Old MMORPGs hold a timeless charm, embodying the pioneers of virtual realms that captivated players across generations. Their significance transcends pixels and quests, reflecting the evolution of online communities and shared adventures. These digital sanctuaries not only shaped gaming culture but also fostered countless friendships, many of which are going strong to this day.

Not every MMORPG manages to garner enough audience to keep going, even fewer withstand the test of time. It takes something truly special to make a game that can become a home for millions of players, and enormous effort to continue working on it for many years to come.

RELATED: MMORPGs That Have Changed A Lot Over The Years

8 Lineage 2

Average Daily Players According To MMO Stats: 4.2k

Lineage 2

Lineage 2 captured the hearts of many RPG fans, with innovative graphics, intricate lore, and a dynamic player-driven economy. Released in the early 2000s, it set new standards for PvP gameplay and castle sieges, fostering an unparalleled sense of rivalry.

Even today the game is far from forgotten, with a dedicated player base cherishing the nostalgia and unique features that made it iconic. With many private servers improving and customizing the experience, thousands of players are still coming back to this nostalgic gem.

7 Aion

Average Daily Players According To MMO Stats: 5.3k


Aion did a lot to stand out among the sea of other MMORPGs of its time, with a unique and creative class system, interesting lore that drives the divided PvP-inclined world, and many other features.

RELATED: MMORPGs With Great Classes

To this day, even the official servers are actively populated by thousands of players every day, though perhaps the majority of the fanbase is enjoying the perks of private and unofficial servers. Those wishing to hop back in will easily find a plethora of people to play with and embrace the nostalgic wave.


Average Daily Players According To MMO Stats: 28.8k


PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S

May 1, 2012


One of the interesting aspects, and a big selling point for many, was TERA’s non-targetting combat system. While the norm for many games, most fantasy MMORPGs relied on a much more basic system, where players simply needed to select a target and an ability to engage in combat. It was executed fairly well, and combat was both quite enjoyable and skill-based.

While the fanbase has slowly dwindled over the years, many still enjoy the magical world full of unique races and magic, hunting down the notoriously massive bosses that the game has to offer. While the game may no longer be available on PC, it is still available on consoles.

5 Neverwinter

Average Daily Players According To MMO STATS: 50.2 thousand


PC, PS4, Xbox One

June 20, 2013


Based on the popular TTRPG: Dungeons and Dragons, the game already had an interested fanbase before the game was even launched. With familiar classes and abilities, it was truly a beautiful adaptation of the Forgotten Realms.

RELATED: Epic D&D Campaign Ideas for Dungeon Masters

The game still gets regular content updates, often following newly released D&D supplement books and adventures, with Spelljammer being the latest addition. As both D&D and games like Baldur’s Gate 3 are on the rise in popularity, perhaps it is time to dust off the old armor and join an old guild for a quest or two?

4 EVE Online

Average Daily Players According To MMO Stats: 1.2 million

EVE Online

EVE Online

May 6, 2003


Even those unfamiliar with the game, might have heard of certain news revolving around it, such as the truly shocking $33,000 sale of a rare in-game spaceship. That is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the game’s player-driven economy. The game is one of the biggest examples of a sandbox, and players can truly reign free among the stars.

The game still remains extremely popular, with millions of players online every month. That is a true testament to the game’s unshakeable foundation, and a fantastic example of how sometimes, players being in charge is not such a bad thing.

3 Guild Wars 2

Average Daily Players According To MMO Stats: 1.4 million

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2

August 28, 2012


Guild Wars 2 tried to distinguish itself from the very start, with its unique art style, engaging and dynamic combat, fully voiced character stories and so much more. Over the years, they managed to grow their community to where it is today, with regular updates and occasional large expansions.

RELATED: Games With A Low Barrier For Entry But A High Skill Ceiling

Interestingly enough, there is still a fairly active player base for the first Guild Wars, with diehard fans keeping the original MMORPG alive. Even today, the game is still an amazing choice for those looking for a massive RPG to dive in, with more and more features every year.

2 Old School RuneScape

Average Daily Players According To MMO Stats: 2.2 million

Old School RuneScape

Old School RuneScape
Android, Linux, Microsoft Windows, iOS, macOS

January 4, 2001

Free-to-Play, RPG, Adventure

It would be impossible to underestimate the importance of Runescape. Released in 2013, it revived the magic of the early 2000s, captivating a generation with its simple yet profound gameplay. The game has an incredibly rich history, with countless forged friendships, rivalries, and the worst cases of early internet pranks like “alt+F4 for free gold”.

The game’s relentless appeal stems from its timeless design, resisting the ever-evolving trends. Today, it’s not just a game. It’s a living legend, cherished for preserving the essence of online gaming’s golden age, where adventures were pixelated, challenges were quests, and the joy of exploration was limitless.

1 World of Warcraft

Average Daily Players According To MMO stats: 4.4 million

World of Warcraft

By now, there probably isn’t a single person who hasn’t heard of the game. With so many appearances throughout the years in various forms of media, from movies to TV shows and cartoons, to say the game is popular would be a wild understatement.

One of the big reasons for the game’s continual success is the endless renovations that Blizzard has added over the years. While they might not have always hit the mark, the continued support from millions of players shows that at least something is being done right. Both new players and veterans alike are coming to the magical world of Azeroth, and players are always welcome to give the titan of the industry a spin.

MORE: Every World of Warcraft Expansion in Chronological Order


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