
  • Base-building in Minecraft is a core experience, but lacks direct mob interaction for tasks like mining and farming.
  • Palworld’s detailed base-building mechanics and helper Pals could inspire future updates for Minecraft.
  • Minecraft could benefit from introducing Golems with specific tasks, similar to Palworld’s helper Pals.

Base-building mechanics are a huge part of Minecraft‘s core experience, with players slowly turning rough shelters into well-crafted homes over the course of a given playthrough. While there are a lot of unique ways for players to decorate and personalize their in-game homes, there are not a lot of ways in which they can directly interact with other mobs to aid in things like mining, farming, and crafting.

Minecraft shares a lot of similarities with the recently launched and massively popular Palworld, especially with both titles focusing on survival and crafting elements. The base-building aspect of Palworld is much more detailed than Minecraft, however, with the game’s AI being able to directly help the player in the more redundant aspects of survival and home-making. Ultimately, this is something that could easily be brought to Minecraft in a future update by expanding the variety of Golems in the sandbox title.


One New Item in Minecraft 1.21 Could Unlock New Possibilities

Though they seem unassuming, a new Minecraft item could help pave the way for big changes and fresh features following the upcoming 1.21 update.

Palworld Could Inspire Very Helpful Golems in Minecraft’s Future

Capturing Pals is one of the main elements of Palworld, with players then being able to use them in combat and exploration, being very much in line with the Pokemon franchise. Palworld does offer its own unique take on this gameplay mechanic, though, with Pals being able to be stationed at a player’s home base to essentially act as helpful workers.

These Pals can be assigned a huge range of jobs in Palworld that take a lot of monotonous tasks away from the player. The following roles are available for helper Pals:

  • Farming
  • Cooling
  • Gathering
  • Mining
  • Transporting
  • Watering
  • Electricity Generation
  • Medicine Production
  • Lumbering
  • Planting
  • Handiwork
  • Kindling

Not all of these roles are applicable to Minecraft‘s gameplay, but there are still a lot of overlapping tasks that are just as monotonous in Minecraft as they are in Palworld. While home-building is still an engaging and enjoyable element of Minecraft, a lot of its most exciting gameplay comes through exploration, and everyday tasks like cooking, crafting, and farming only serve to get in the way of this.

Minecraft Needs to Catch Up on the Franchise’s Wider Golem Lore

Golems seem like the perfect pre-existing creatures in Minecraft‘s lore to serve a future purpose akin to the helper Pals of Palworld. Of course, Iron Golems can be crafted by players to help defend their homes from hostiles, but Golem variety within the base gameplay of Minecraft now pales in comparison to the franchise’s wider lore. Recent releases like Minecraft Legends featured tonnes of unique Golems based on different resources, and it seems time that Minecraft itself is updated to reflect this greater established variety.

These Golems should be somewhat difficult to summon, ensuring that newer players do not bypass a lot of the game’s finer mechanics while giving players of all experience levels something else to work towards with each playthrough. While some players have wanted Minecraft‘s villagers to act in this capacity for some time, it seems that the title can bring itself up to speed with the wider IP by having Golems take up specific tasks, with Palworld showing that this is clearly a mechanic that players resonate with.

minecraft game

PS4 , PS3 , PS Vita , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , 3DS , PC , Android , iOS , Wii U

November 18, 2011

E10+ For Everyone 10+ Due To Fantasy Violence

How Long To Beat

X|S Enhanced

File Size Xbox Series
1 GB (December 2023)


Split Screen Orientation
Vertical or Horizontal

Number of Players


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