The Call of Duty Zombies storyline is infamous for being one of the most convoluted stories with quite a few retcons, recontextualizations, and plot holes. However, the COD Zombies storyline is also famed for its incredible links to sci-fi, horror, and real-life wars and conspiracies.


Call of Duty: All Zombies Crews & Their Fates

The fate of every crew in Call of Duty Zombies is revealed, allowing players to see the endings of their favorite characters, no matter how tragic.

The COD Zombies storyline is beloved by many fans, but that doesn’t mean eyebrows can’t be raised at some events involved in the expansive narrative, as quite a few plotholes and inconsistencies pop up, and one can only theorize what’s going on in the first place.

6 Primis Spends Two Years Killing Richtofens

What Was Primis’ Plan Before Meeting Richtofen in The Giant?

primis fights zombies in the giant

After Origins, Primis ascends from the Crazy Place to free Samantha. However, there is a two-year gap between the events of Origins and The Giant, where players see Primis next. In this two-year gap, Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai have a certain dialogue that describes where they have been in these two years: going around the multiverse and killing Richtofens.

It doesn’t make much sense as to why Primis were going around killing Richtofens, and why they had to specifically go to the Ultimis timeline to capture Ultimis Richtofen, while also being surprised at the return of Primis Richtofen. The multiverse can be extremely confusing sometimes.

5 Nacht Der Untoten in America

The Japanese Airfield Base is Strangely in Washington, America?

nacht der untoten

Those who venture through the harsh cornfields of TranZit’s Green Run will stumble upon a dark secret: the ruins of Nacht Der Untoten. However, as fun of an easter egg as this is, it doesn’t make all that much sense in the grand scheme of things.


Call of Duty Zombies: Best Boss Fights, Ranked

The Call of Duty Zombies series has evolved from its typical round-based format, by providing its most hardcore players with challenging boss fights.

Nacht Der Untoten is set in a Japanese airfield during World War 2, so how is the entire structure randomly in the middle of a cornfield in Washington? Timeline fracture? Recreation? It doesn’t make all that much sense, but it’s still fun to see.

4 Gersh Fights With Ultimis

Ultimis Richtofen Was Absent For an Undiscoled Time, With Gersh Taking His Place

primis with ultimis richtofen in the revelations loading screen

On the poster for Ascension in Black Ops, players will notice that the four Ultimis members are present, but Richtofen for some reason wears a spacesuit and has a bald head. The creative director of COD Zombies stated that this was not Richtofen, and theories ran rampant that this was Gersh, further confirmed by Dr. Monty who stated that Ultimis fought with Gersh for a time when Richtofen was absent.

Yet, this doesn’t make much sense. Where was Gersh fighting with Ultimis, since they went from Der Reise to Kino der Toten, to Ascension, with no gaps between? Gersh also has no memory of Ultimis, nor Ultimis of Gersh, and they aid in freeing him from Ascension with no prior knowledge of each other.

3 Victis Fights Zombies in Alcatraz

The Pocket Dimension of Alcatraz Was Cured of Zombies, Yet They Return When Victis Awaken

victis crew in tag der toten

More of a nitpick of a plot hole than something that doesn’t make complete sense, when Victis awaken from their cryo-pods in Richtofen’s secret facility in Alcatraz’s pocket dimension, they are quickly rushed out due to the zombie hordes. However, this shouldn’t be possible, since post-Revelations Richtofen used the Fire Staff Crystal to free the souls of the zombies.


Call of Duty Zombies: 10 Best Characters

Call of Duty Zombies harbors a rich history worth exploring, and some of COD’s best characters come from the Zombies mode.

That means that no zombies should be present in this dying pocket dimension, so Victis shouldn’t even have any trouble on the desolate prison island. There are quite a few issues with the Victis and the overarching story with Black Ops 4, but this is a central one.

2 The Concepts of an Immortal Soul

In A Multiverse of Infinity Possibilities, Everyone Has Just One Soul?

eddie and samantha in the house

As the COD Zombies storyline introduces the multiverse, things can get extremely complex, especially when it comes to the concept of an immortal soul. A central theme in the storyline through Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 4 is the concept of souls, and how if transferred to the Summoning Key, then every variation of that character has one true soul across the multiverse. Yet, how does that work?

Richtofen’s soul had to be taken from a child version of himself, whereas all the other Primis characters took the souls of their Ultimis counterparts. Even in Black Ops 4 where Nikolai is the only one still with his soul, it doesn’t make much sense why these immortal souls are so important, especially if they are within the Summoning Key where the Shadowman is.

1 The Agarthan Device’s Wish Granting

Why Not Wish For A Perfect Universe Instead of Killing Everyone?

ultimis richtofen as a zombie with primis nikolai

The Agarthan Device was created centuries ago by a blacksmith known as Jebediah Brown. However, in order to function, it needed to be Pack-a-Punch’d, as well as combined with the Elemental Shard and the Apothicon Elder God blood. Once achieved, the Agarthan Device would become an artifact of immeasurable power, and it would essentially become a wish-granting device that could be used for limitless ideas.

However, when the Agarthan Device is obtained by Nikolai, uses it to destroy the Summoning Key and essentially erase the multiverse, banishing it to the Dark Aether so that a new and pure universe could begin anew. Yet, why did Nikolai not just wish for the survival of Ultimis and Primis, or a universe without the Apothicons and Keepers, or even an end to the Great War? Instead, Nikolai uses the Agarthan Device to destroy himself, the multiverse, and his friends.


6 Mistakes Everyone Makes in COD Zombies

There are some key mistakes that new players and veterans should try and avoid in COD Zombies to avoid a cackle and an early game over.


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