The Game Awards are always a great time for discussion and speculation. Many fans are always curious as to what World Premieres the showcase will have, which of their favorite games will win awards, and which games will win the coveted Game of the Year title too. Between new reveals and awards highlighting the past year, there’s plenty to keep up with, and many BioWare fans are likely curious if Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will appear at The Game Awards 2023.

As of this writing, there is no confirmation from BioWare, but it could announce it will be there in the days leading into the event—perhaps on December 4, Dragon Age Day. It’s also possible BioWare wants it to be a surprise because even though the company has always had a good relationship with Geoff Keighley’s ceremony, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf hasn’t been there for the past two years. For this year, though, there is at least one special reason for it to appear at the showcase.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Summons Dreadwolf to The Game Awards 2023

Dragon Age: Inquisition promo art

The Game Awards 2023 marks the tenth event of Keighley’s showcase, which is quite the milestone. The first Game Awards ceremony took place back in 2014, where Dragon Age: Inquisition would win the showcase’s first ever Game of the Year Award. It’s not likely that such a moment will pass without much fanfare, and while it could be as simple as a one-line from Keighley about the event’s origins, that’s not really his or The Game Awards’ style. Instead, it’s likely to be a lead up to a World Premiere, and it would be great if a new Dragon Age: Dreadwolf trailer debuted in honor of The Game Awards’ first ever Game of the Year winner.

Of course, this is pure speculation, but given rumors around Dragon Age: Dreadwolf‘s release date, BioWare’s relationship with The Game Awards, known development updates about the title, and so forth, it’s hard to imagine a better time to begin a strong marketing push.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s Relationship with The Game Awards

  • Dragon Age: Dreadwolf was officially revealed, without a title, at The Game Awards 2018.
  • Dragon Age: Dreadwolf revealed a new trailer focused on Solas at The Game Awards 2020.
  • Dragon Age: Dreadwolf had a pattern of appearing at every other event, showing up at the 2018 and 2020 showcases but skipping the 2019 and 2021 showcases.
  • BioWare broke this Dragon Age: Dreadwolf tradition by skipping the 2022 showcase as well.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’s Release Date

While a look at other characters aside from Solas and more concrete gameplay visuals and story elements are high on many fans’ wishlists for the next Dragon Age: Dreadwolf trailer, a release window may be the most pertinent information on many fans’ minds. This is especially true considering Dragon Age: Dreadwolf has hit its alpha milestone, which means that developers can play through the entire game from beginning to end.

Right now, all signs point toward an H2 2024 release of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, if it doesn’t slip into early 2025. According to Jeff Grubb, the internal signposts were once slated for September 2023, then moved to March 2024, and are now set for Summer 2024. However, Grubb doesn’t rule out a delay into the end of 2024 or even into 2025.

It’s also worth noting that a developer’s LinkedIn profile also referred to Dragon Age: Dreadwolf as a 2024 release. None of this guarantees a release window reveal for the upcoming RPG, but it wouldn’t be surprising, especially if summer 2024 is still the current goal.

From TGA 2014 to TGA 2023, Dragon Age Inquisition and Dreadwolf

dragon age dreadwolf release date 2024 developer leak

On the assumption that Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is there, it’s a great way to acknowledge Inquisition; it’s a benefit for both. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is a direct sequel to Inquisition, which isn’t common in the franchise, and highlighting Inquisition‘s relationship with Dreadwolf could drive fans back to it for another playthrough. In turn, that’s even more likely if fans finally get a release date, and it’s even possible that fans complete reruns of the franchise. After all, 2014 was a long time ago, and the first two titles came out even before then. It would be a great way for fans to celebrate the past, while also preparing for the future.

dragon age inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition marks the third title in the long-running Bioware series. This title took the upgraded combat from Dragon Age 2 and enveloped it in an engaging story that felt much closer to the title’s RPG roots than the sequel. The end result was a great and lengthy adventure where players were free to create their own unique builds.

Dragon Age

PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC

November 18, 2014


Electronic Arts

Action RPG

M for Mature: Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language

How Long To Beat
50 Hours


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