Key Takeaways

  • R-rated superhero movies like Deadpool & Wolverine are thriving, proving they can rake in cash like Avengers.
  • A shift towards R-rating enables Marvel to explore darker, bloodier storylines that captivate audiences.
  • Characters like Ghost Rider, Thor, Hulk, Moon Knight, and Doctor Strange would shine with gritty R-rated reboots.

Deadpool & Wolverine has proved to the Marvel Universe that R-rated superhero movies are here to stay, and they can make just as much money as The Avengers if given the chance. Audiences love the potential of R-rated movies, and now that the MCU has dipped its toe into the potential, there can be a craving for more, and endless characters that deserve a shot.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe can be ripe with characters that can get scary, bloody, and pretty vulgar. Outside of Deadpool and Wolverine, there are plenty of Marvel characters that deserve an R-rated movie so that audiences can see the true beauty behind some stellar characters.

6 Ghost Rider

The Spirit of Vengeance Needs to be R-rated For the Gruesome Horrors of Hell

One character has been absent from the Marvel spotlight for far too long, and it’s time the MCU does something about Johnny Blaze by letting the Ghost Rider ride again. Ghost Rider is bestowed the cursed spirit of vengeance to punish the guilty and save the innocent, even if he has the appearance of a demon straight out of Hell itself.

Ghost Rider can definitely work in the MCU, and there could be a ton of fun chemistry if it was a dance of hell between both Ghost Riders of Robbie Reyes and Johnny Blaze. Ghost Rider deserves another shot for Marvel fans to witness, and there’s nothing that can stop his vengeance, especially in an R-rated setting.

5 Thor

The God of Thunder Who Needs Less Laughs and More Pain

Thor might have enjoyed a length of popularity in the MCU, but it’s time for a revamp. Thor has led four solo adventures, but it seems they get sillier and more childish with each one. To revamp the character, Thor deserves to go back to the basics of what made his character work. After all, this is the Norse God of Thunder, and he deserves brutal respect and worship for his feats across the cosmos.

Thor has led plenty of gritty comics over the years, and it would be nice to see the talent of Chris Hemsworth sink his teeth into a role that will take Thor to darker corners and further explore the mythos of Asgard and the character without reliance on jokes. Thor’s endurance of suffering is what makes him great, so put Thor through the wringer and let him show the universe why he is worthy.

4 The Hulk

A Rageful and Horrific Monster That Needs to be Just That

If there’s one character in the MCU that is due for a total makeover, it’s the Hulk. This character has become somewhat of a joke in the MCU, and Mark Ruffalo’s time as the character deserves to be rewarded with his own movie. Whilst there might be a mix-up with rights issues for a solo movie, hopefully, the MCU can figure it out so that audiences can see a World War Hulk epic.

Having the Hulk roar his way through the carnage of battle is something fans of R-rated movies deserve. It’s about time Hulk was allowed to let loose, and the comic books over the years have shown how Hulk can be a brutal rageful monster as both a badass and a horror icon.

3 Moon Knight

A Violent Vigilante With Mental Health Problems Needs to Let Loose

Oscar Isaac has already led his own Disney Plus series as Marc Spector in the MCU’s Moon Knight, but the potential for the character goes way beyond the standard origin story. There are a lot of things left unsaid, and Moon Knight deserves to come back and leave his past behind to enjoy the thrills and violence for the Moon God of Khonshu in New York City.

Moon Knight needs to delve into those violent roots to really remain memorable, as the way that Marc Spector fights as Moon Knight is electrifying and horrific, and he doesn’t care how many wounds he sustains as long as vengeance is his. Moon Knight needs a violent and gritty sequel that will even have Batman quaking in his boots.

2 Doctor Strange

A Cosmic Universe of Horror Awaits the Master of the Mystical Arts

Doctor Strange has been in good hands at the MCU, and both his solo films have been led by horror director icons like Scott Derrickson and Sam Raimi. The former created Sinister, and the latter is the icon behind the Tobey Maguire-led Spider-Man trilogy and the creator of Evil Dead. With both directors well-versed in horror, Doctor Strange could easily enter a realm of cosmic possibilities and scary factors that could bring the MCU to new heights.

There are some horror elements in the Multiverse of Madness, but not enough to provide it with the R-rating that it deserves. Even in the comics, Doctor Strange’s world of magic can get dark and twisted, so bringing along a horror genius to turn Doctor Strange into an R-rated icon seems like a must-have for the MCU.

1 Venom

The Lethal Protector Needs to Get Lethal

Tom Hardy is set to conclude his Venom trilogy with Venom: The Last Dance releasing October 25, and there are a few factors in this trilogy that have led to disappointment. Whilst Eddie Brock and Venom’s relationship is a lot of fun, they’ve never met Spider-Man, and they have never embraced the R-rated roots that the character deserves. Venom is called the Lethal Protector for a reason, and there isn’t much lethal action going on.

The Venom movies play it pretty safe with language and violence, but a truly R-rated Venom movie could be the metal that Sony needs if they are to stand on their own two feet against the MCU if they refuse to join them. Venom definitely deserves a more twisted R-rated movie that thrives in body horror and creature gore.


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