Platformers are some of the most welcoming games for beginners. Just about anyone can play a classic platformer, including complete newcomers to video games. For the longest time, platformers were the default games for children, and even now, they are by far the most kid-friendly genre. That might be why so few of them embrace pure PvP modes like races, fights, or other kinds of competitions.

Still, some games (including some very popular ones) clearly have no issue turning this chill, relaxed genre into a ruthless race or even a fight. And while most online PvP platformers default to first-person or 2D races, the genre is vast enough to allow for many unique alternatives.

8 Fall Guys

Metacritic Score: 81

Fall Guys
August 4, 2020
Battle Royale , Platformer , Action

Fall Guys is easily the most well-known competitive multiplayer platformer around, and it’s also one of the most popular games out there. This mix of battle royale and obstacle course platforming seems to have taken the spot as the default low-stakes game to challenge friends online.

Fall Guys is an extremely approachable game. It has a large community, meaning there are always newcomers for fellow beginners to challenge. It’s free, so even players who don’t like this style of platforming only have time to lose. Finally, matchmaking is quick, and matches rarely last more than 10 minutes (at least for the players who are eliminated).

7 Fling to the Finish

Metacritic Score: N/A

Traversing a fallen three in Fling to the Finish

Fling To The Finish
August 23, 2021

SplitSide Games

Party Game

Fling to the Finish is a co-op competitive multiplayer marble-rolling platformer. Every player in a pair has their own ball to drive to the finish line, but the twist is that the two are permanently tied together by a rope.


9 Games That Have Unusual Multiplayer Modes

Multiplayer modes are common in this day and age, and some games like to push the envelope in their implementation of this feature.

That rope keeps a team close together, but can also be used to swing around, getting a lot of momentum and improving times massively. Maybe “rope” isn’t the right word, as it sometimes behaves more like a rubber band. And while maneuvering above cliffs, tying one marble to a wall and swinging with the other, is mostly an advanced technique, the game does occasionally require this kind of movement.

6 Marble It Up! Ultra

Metacritic Score: 76

Skipping part of a track in Marble It Up! Ultra

Marble It Up! Ultra is a marble rolling game that’s all about speed. That’s not surprising, considering it’s from the same developers as the first Marble It Up!. The same studio also worked on the very first Marble Blast, a much slower and more gimmicky platformer.

Marble It Up! Ultra does have a campaign full of short set pieces and questionable power-ups, but the heart of the game is in the online racing mode. Additional multiplayer modes include the classic gem hunt, a Rocket League-inspired soccer mode, and more.

5 Tomb Rumble

Metacritic Score: N/A

Multiple players competing to reach the end in Tomb Rumble

Tomb Rumble
September 15, 2021

Atelier 801
Platformer , MMO

Tomb Rumble is a beautiful, chaotic mess of a massive multiplayer platformer. Traveling through single-screen puzzle rooms, players compete to be the first to reach the exit while avoiding traps. Of course, players are encouraged to push each other into those traps, but often, the only way for anyone to win is to work together.


10 Best Free Platformers

Free platformers are surprisingly common and come in a variety of styles, from 2D and 3D, to puzzle and action-oriented.

From ancient tombs to forgotten jungles and museum exhibits, Tomb Rumble’s levels are widely varied thanks to the robust level editor. A variety of power-ups and curses keeps the game fresh on multiple playthroughs. While the game is free, a few paid DLCs unlock additional features like a home to keep all the collected treasures in.

4 Parkour Tag

Metacritic Score: N/A

Running after the opponent in Parkour Tag

Parkour Tag
January 24, 2022

Loopnova Studio


Parkour Tag is exactly what it sounds like: a video game about competitive tag. This first-person competitive platformer sees two players slide, jump, and wall-run until one catches the other or time runs out. Anyone who’s ever seen a video of a World Chase Tag match knows exactly what this means.

Parkour Tag might be a little barebones, but it features multiple maps, a single-player time trial mode, and public servers in case players don’t have a gaming partner at the ready. That said, as the developer of Parkour Tag explains, the game was designed to be played with friends, and can be a bit dry with strangers.

3 Brawlhalla

Metacritic Score: N/A

Rayman and two other characters fighting in Brawlhalla

October 17, 2017


Brawlhalla is a platforming fighting game in the vein of the Super Smash Bros., series but with more emphasis on precise platforming. Whether it is enough of a platformer to count is up to anyone’s interpretation. Still, the game is free: there’s no reason not to try it.

What makes Brawlhalla great, other than the general polish of the game, is the size. There are currently about 50 characters to choose from, some original and some borrowed from other properties. This wide variety extends to the gameplay itself, with over 20 multiplayer modes, some of which have little to no combat.

2 Hot Lava

Metacritic Score: 64

Competing with a friend in Hot Lava

Hot Lava
September 19, 2019


In Hot Lava, the floor is lava. Who has never jumped from furniture to furniture while pretending that touching the floor would mean certain death? In Hot Lava, the floor does mean death. And unlike similar first-person racing platformers, this is a complete game with a campaign of sorts and multiple game modes.


21 Co-Op Games Parents Can Play With Their Children

Parents wanting to play kid-friendly video games with their children should try the following cool co-op games.

The multiplayer mode in Hot Lava threads the line between cooperative and competitive. In truth, players are just going through the same course in parallel. But like any racing platformer, it’s easy enough to say that the first to reach the end of the level wins.

1 UFO: Unidentified Falling Objects

Metacritic Score: 76

A game of UFO Unidentified Falling Objects

UFO: Unidentified Falling Objects
August 9, 2023

Andrew Morrish
Action , Platformer , Puzzle

UFO: Unidentified Falling Objects is a weird puzzle-platformer about avoiding blocks and then pushing them around to make large single-color groups, making them explode. But blocks aren’t the only things falling from above: players must also avoid artillery shots, wandering tanks, and gather power-ups before they touch the floor.

Fans of the classic Flash gameSuper Puzzle Platformer will probably find UFO: Unidentified Falling Objects familiar. That’s because the latter is a remake of the first produced by the original creator. The biggest innovation, along with general polish and content, is an online multiplayer mode that goes up to 20 players at the same time.


10 Best Indie Platformers Ever, Ranked

Indie platformers capture that classic platforming charm that takes players back to the genre’s glory days while adding new twists to the formula.


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