There are a ton of different squad combinations in Apex Legends, and it seems like that number is going to keep growing every season. While it might not seem like there are that many characters to keep track of compared to games like Rainbow Six Siege or Overwatch, there are still a lot of different abilities that need to be exploited in order to overcome opponents.


Apex Legends Season 21: Best Legends For Beginners, Ranked

Apex Legends can seem intimidating to newcomers, but worry not. Here’s a list of the best legends to choose from if you’re new to this battle royale.

Though an action-packed shooter on the surface, Apex can be deceptively deep when it comes to the different ways characters can interact together to form some real team cohesion. A Legend that may not thrive too much on their own could be invaluable in a squad that knows how to use their abilities to their fullest extent. This list will explore many of the best possible squad combinations in Apex Legends.

Updated on May 26, 2024, by Prateek Pandey: With the introduction of Alter in Season 21, the game has seen drastic Legend meta changes. Alter’s tactical allows players to enter fortified buildings without triggering gas traps or getting caught in Wattson’s fences. Additionally, her Ultimate is a great safety net for players who like to play aggressively. The season update comes hot on the heels of the perk system update, which elevates a Legend’s Tactical and Ultimate abilities further. As such, players are bound to encounter teams utilizing unique playing styles and Legends to be the last one standing.

15 Octane, Mad Maggie & Ballistic

Elevated Speed And Offensive Abilities

Octane, Mad Maggie and Ballistic

This composition is the embodiment of speed within the game and is built to catch players off guard. With Mad Maggie’s wrecking ball leaving speed pads and Ballistic’s ultimate granting a speed boost, enemies will struggle to react quickly against this kind of offensive. This composition is ideal for players who struggle to sit still, and can almost guarantee players high kill, high damage games.

With a teammate playing as Octane, his stim ability only adds more speed to the chaos, and players looking for an ideal composition to catch enemies by surprise will need to look no further. Additionally, with the introduction of new Perks, Octane takes substantially less damage when using his stim ability. It should be noted, though, that the speed boost doesn’t stack up. As such, players using Octane’s stim will not get an additional boost with Ballistic or Mad Maggie’s Ultimate ability.

14 Ash, Pathfinder, Octane

Enhanced Movement And Verticality

Ash, Pathfinder and Octane legends

With Ash’s ultimate allowing her to cross long distances quickly, it gels well with Octane’s jump pad ability and Pathfinder’s Tactical. These characters can constantly use their abilities to move and gain elevation over unsuspecting teams. Pathfinder’s capability to grapple can allow him to gain great elevated positioning, perfect for players who love to use snipers.

Pathfinder’s perks further help this comp thrive, and players can opt to have the Tactical’s cooldown reset on every successful knock. Additionally, players can also help their team get out of sticky situations by using the energized ziplines, that grant 50 percent less damage. Octane’s double jump pad perk can also come in clutch for swift rotations, and Ash’s Tactical snare can keep enemy players from advancing.

13 Fuse, Horizon, New Castle

Grenade Spam And Speedy Revives

Fuse, New Castle, Horizon Team Comp

Fuse remains one of the best aggressors in Apex Legends. Thanks to his all-offensive kit, Fuse can startle enemy teams with his Knuckle Clusters, especially in the game’s final zones with limited room for movement. He can also stack grenades and lob them at great distances, which gels superbly with Horizon’s Ultimate ability Black Hole, which sucks enemy players in to restrict their advances.


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Players using New Castle in this comp will be able to assist their team by crafting banners and deploying the new-and-improved Ultimate Castle Wall. With the latest update, New Castle’s wall now destroys any projectiles thrown at it when it’s energized, similar to Wattson’s Pylon.

That said, while players can’t throw grenades back when near a Wattson’s pylon, that’s not the case with New Castle’s Castle Wall. Gamers can, therefore, take cover behind the Castle Wall and comfortably nuke enemies with Fuse. Horizon’s tactical allows the team to traverse Broken Moon and World’s Edge uneven terrain, too.

12 New Castle, Rampart, Caustic

Fortification Comp

New Castle, Rampart, Caustic

New Castle’s ultimate ability is undeniably strong this season and it works best for teams looking to hunker down. Add to that Rampart’s quick-deploying Amped Cover, and players can fortify a building and create a cover out of nothing when fighting in the open. Rampart’s Amped Cover also lets players reload their firearms quicker, which could turn the tide of the battle.

Meanwhile, those using Caustic can keep setting up gas traps, ensuring no team edges too close to the fortified walls. One of Caustic’s perks allows him to lob his gas traps much further, which should help lock down a sizeable area easily. His Ultimate is one of the most powerful abilities in the game and guarantees a squad wipe if deployed at the right moment. Defensive-minded players waiting for the fight to come to themselves will find a lot to like about this comp.

11 Alter, Lifeline, and Caustic

Instant Revives And Breaching Operations

Alter, Lifeline, Caustic

Alter is one of the strongest characters in Apex Legends right now. Players can use her tactical skills to sift in and out of buildings, escape quickly, or gain elevated positioning. They can also use the tactical to unnerve enemy players by kidnapping them into their room if they’re on the roof of a building. The ultimate ability, however, makes this comp work really well as it allows players to fall back to a predetermined spot.


Apex Legends: All of Alter’s Abilities, Explained

Master the art of disruption with Alter, Apex Legends’ latest legend. Harness her impressive abilities to defeat foes and dominate the apex games.

Players can tap into Alter’s Nexus even when knocked. As such, gamers can set up Alter’s Nexus before pushing a team. They can reinforce it with Caustic’s gas traps, should an opposition player take it, too. When knocked, players can fall back and rely on Lifeline for quick revives. This comp works well for players with a knack for fights as well as cagey teams.

10 Bangalore, Caustic, & Bloodhound

Disorientation And Offensive Abilities

Bangalore Caustic and Bloodhound split image

This squad is all about smoke. Caustic creates smoke that hampers enemies’ vision, damages their health despite their shield condition, and slows them down when inside a building. Bangalore has her own smoke capabilities that create a veritable blanket of smoke no one can see through. Making matters more interesting, Apex Legends has removed the Digital Threat optic from ground loot. As such, the only real counter to Bangalore’s smoke is using a recon legend, like Bloodhound or Crypto.

Speaking of which, when paired with a Bloodhound, that smoke becomes quite a handy tool. Bloodhound has two abilities to help him see in this situation. His Active ability will take a snapshot of enemies for the whole team to see, and his Ultimate will make the enemy glow red despite the smoky conditions, allowing him to gun down players like nobody’s business.

9 Catalyst, Loba, Crypto

Endless Loot And Reconnaissance

Catalyst, Loba, Crypto

Catalyst’s kit has also seen many improvements. For starters, Catalyst can now completely reconstruct broken doors and further reinforce them with Ferrofluid. This should allow players to catch their breath in the heat of a battle. Loba’s abilities need no introduction, and she is revered as one of the best Support legends in the game.

Her Ultimate can help players get much-needed loot. She can also get additional loot from Blue Supply bins and craft her team’s banners. Crypto’s updated abilities make him a more valuable recon legend, too. He can now announce the number of nearby squads without scanning banners. As such, players can post up in a building, reset with Loba’s loot, and get information on nearby players using Crypto’s drone. They can also use Crypto’s ultimate to nullify enemy traps and use Catalyst’s Ultimate to rotate freely.

8 Conduit, Lifeline, Ballistic

Never-ending Heals And Ammo

Conduit, Lifeline, Ballistic

Players looking to take fights early in the game should run this comp. Lifeline and Conduit can replenish the team’s shields and health. Ballistic can take point as his revamped kit will serve those with a knack for gunfights better. On that note, Ballistic’s smart bullet deals slightly more damage. More notably, his Sling weapon now levels up with a player’s shield.

This means players can run three decked-out weapons with Ballistic. Additionally, his Ultimate’s cooldown is not as long as that of some other legends, meaning the team will revel in enhanced movement and faster reloads in most fights. Conduit’s Radiant Transfer can be upgraded to heal two Legends, allowing players to partake in fights in quick succession.

7 Bloodhound, Revenant, Vantage

Recon And Offensive Abilities

Vantage, Bloodhound, Revenant

Players looking to get the most information before making their next move should find a lot to like about this comp. Vantage’s Ultimate gives her insight into an enemy’s shield from afar. Bloodhound’s tactical, on the other hand, can be used to get information about enemies up close. Additionally, both Bloodhound and Revenant can be quite the handful to deal with when they are using their respective Ultimate abilities.


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And, while most legends can’t keep up with Bloodhound’s elevated speed in his Ultimate, Vantage, and Revenant’s Tactical should help close distance, ensuring all party members can have an input in the fight.

6 Caustic, Wattson, & Wraith

Traps Galore

Apex Legends Wattsson Caustic art

This is one of the most infuriating comps to go up against in the game. In this, Wraith’s portals will be used to bait enemy players. The advantage to this is that enemies often have no way of knowing what the other end of the portal looks like, so they’re much more likely to fall into this trap.

While they can easily escape by jumping back through the portal, this does work to dissuade enemies from daring to jump in again. This gives the team some distance to work out the next steps. Additionally, when used in tandem with Caustic’s gas traps and Wattson’s fences, players will easily increase their KP.

5 Alter, Pathfinder, Loba

Endless Loot And Quick Rotations

Alter, Pathfinder, Loba

This is a well-balanced composition for players who want to get in and out of fights quickly. Alter’s Nexus acts as a fantastic safety net, allowing players to fall back if things get too heated. Thanks to Loba, the team will never run out of ammo or heals. Pathfinder, on the other hand, can scan for care package weapons and help the team rotate or get to a vantage point quickly.

Each legend in this comp wears multiple hats. Pathfinder, for instance, can scan for zones as well as enemies. Alter can bait enemies into taking her Tactical or Ultimate and Loba can craft banners, ensuring no player is left behind.

4 Bangalore, Gibraltar, & Lifeline

Quick Revives

Apex Legends BANGALORE, GIBRALTAR, LIFELINE cutscene sitting together in control room

This is one of those good, all-around compositions that can be great for newcomers in particular. There’s no real synergy to work with here, besides Bangalore and Gibraltar both having Ultimates that can severely limit an enemy’s ability to move into an area. Thanks to his perks, Gibraltar can also opt for a smaller Dome of Protection with a lesser cooldown and deploy it more aggressively.

With Lifeline’s revives and healing, the tanky Gibraltar’s defense, and Bangalore’s offensive prowess, one’s bases are largely covered here. All of these legends are solid, and together, they can make a tough, ready-for-anything kind of team.

3 Caustic, Mirage, Mad Maggie

Mighty Class Benefits And Confusion

Caustic, Mirage, Mad Maggie

Players looking to use a Legend from Assault, Support, and Controller class can give this comp a go. Caustic is an extremely viable Controller legend, and he can help reinforce the defenses in a building. Alternatively, he can box enemy players out and use his Ultimate to gain a strong gunfight advantage.

Mirage’s bamboozles can disorient enemy players, and his passive, which makes him invisible as he is reviving a teammate, is a good addition to any team, too. Mad Maggie can help on the offensive and keep enemy teams at bay with her Riot Drills. Alternatively, players can rotate or ambush a team with her Ultimate.

2 Revenant, Octane, Bloodhound

Recon And Offensive Traits

Apex Legends Best Team Comps Octane Revenant Bloodhound 3

Octane, when stimmed is the fastest-moving legend in all of Apex Legends, and that movement in a first-person shooter provides a naturally competitive advantage. Add in a Bloodhound who is tracking enemy movement and is constantly on the hunt, and that alone is a team that is focused on pushing and pressuring opposing teams.

Revenant adds a level of control, that comes together to provide one of the best Apex team combos for aggressive teams that want to be the fight initiators.

1 Bloodhound, Bangalore, Lifeline

Mighty Class Benefits, Quick Revives, And Disorientation

Bloodhound, Lifeline, Bangalore

The idea of pairing speed, tracking, and protection may sound like an impossible task on paper, but it’s actually feasible in Apex Legends. The mix of Bloodhound, Lifeline, and Bangalore is a formidable composition.

Bloodhound is great at gathering information and allowing a team to position themselves in a way that gains a clear advantage in any given scenario. As prefaced previously, Bangalore’s smoke can help players rotate freely. And, with Digital Threat optic out of rotation, it can also be used to support Bloodhound’s Ultimate. Add to that Lifeline’s D.O.C drone, players are guaranteed free revives should they go down in the heat of the battle.


Apex Legends

February 4, 2019

Battle Royale , First-Person Shooter


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