
  • Horror games can be immersive and impactful when executed correctly, even with simplistic graphics.
  • Indie horror games, such as Mad Father and Yume Nikki, can be more effective in instilling fear due to their pixel graphics.
  • Games like Omori and Carrion offer unique and unforgettable horror experiences that challenge traditional tropes and gameplay mechanics.

Horror games have attracted a somewhat poor reputation for being chock-full of jumpscares and simplistic gameplay loops. However, this is a huge disservice to what this genre can achieve when its elements are pulled off correctly. After all, gaming is one of the most immersive mediums of all time. Developers who understand what horror is all about can craft masterful experiences that will remain in the minds of people long after they’re finished with the game.

In fact, games can absorb people so much that even graphics that are rather simplistic don’t detract from the experience. In fact, in some instances, these indie horror games end up being more effective because of how perfectly they manage to instill a sense of dread and fear in the player with these pixel graphics.

Updated on January 20, 2024 by Mark Sammut: The specifications have been added for every pixel horror game mentioned in this article.

7 Mad Father

Steam User Rating: 97%

Mad Father

Mad Father
December 10, 2012


How Long To Beat
3 Hours

Many fans of the horror craze that took over YouTube many years back are well aware of the masterful story told in Mad Father. The story of a daughter coming to grips with the idea of her father being an unhinged maniac, while trying to escape the horrors of his creations, makes for a riveting experience with many tense moments.


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These female villains from iconic horror games are pure nightmare fuel.

If the game itself wasn’t enough to create an emotional impact, then the endings are sure to serve as the final gut-punch in nerve-wracking experience. Mad Father is an excellent game that pushes its Wolf RPG Engine to new limits, and is effective in its execution of classic horror elements.

6 Yume Nikki

Steam User Rating: 93%

0_0000_Yume Nikki

Yume Nikki
June 26, 2004



How Long To Beat
5 Hours

Yume Nikki is one of the most popular indie titles of all time. It allows players to explore the dreams of a hikikomori — a person who has become a social recluse and refuses to leave their home. These dreams are extremely abstract, dripping with atmosphere…and can get extremely surreal.

In fact, there are times when Yume Nikki flips the horror switch and sends players through some horrifying nightmares that can be quite hard to process. To make things worse, the game has unexpected scares scattered across normal routes that are triggered randomly, making the act of exploration even more nerve-wracking.

5 Omori

Steam User Rating: 97%

Omori How to Beat King Crawler Boss (3)

December 25, 2020


How Long To Beat
21 Hours

The idea of combining psychological horror with JRPG tropes may not sound like a match made in heaven, but it’s the manner in which Omori‘s story keeps players hooked that makes this combination such a great one. Players will get genuinely invested in Sunny’s story as he slowly reconciles with his friends and manages to face…something.


18 Games Inspired By Earthbound

There are a lot of amazingly good games out there that were inspired by the iconic Earthbound. Here’s a look at some of the best.

The game doesn’t shy away from truly disturbing imagery that can catch the player off-guard. Sunny is clearly haunted by something, and it takes a long and arduous journey for players to figure out what’s going wrong.

4 Faith: The Unholy Trinity

Steam User Rating: 95%

Faith The Unholy Trinity

Faith: The Unholy Trinity
October 21, 2022

Airdorf Games

How Long To Beat
6 Hours

An indie horror game with a rabid fanbase, there’s a reason why Faith: The Unholy Trinity has such a massive following. The game understands how to weave the medium of video gaming seamlessly to craft a riveting horror experience that can get downright terrifying.

The game punishes the player for trying to avoid the horror this game is trying to convey, with its rudimentary pixel art hiding something truly nightmarish. The three chapters each hide devilish moments and well-executed horror tropes that make it a brilliant and underrated horror game.

3 Carrion

Steam User Rating: 94%

Carrion becomes the latest game to join PS Plus Premium, coming with a free trial for any players looking to try it out.

July 23, 2020

Phobia Studios

How Long To Beat
5 Hours

Reverse horror is a unique concept that many games have played around with, but there aren’t many games that execute it with the same level of finesse as Carrion. In this Metroidvania title, players control a ravenous blob that has to hunt enemies from the shadows and tear them to bits. Carrion is an excellent game that fans of horror titles should check out.


8 Best Horror Metroidvania Games, Ranked

The best Metroidvania games extend even to horror, providing action thrills and grand terrors to players brave enough to try them.

The idea of being the very monster that humans are trying to escape is certainly quite novel. However, there’s more to this supposed power fantasy than what meets the eye, making Carrion a unique and unforgettable experience.

2 World Of Horror

Steam User Rating: 93%

A screenshot from the upcoming game, showing the art that truly reflects Junji Ito's horror

World of Horror
December 8, 2023


How Long To Beat
2 Hours

After a period in Early Access, World of Horror made its official debut in October 2023, and it was worth the wait. While the main story can be technically completed quite quickly, players will be playing for way longer if they want to experience everything the game has to offer.

Dipping into cosmic fear territory, World of Horror uses its MS Paint-style visuals to tell creepy stories driven by choice, and the player’s picks can and will have steep consequences. The latter influence makes every decision feel massive since there are very few obvious or “good” selections in these stories.

1 Clock Tower

A Classic That Holds Up Beautifully (And Terrifyingly)

Jennifer being confronted by Scissorman

Clock Tower
September 14, 1995

Human Entertainment

Survival Horror , Adventure

How Long To Beat
3 Hours

Unlike most pixel horror games highlighted in this discussion, Clock Tower fits the descriptor mostly due to its age rather than a graphical style that is a throwback to yesterday. It’s a point-and-click adventure title in which players need to roam around a desolate mansion after their friends mysteriously disappear.

Throughout their adventures, the protagonist is hounded by the iconic Scissorman, whose imposing appearance coupled with an iconic soundtrack truly makes these chase sequences more unnerving than they have any right to be. While getting the best ending in this game can be confusing, it’s a small complaint in what is otherwise a masterful experience that is going to receive a much-deserved enhanced port after the longest time.


Best FMV Horror Games

When in the mood for something different, horror fans can’t go wrong with these excellent FMV games.


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