these perfectly good characters to languish in obscurity. Whatever the circumstances of these characters going underappreciated, these heroes deserve a chance to return to the limelight.

10 Protagonist (Super Hang-On Arcade Version)

An Old Man Who Can Show Up Racers Half His Age

The female console protagonist and the male arcade protagonist posing for the camera in the console ending of Super Hang-On

  • Platform(s): Arcade, Genesis
  • Released: April 4, 1987
  • Developer: Sega AM2
  • Genre(s): Racing

Super Hang-On received a console port like most of Sega’s Arcade classics, but it’s a little-known fact that the nameless protagonist actually differs between the console and arcade version. On consoles, the player-controlled racer removes their helmet to reveal a young woman, but in the arcade version, the protagonist is revealed to be an old man.

While both protagonists are great, an older person racing on a turbo-charged motorcycle against racers half his age is arguably more impressive and interesting. There are implications that the two protagonists might be related, which would be fascinating to see explored.

9 Ulala (Space Channel 5)

A Fearless Reporter Who Dances With Danger

Ulala from Space Channel 5 posing with backup dancers

Space Channel 5
June 4, 2000


Space Channel 5 is a fan-favorite Sega game, and its protagonist Ulala is just as precious to fans. In a charmingly bizarre plot involving alien invasions and mind-control, fearless reporter Ulala is able to do a better job of saving the day then most law enforcement, and because Space Channel 5 is a rhythm game, she usually does this by dancing.


5 Best Rhythm Games For Beginners

Players new to the rhythm genre can begin their journey with these games.

Aside from her excellent dance moves, fans love Ulala for her bravery and professionalism. While other civilians run screaming from the danger, she calmly struts towards it. It’s a fearless dedication to journalism that would make Lois Lane proud.

8 Vectorman (Vectorman)

A Beloved Robot Character Fans Would Love To Return

Vectorman jumping off the wing of a plane.

  • Platform(s): Genesis
  • Released: October 24, 1995
  • Developer: BlueSky Software
  • Genre(s): Action, Platformer

As a robot fighting to save the earth from other robots, it’s easy to see the heroic Vectorman as a copy of Mega Man. However, his awesome spherical design helps him to stand out. He can also rearrange the spheres his body is made of to transform into different forms with different gameplay mechanics.

This definitely helps Vectorman stand out, and his games have all been hits. Unfortunately, he hasn’t appeared in his own game since 1996’s Vectorman 2, but with his awesome look, attitude, and abilities, Vectorman is a character old-school fans would love to see make a comeback.

7 Hibana (Nightshade)

An Awesome Female Protagonist Too Often Forgotten

The main character of Nightshade, called 'Kunoichi' in Japan, Hibana in both her full ninja outfit and her unmaked outfit

  • Platform(s): PlayStation 2
  • Released: December 4, 2003
  • Developer: Sega Wow
  • Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Hack and Slash

When it comes to the venerable Shinobi franchise, there’s much debate over whether Joe Mushashi or Hotsuma is the better ninja protagonist. Too often, though, these debates exclude Hibana from the spinoff Nightshade, called Kunoichi in Japan.

As awesome as Joe and Hotsuma are, their stoicism can be a little on the dry side. By contrast, Hibana is just as skilled, but has more of a sense of humor that makes her more interesting to listen to. Rounded out by an awesome design, Hibana is a character who deserves far more attention.

6 Ax Battler (Golden Axe)

A Hero Ignored By Fans And Sega Alike

Official artwork of Ax Battler from Golden Axe

  • Platform(s): Arcade, Genesis
  • Released: January 27, 1989
  • Developer: Sega
  • Genre(s): Beat ‘Em Up, Hack and Slash

While many Golden Axe fans claim to love the trio of heroes from the first game the best, they usually mean they love Gilius Thunderhead and Tyris Flare. Ax Battler, who doesn’t actually battle with an axe, tends to get ignored. This is likely due to his all-rounder stats preventing him from standing out compared to his friends.

Despite being front and center on box art and even getting his own spinoff game for the Game Gear, Ax gets this treatment in modern times from Sega as well. Ax is only used as a representative of his series if the other two are as well. As a noble barbarian hero out to avenge his mother, Ax deserves better.

5 Tillis (Burning Rangers)

A Sweet Heroine Who’s Been Through The Ringer

Tillis from Burning Rangers smiling into the camera

  • Platform(s): Sega Saturn
  • Released: February 26, 1998
  • Developer: Sonic Team
  • Genre(s): Action, Platformer, Third-Person Shooter

It’s common for heroes to have tragic backstories, and Tillis from Burning Rangers has one of the worst. After her parents died in a fire, young Tillis was treated poorly in the foster system. While this would cause angst for almost any other character, all it did for Tillis was inspire her to save other people from the same fate.


10 Games That Let You Play As A Firefighter

For players that want to experience the life of a firefighter, check out these great games that let you play as a fireman.

Despite the darkness of her past, Tillis is one of Sega’s sweetest, happiest characters. Her ability to be so positive with such a sad origin makes her both inspiring and fascinating. It’s surprising that she hasn’t shown up again, even in Sega’s crossover games.

4 Daniel Curien (House Of The Dead 3)

The Villain’s Son Who Blames Himself For His Father’s Sins

Daniel Curien from House Of The Dead 3

  • Platform(s): Arcade
  • Released: December 19, 2002
  • Developer: Wow Entertainment
  • Genre(s): Rail Shooter, Light Gun Shooter, Horror

Many House Of The Dead fans know that Dr. Curien created the zombie apocalypse while trying to cure his terminally ill son, Daniel Curien. House Of The Dead 3 finally introduces players to Daniel, making him a playable character. Feeling guilty for his father’s descent into villainy, Daniel pledges to put an end to his family’s twisted work once and for all.

Despite Daniel’s connection to the series’ main antagonist, he’s only playable in the final mission in the third game. Because of this, even fans of the series might not know he even exists. With his compelling backstory and his excellent reasons for being involved in the games’ plot, Daniel feels like he isn’t being used to his full potential.

3 Vyse (Skies Of Arcadia)

A Cool Protagonist With A Fun Appearance

Aika and Vyse in Skies Of Arcadia

Skies of Arcadia
January 27, 2003



There’s a long line of excellent characters who deserve to be in the JRPG protagonist hall of fame. But even in such a crowded market, Vyse from Skies Of Arcadia gets overlooked far too often. The heroic sky pirate is an awesome character who deserves far more attention than he gets.

His cool outfit, swords, personality, and occupation help Vyse stand apart from his more medieval and cyberpunk contemporaries. Plus, there’s not many JRPG heroes who can boast about having a ride as cool as the legendary Delphinus. Many fans want to see Skies Of Arcadia return, and Vyse is a big reason why.

2 Orta (Panzer Dragoon Orta)

The Character Who Brought Her Series To A Satisfying Conclusion

Orta from panzer Dragoon Orta petting her dragon

  • Platform(s): Xbox
  • Released: December 19, 2002
  • Developer: Smilebit
  • Genre(s): Rail Shooter

Many Panzer Dragoon fans claim that the best game of the series was Panzer Dragoon Orta, serving as both an excellent example of a modern rail shooter and a satisfying finale to the beloved series. As the game’s titular protagonist, Orta receives a great deal of that love too. The fact that she is the series’ only main female protagonist helps as well.


7 Video Games That Let You Ride Dragons

Take to the skies on the back of a fire-breathing lizard in these dragon-riding games.

In an interesting twist on a fairy tale cliche, Orta is imprisoned in a tower but rescued by a dragon. She then embarks on an epic quest that many fans agree provided an excellent ending for the series. With this in mind, many would like to see Sega utilize her more.

1 Adam Hunter (Streets Of Rage)

Part Of The Original Trio Who Were Benched For Half The Series

Adam Hunter cracking his knuckles in a cutscene from Streets of Rage 4

Streets of Rage
Genesis , Sega CD , Game Gear , Master System , 3DS

September 18, 1991

Beat ‘Em Up

The original Streets Of Rage game featured ex-cops Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding, and Adam Hunter in their quest to take down an evil crime syndicate. While Axel and Blaze would go on to become some of Sega’s most iconic heroes, Adam was reduced to an NPC in the next two games.

Adam has maintained a strong fanbase despite this, especially after Streets Of Rage 4 gave him a more unique moveset, but even in that game, he had only a minor role in the story. As a member of the trio that started this legendary franchise, Adam deserves just as much attention as Axel and Blaze.


8 Best Sega Series Of All Time

Sega is synonymous with several legendary franchises that have captivated fans for decades.


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