If you just felt the room shake a little, it’s not just you. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) just confirmed that an earthquake hit north of Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, around 10:23AM ET, with people located in New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania feeling its effects.

“It lasted just long enough to be unsettling,” said one Verge staffer who experienced it in Jersey City. Others based in New York noted it felt like a particularly large truck driving by, with most agreeing it lasted about five to six seconds.

The above map from the USGS shows people feeling weak or light shaking along the coast of the Northeast, with some reports reaching as far north as Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and upstate New York. It looks like people felt the quake in Maryland and Delaware as well.

“Earthquakes are uncommon but not unheard of along the Atlantic Coast,” the USGS writes in a post on X, adding that it’s “a zone one study called a ‘passive-aggressive margin’ b/c there’s no active plate boundary between the Atlantic & N. American plates, but there are stresses.”


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