
  • Flame, Cleanse Me saves players from scarlet rot and poison in Elden Ring, making dangerous areas easier to navigate.
  • Wrath Of Gold is a powerful incantation that knocks enemies back, perfect for overwhelming situations in the game.
  • Black Blade is a devastating spell that can one-shot enemies and reduce boss HP, a must-have for faith-build characters.

Elden Ring is considered a difficult game, with tough boss encounters, relentless enemies, and hazardous areas. Luckily for the player, the game supplies many weapons, armor, sorceries, and incantations to use while exploring the Lands Between. Players get to build a character that works for them, creating unique warriors ready to take on the dangers of Elden Ring. Some of the most overpowered spells in the game are incantations.


Elden Ring: Most Overpowered Weapon Of Each Category, Ranked

Elden Ring contains a lot of overpowered weapons for players to discover. These are some examples from each of the main weapon categories.

Incantations are faith-based spells that have a more primal feel to them. Where sorceries often deal with cosmic energy, Incantations use flame, blood, and earth. They also have a strong connection with many of the gods of the setting, from the Erdtree itself to the Frenzied Flame. Incantations can turn the tide of a fight, dispatching multiple enemies at once or dealing great damage to single foes. Many of these spells are spectacular when cast and are as beautiful as they are deadly.

8 Flame, Cleanse Me

Burns Away Scarlet Rot

10 Most Overpowered Incantations In Elden Ring player using spell to cleanse scarlet rot at the lake of rot

  • FP Cost: 14
  • Requires: Faith 12

Not every overpowered spell in Elden Ring is used for attacking enemies. Flame, Cleanse Me is a fire monk incantation that makes certain areas in the game a lot easier. Using this spell will cure both poison and scarlet rot, as well as alleviate any build-up the player has.


Elden Ring: Hardest Non-Boss Enemies, Ranked

Elden Ring is notorious for challenging players in combat with a plethora of tough battles. Here are the toughest non-boss foes in the game.

Scarlet Rot, in particular, is one of the most dangerous effects in the game. It can sap HP from players very quickly and, without this spell, will often kill many players before they realize their health is low. With the Fire, Cleanse Me incantation equipped, dangerous areas such as the Lake of Rot and Caelid become almost harmless to the player. Additionally, any boss that uses scarlet rot or poison to weaken players becomes a lot less threatening. By burning away the damaging effects, the player saves their health flasks, ready for the area’s enemies and tough boss battles. Players will find this spell early in the game in the Lake Of Liurnia region. It is found on a corpse in a Fire Monk camp.

7 Wrath Of Gold

Call Forth A Golden Wave To Knock Enemies Back

10 Most Overpowered Incantations In Elden Ring A golden burst coming from a player

  • FP Cost: 40
  • Requires: Faith 32

This dazzling Erdtree Incantation is extremely overpowered when players are surrounded by enemies. The spell may cost a large amount of FP, but its quick use and wide AOE ensure all enemies will feel the full force of the incantation. Some of the most dangerous times in Elden Ring are when enemies swarm and overwhelm the player. This incantation can completely trivialize these situations. In addition, the spell’s holy damage makes it even more effective against undead enemies, instantly stopping them from regenerating. Hordes of skeletons will instantly fall when exploring the many catacombs of the game, sending them to a permanent death.

Wrath Of Gold doesn’t only deal damage, but can also knock some enemies off their feet. For lower-level enemies, this incantation will completely overpower them. This spell is located in the Altus Plateau region, within the Woodfolk Ruins. Players will find it after descending the stairs and opening the chest at the bottom.

6 Black Blade

Slash Single Foes With Deadly Precision

10 Most Overpowered Incantations In Elden Ring Player blasting an enemy with black blade incantation

  • FP Cost: 26
  • Requires: Faith 46

One of the strongest incantations in Elden Ring, the Black Blade is capable of one-shotting many lower-level enemies and making short work of common bosses in the game. This incantation is first seen in the fight with Maliketh, where he rises into the air and shoots devastating waves of light at the Tarnished. For players, this long-range incantation can be a lifesaver in deadly situations and can easily clear enemies before they even agro. In addition to the initial attack, the spell reduces the enemy’s max HP and continues to sap HP for a short time afterward, which can be great for finishing off a boss without getting too close.


Elden Ring: Worst Weapons, Ranked

It’s best to know what weapons players should avoid in Elden Ring so that they can have a better time in the Lands Between without dying so much.

The spell is a must-use for players using a faith-build character. While it is only available in the later game, the spell can be devastating against all enemies. Players can acquire the incantation after defeating Maliketh and acquiring the Remembrance of the Black Blade.

5 Ekzykes’s Decay

Drain Enemy’s HP With Clouds of Scarlet Rot

10 Most Overpowered Incantations In Elden Ring Player in Elden Ring breathing scarlet rot dragon spell

  • FP Cost: 48
  • Requires: Faith 23, Arcane 15

While dragon breath spells can be tricky to use, Ekzykes’s Decay can be one of the most devastating spells in the game. Scarlet Rot is as dangerous for players as it is for other enemies. This Dragon Communion Incantation allows players to rise from the ground and breathe a cloud of scarlet rot directly at their foes. Enemies inflicted with rot will be drained of HP. Some of the most dangerous bosses in the game can be beaten without ever getting close to them. All the player needs to do is avoid their attacks and let the scarlet rot eat away at their health.

The downside to this incantation is its long wind-up. Getting hit will cancel the attack, meaning distance and good timing are required to use the spell effectively. Inflicting bosses with scarlet rot can give struggling players a much-needed advantage and can be seen as one of the game’s “easy mode” options. Ekzykes’s Decay is one of the best incantations to do this. Players can acquire the spell from the Cathedral of Dragon Communion in Caelid, after defeating Decaying Ekzykes nearby.

4 Placidusax’s Ruin

Decimate Enemies With The Power Of The Dragonlord

10 Most Overpowered Incantations In Elden Ring Player in Elden Ring using an incantation to kill enemies

  • FP Cost: 62
  • Requires: Faith 36

Unlike Dragon Communion-type spells, this unique incantation does not require points in arcane. Placidusax’s Ruin engulfs an area, decimating any enemies close to the Tarnished. The spell inflicts both lightning and fire damage on enemies and, if well-timed, can be extremely damaging to many of the game’s bosses, ending the encounter before it has really begun.

Like many dragon breath spells, Placidusax’s Ruin can leave the player open to attack, so it does require good timing. However, the spell lasts a long time, so any enemies caught in its effect are likely to die before they can get close. The incantation also takes up 3 spell slots for the player, giving limited options for other powerful spells. All this aside, Placidusax’s Ruin hits extremely hard and, if used correctly, can clear an area of enemies with its destructive beams of death.

3 Burn O’Flame!

Pillars Of Flame Destroy Enemies

10 Most Overpowered Incantations In Elden Ring Player in Elden Ring summoning fire to send enemies flying

  • FP Cost: 26
  • Requires: Faith 27

This Fire Giant Incantation is extremely effective against groups of enemies, killing them outright before they even have a chance to attack. Players press their hands to the ground and call forth several pillars of flame that deal high amounts of damage and can knock enemies from their feet. This spell is a must for pyromancer builds and will become a common attack used throughout the game.


Elden Ring: 10 Most Dangerous One-Shot Boss Attacks

If Elden Ring players aren’t careful, these devastating boss attacks can easily one-shot them.

The spell can be used quickly, so it can be beneficial when surrounded as most enemies in the game will fall to this incantation’s overpowered AOE. Using this incantation in a boss battle is also a good strategy, as each pillar deals significant damage. This works especially well when there are multiple enemies in a boss fight. For any bosses that are weak to flame, this incantation is a must-use and can quickly turn a fight in the player’s favor. This spell can only be acquired after defeating the Fire Giant and receiving the Remembrance of the Fire Giant.

2 Giantsflame Take Thee

Throw A Massive Ball of Flame To Engulf Foes

10 Most Overpowered Incantations In Elden Ring Throwing a large fireball at an enemy in Elden Ring

  • FP Cost: 30
  • Requires: Faith 30

For players looking for the perfect pyromancer incantation to beat Elden Ring with, this Fire Giant spell is the ultimate weapon. Simple, yet highly effective, this spell hurls a large fireball at enemies, dealing large amounts of damage. In all of Fromsoftware’s Souls games, fireball attacks can trivialize boss encounters. Giantsflame Take Thee is Elden Ring’s version of this attack. Although the range is shorter than many other spells, and its FP cost is considerable, it is one of the deadliest spells in the game. In short, Giantsflame Take Thee is a must-have incantation.

Like many of the spells in Elden Ring, charging this overpowered incantation will make it even more dangerous. Players will be able to acquire this spell from either Brother Corhyn or Miriel, Paster of Vows, after giving them the Giant’s Prayerbook. This book is found in the Mountaintop of the Giant’s region, in the Guardians’ Garrison.

1 Scarlet Aeonia

Overwhelm Enemies With Rot

10 Most Overpowered Incantations In Elden Ring Scarlet Aeonia Flower exploding

  • FP Cost: 48
  • Requires: Faith 35

This Servants of Rot Incantation is maybe one of the most beautiful-looking spells in the game. Using Scarlet Aeonia, players create a huge flower that bursts into a brilliant display of deathly power. Although the spell is slow to start, if timed correctly, enemies will either instantly die or quickly be infected with scarlet rot when activated. Any subsequent playthroughs of the game will be a stroll in the park when using Scarlet Aeonia, especially against many of the early game enemies.

This may also be one of the toughest incantations to acquire in the game. It is only available after defeating the notorious Malenia, Blade of Miquella. Once players have got the Remembrance of the Rot Goddess, this effective spell will decimate any remaining foes the game has to offer. Although the FP cost is high, few enemies will be able to stand against this spell. Scarlet Aeonia knocks enemies back, deals a lot of damage, and inflicts large amounts of scarlet rot quickly, ensuring that even if they don’t immediately die, they soon will.

elden ring cover

Elden Ring
February 25, 2022


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