
  • Creativity and chaos make for the most fun
    parties, so embrace original character designs and sprinkle in some chaos for epic adventures.
  • Movie heroes like JB, Inigo Montoya, Ratcatcher, and Peacemaker can add unique traits and skills to your
    party for exciting gameplay.
  • From a Bard rocking out like JB to a vengeful Warrior like Beatrix Kiddo, each character brings a different dynamic to the party with their individual strengths and backstory.

Creating the perfect Dungeons & Dragons party depends on several factors: balancing out classes, builds, and personal character objectives. But the most fun D&D runs are those that are sprinkled with a dose of chaos, where players are given creative freedom to indulge in the most original character designs.


Dungeons and Dragons’ Core Rulebook Changes Make One System The Best It’s Ever Been

Dungeons and Dragons’ set of upcoming revised handbooks are finally addressing an important issue found in D&D 5e’s mechanics.

What about building a party using characters from a movie? That would be absolutely awesome. This list has eight great examples of movie heroes (and villains) that would make perfect Dungeons & Dragons characters. Having any of these guys on the same party would guarantee some epic adventures!

8 JB (Tenacious D: The Pick Of Destiny)

He Would Rock The Hell Out Of Being A Bard

JB Tenacious D The Pick Of Destiny

  • Release Date: 2005
  • Genre: Comedy, Satire, Action, Musical
  • Runtime: 93 minutes

When making a party of 10 D&D players, the first question everyone needs to ask is: Who’s going to be the Bard? Well, here is the perfect movie character to play a bard in any party: JB (Jabbles) from Tenacious D: The Pick Of Destiny. The fact that Jack Black plays as himself in this satire of how his rock band was founded is simply too funny to let slide, plus, he’s a pretty cool musician and has the perfect voice to interpret a Bard in the universe of D&D.

Plus, he has the attitude and overall silly mood every Bard needs to have to be a never-ending box of surprises. Witht JB as the party “mischief machine,” every session would be a blast, or a potential TPK every half an hour or so. Plus, a Bard that can outplay the devil in a performance duel might be one of the most powerful in existence. College of Valor subclass for this one.

7 Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)

A Duelist Rogue, You Killed His Father, Prepare To Die

inigo-montoya-princess-bride Cropped

  • Release Date: 1987
  • Genre: Adventure, Drama, Action
  • Runtime: 98 minutes

Who says a Rogue only serves as a toolbox? Inigo Montoya is proof that Rogues can be as powerful as any D&D class, and tremendously disruptive. From the moment this character enters the party, they will be focused on only one goal: Defeating the BBEG. The average Rogue player tends to behave as a kleptomaniac murder nut, looting everything that is not glued (magically) to the ground. Inigo won’t have this problem. No looting, no stealing, just good old-fashioned revenge.


One Dungeons and Dragons Feature is a Blessing and a Curse For Spellcasting

Spellcasters are some of the most powerful classes in Dungeons and Dragons, but one mechanic can make or break playing them in a campaign.

Just imagine a Duelist Rogue with a rapier and a thirst for revenge that no evil wizard, dragon, or even an owlbear can stop. A cool and collected master of fencing, capable of flanking, outsmarting, slicing, and dashing to change the course of battle when the party needs it, and also loaded up with Charisma to make the townsfolk swoon. Vote Montoya for Rogue!

6 Ratcatcher (The Suicide Squad)

Circle Of The Swarm Druid, The Terror Of Those Who Hurt Little Creatures

Ratcatcher The Suicide Squad

The Suicide Squad

Release Date
August 5, 2021

Margot Robbie , Viola Davis , Idris Elba , John Cena , Joel Kinnaman , Michael Rooker

132 minutes

Now hear us out: A Circle of the Swarm Druid would be perfect for Ratcatcher. Calling huge swarms of vermin to do their bidding, and punishing those who hurt these little “defenseless” creatures would fit the character played by Daniela Melchior. Druids from the Swarm can also turn into a huge swarm of rats when dropped to 0 hit-points, which is tremendously overpowered.

Another good thing about Ratcatcher being a Druid is her intrinsic survival skills, which could aid the party in overcoming any difficult situations. Her adaptability is another great feat: Think of her as a girl who had to fend for herself when her father died, and so, urban adventures would fit perfectly for a Circle of the Swarm Druid like Ratcatcher. With her unique skills, knowledge of society’s dark underbelly, and witty nature, she is definitely a cool addition to any D&D party.

5 Peacemaker (The Suicide Squad)

Conquering All In The Name Of Justice

A close-up screenshot of Peacemaker in Mortal Kombat 1.

With the debut of The Suicide Squad Isekai, a thought crossed through the minds of every D&D player looking to build the perfect character: What if Peacemaker was a Paladin of Conquest? These oath-bound divine warriors are called into battle to defeat foes wherever they may be, and generally are not bound by the usual rules that many are used to seeing in a Paladin. Peacemaker breaks down his foes without a care for their well being. He goes all in, beating them to death, or shooting them in the face, without even blinking.

Sure, Peacemaker might look like a senseless killing machine, but he’s quite a capable fighter, and one fueled by “duty,” so it makes sense to portray him as the perfect Paladin in a D&D run. Of course, any legal-good character will have their doubts when Peacemaker’s “enthusiasm” gets the better of him, but the outcome could be hilarious.

4 Hugh Glass (The Revenant)

This Ranger Will Hunt You Down To The Ends Of The Realms

Hugh Glass The Revenant

  • Release Date: 2015
  • Genre: Drama, Action, Historical
  • Runtime: 156 minutes

A Ranger needs to have three things: great tracking, survival, and hunting skills. Hugh Glass, from The Revenant has those three things, plus he has a lot of guts, too. Just imagine being mauled by a bear and surviving to tell the tale, then tracking back to the ones who left you for dead, and killing them. That is definitely a Ranger with the Hunter subclass, and in the perfect D&D party, these folks specialize in finding the most elusive prey and then taking it down from afar.

Hugh Glass not only has top-notch survival skills, but a wild, almost supernatural instinct that allows him to be the perfect Hunter. Plus, he knows how to fight at melee range as well, since he has spent lots of time with the Pawnee tribes, learning how to adapt to their fighting style, and how to handle himself with a Tomahawk. Just imagine if Glass were included in a D&D setting, and trained by the Clan of the Bear, or the Clan of the Mammoth tribes. A Hunter-Path of the Giants Multiclass, that would be awesome to see.

3 Elodie (Damsel)

A Battlemaster In The Making, Don’t Underestimate Her

Elodie Damsel

  • Release Date: 2024
  • Genre: Adventure, Drama, Action, Fantasy
  • Runtime: 110 minutes

Have you ever felt the need to hunt down and kill a dragon? Well, Elodie had no choice, and had to face one such dangerous creature all on her own, with only her wits and whatever she could scavenge in the cave where she was left as a sacrifice. The Fighter’s Battlemaster subclass would be perfect for the valiant Elodie.


Dungeons and Dragons is Sitting on a Gold Mine With a Missing Crossover

Dungeons and Dragons has been ramping up its crossovers lately, and one game series in particular has the perfect material for a future crossover.

Battlemasters are experts at gaining the upper hand using terrain and instilling fear in their foes as they move unhindered through the battlefield. Elodie has lots of experience with that, more so considering that she was tremendously hurt and burnt during her first confrontation with the dragon, and then emerged victorious after every successive encounter.

2 Judge Claude Frollo (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame)

Burn For The Sake Of Order, You Fiends!

Judge Claude Frollo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame

  • Release Date: 1996
  • Genre: Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Animation
  • Runtime: 91 minutes

Though Judge Claude Frollo is not a hero, he is a perfect fit for the Cleric from the Order Domain. An Inquisitor by nature, Frollo would scourge the Realms in search of every creature he deems unfit to exist, and probably banish them into oblivion.

Many believe that Clerics need to follow a certain alignment or risk losing the favor of their gods. But for Clerics of Order, all that matters is the law. Everyone must stick to the law, and even if their alignment is evil, as long as they’re lawful, they’re on the right path according to their tenets. A truly fearsome character to have running amok and wielding divine powers in a D&D run.

1 Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)

A Paladin Of Vengeance To The Core

Uma Thurman holding sword in Kill Bill: Volume 1

Kill Bill

Release Date
October 10, 2003

Quentin Tarantino

111 minutes

Since the moment Beatrix Kiddo survived the hit that ruined her wedding, she was set on a path of fiery revenge that could only be quelled by drenching it in the blood of her betrayers. That’s why this character would fit the Oath of Vengeance Paladin like a glove. Even though her preferred weapon is a katana, which in most D&D settings is considered an “exotic weapon,” it’s something that every DM could forgive, just to see where this could go.

Imagine having an expert sword master, adept assassin, and vengeful martial artist all in one, boosted by divine-like powers, and motivated by a powerful desire for revenge on those who destroyed her life. A killer combo without a doubt: No big bad evil guy would be safe from her.


Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons

Original Release Date

E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson


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