Many secrets are hiding in Baldur’s Gate 3 for players to stumble across. There are so many that a lot are easily missed — a situation made more difficult because many of these unique and secret interactions require players to have completed seemingly random actions sometimes many in-game hours prior, or even way back at the beginning of the game. Sometimes, it can be hard to discover these hidden interactions unless you know exactly how to unlock them, whether that be by making certain choices in-game or simply by traveling with a specific companion.

This article will be discussing some of the best rare interactions players can discover on their travels through Baldur’s Gate 3, including how to unlock them and exactly what they entail. Read on to find out more!

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3.

8 Placing A Night Orchid On A Certain Grave

Shadowheart’s Favorite Flower Has Other Uses, Too

The graveyard hiding in the city of Baldur’s Gate has several secrets, one of which involves Shadowheart. If players pass across a grave by the south entrance of the graveyard belonging to a certain Allister Marnley, Shadowheart will be shocked to find herself sad. Though she can’t remember exactly why, because of her muddled memories, she thinks he may have been a Sharran mentor to her. While many players may think this is the extent of the exchange, there’s a bit more to it.

If players place a Night Orchid — Shadowheart’s favorite flower — onto the grave, Shadowheart will give a special dialogue where she thanks the player for their kindness. This will occur even if Shadowheart is no longer a follower of Shar. This dialogue can be especially easy to miss, as many players may have given the first Night Orchid they received in Act Two to Shadowheart as a gift, and may not have realized that there are more that can be purchased or found throughout the City.

7 Giving A Street Cat A New Home

A Happier Ending For Derryth


Derryth Bonecloak is an easy character to forget about, as she appears only briefly in Act One of Baldur’s Gate 3. However, she actually has a special (and heartwarming) interaction in Act Three that is entirely dependent on choices made back in Act One. If the player decided to let her husband, Baelen, die in the Myconid Colony, then Derryth can be found again in Act Three, running the Bonecloak’s Apothecary alone. When players come across her, she’ll be upset about the death of her husband despite his abuse, and she wishes that they both had a better ending.

This may seem quite an unhappy ending for Derryth, even though she managed to escape her miserable life with her husband. However, around the Bonecloak’s Apothecary, three cats can be discovered roaming around. These cats include Myshka, a sweet white cat who speaks a special cat dialect called ‘Mriaer,’ Malta, a ginger cat who loves to be petted, and Barsik, a black and white cat who surprisingly worships Sharess. If players play their cards right (and use a Potion of Animal Speaking), one of these three cats can be convinced to join Derryth in her shop, keeping her company so she isn’t so lonely. Overall, it’s a much happier ending!


The Cutest Cats in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 has some dark themes and storytelling but the different cats that inhabit Faerun are adorable and make delightful conversation.

6 Taking The Brain Jars From The Nautiloid

They’ll Come In Handy Later

Baldurs Gate 3 Brain Jars

When first exploring the Nautiloid at the very start of the game, players may come across two brain jars near where Shadowheart is located. Since there’s no immediate benefit to picking them up, most players will probably walk past them. However, it’s worth picking them up and stashing them away, because they’ll be useful during Act Two if players want to discover a rare interaction.

If players manage to bring them into Act Two and find themselves in the Necrotic Laboratory after fighting Thorm for the first time, they’ll find a machine with a head. If players place both of the brain jars in the correct areas, one of them will sing a very creepy song. There’s also special dialogue here, and if players bring Minthara, she’ll also comment on the creepy situation.

Get Special Race-Specific Dialogue

Baldur's Gate 3 ship in the prologue

If players take a Long Rest immediately after waking on the beach after the Nautiloid crash, special dialogue can be encountered. While it’s easier to achieve if the player is completely alone in camp, it’s also possible to achieve it if another companion, like Shadowheart, Gale, or Astarion, has joined the party — and further special interactions can be achieved with one of these three that would not typically occur. However, if the player makes it to the Grove or finds Lae’zel in the wild before long resting, they will be locked out of these interactions.

This dialogue is typically about the race or background the player has chosen, giving an insight into the experiences the player’s Tav has had before being taken by the Nautiloid. For instance, Clerics will attempt to reach out to their god with a prayer, only to be met by silence. Or, if players have decided to try an Origin run, the Origin character they’ve chosen will give a little more insight into their unique backstories. Dark Urge players will also gain further special dialogue here that is unique to the Dark Urge background, as well as unique interactions with the three companions mentioned.


Best Alternative Classes For Each Companion In Baldur’s Gate 3

Whilst the best companions in Baldur’s Gate 3 have strength in their original classes, these alternatives provide the best outcome.

4 Stealing Selunite Items As A Cleric of Selune

Shadowheart Has A Lot To Say About Your Choices

bg3 selune gilded chest

While rummaging around in the Owlbear Nest, players may find a shrine dedicated to Selune. Usually, Shadowheart will have a snide comment or two to make if players choose to make their way over to the shrine and figure out how to steal the items left there by faithful Selune followers.

However, rare dialogue can also be heard if players choose to steal the items there as a Selunite Cleric themselves. Surprisingly, though, Shadowheart isn’t too scathing about it — instead, she thinks it’s quite the wise choice.

3 Helping The Hyena In The Shadowlands

Save The Hyena, Gain A New Friend

friendly hyena baldur's gate 3

Though this interaction isn’t too hard to achieve, it takes a little set-up and choosing the right dialogue options to make it happen. When traveling to Act Two’s Shadow-Cursed Lands through the Mountain Pass, players will come by a goblin and a hyena. If the player stops the goblin sending the hyena out to its death in the shadows, there’s a surprisingly sweet interaction between the player and the hyena.

The hyena will thank you for saving it and will admit that it’s only with the goblin because it’s scared and wants friends. The player can then encourage the hyena to run away and be free, and then watch it run back toward the Mountain Pass, to safety. It’s a very cute scene, and it always feels nice to save an innocent little friend.


Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Best Merchants In The Game

There are numerous merchants throughout the rich world of Baldur’s Gate 3, but some in particular are especially worth seeking out.

2 Visiting Jaheira’s House After Killing Isobel

Jaheira Knows Your Secrets

Jaheira in Baldur's Gate 3

While playing as the Dark Urge, players will have the opportunity to kill Isobel in Act Two. If players decide to give into the Urge and do just that, but continue afterward to help get rid of Ketheric and side with the Harpers, it may seem that they get away with killing Isobel with no real consequences. However, when players enter Jaheira’s house in Act Three and interact with a certain book on her shelf, Jaheira will take the opportunity to confront the player about their decision, letting the player know that she has known that they murdered Isobel the whole time.

This changes the dynamic of Jaheira’s agreement to assist you as a companion, as it is implied that she has joined the Dark Urge only to keep her eye on them and ensure they won’t kill anyone else.

1 Taking Us To Baldur’s Gate

Us Charms The Children Of The City

us baldur's gate 3

If players decide to save Us when they’re first encountered on the Nautiloid, they can find themselves reunited with the strange creature at the end of Act Two. If they then choose to save Us again, players will receive Us as a sort of companion that they can call on whenever they’d like.

If Us is called while walking around the inner city of Baldur’s Gate, they’ll attract plenty of attention from the children in the city, who will comment on how cute they find Us. This interaction needs a lot of setup, so it’s unlikely many have experienced it, but it’s well worth it for how sweet it is!


Baldur’s Gate 3: The Best Two-Handed Weapons

For a heavier offense, here’s which two-handed weapons are the strongest in Baldur’s Gate 3.


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