Baldur’s Gate 3 has proven itself to be an amazing game and has captivated fans old and new. This game introduces the player to many interesting characters, many of whom the player can fight alongside.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Minthara Build

Minthara is a powerful character in BG3. Here’s how to build her to her strengths.

One of these characters is Halsin, a character that will have a major role early on in the game.

Who Is Halsin And Where To Recruit Him

Halsin is a possible companion the player can recruit eventually in BG3. Unlike many of the possible companions the player can have, he is not an origin character, meaning the player cannot play as him in the story.

Halsin will have a very important role in BG3’s Act 1. Finding him can make a huge difference in the story. He’s an Archdruid from the Emerald Grove who got captured by goblins and shoved into a prison cell in the Shattered Sanctum. The player can find him by reaching the Goblin Camp and going into the Shattered Sanctum.

To recruit him after that, the player will have to save the Druids and Tieflings by defeating the Goblins. With that, the player must wait for Act 2 to properly recruit him as a companion.

Default Halsin

Baldur's Gate 3, Halsin Uncomfortable At Circus

“I had a friend when I was young, long ago. He played with me in the forests where I grew up… but eventually, I realized no one else had heard of him. It was Thaniel, of course. Nature was my very first friend. I get older, but he hasn’t changed a day.”

Halsin is part of the Elf Race, specifically, he belongs to the Wood Elf subrace which means he has more movement speed each turn than the average character. When it comes to his class, he’s a part of the Druid class, of course. Paired with that, he possesses the Outlander background, granting him proficiencies in athletics and survival. He also has proficiencies in Stealth, Perception, Animal Handling, as well as Nature.

For Halsin’s ability scores, here’s what the player can expect:















Best Halsin Build

Close up of Halsin in Baldur's Gate 3

When it comes to the best Halsin build, here’s one way to make this Wood Elf stand out. His Druid class fits him extremely well, and at level 1, he comes with Druid Spellcasting ready to use.

At level 2, the player should decide which Druid circle they want Halsin to follow. The player has 3 options: Circle of the Moon, Circle of the Land, Circle of the Spores. Circle of Land and Circle of Spores are a lot more heavily spell-focused compared to the Circle of the Moon, which is Halsin’s canon subclass, and the best option with him. This subclass will instead focus on Wild Shapes.

With that, Halsin will unlock an extra Wild Shape – the Bear. He also gets Combat Wild Shape and Lunar Mend which will make his transformation all the more effective.

At level 4, as well as level 10, he gets to pick a Druid Cantrip. Here are some good options:

  • Thorn Whip. This cantrip allows Halsin to pull an enemy 3 meters closer to him.
  • Shillelagh. This allows Halsin’s weapon to deal 1d8 + wisdom modifier damage and uses his wisdom for attack rolls.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Shadowheart Build

Shdowheart is a great healer and addition to the player’s party in BG3.

At this level too, as well as level 8 and level 12, he gets to pick feats. Here are some options to consider for him:

  • Ability Improvement. This will allow the player to increase one or two of his abilities. The player should especially focus on his wisdom and constitution.
  • Magic Initiate: Cleric. The Cleric makes use of their Wisdom, just like the Druid. For that reason, Halsin would benefit from dipping into some Cleric magic and learning some new spells and cantrips.
  • Tough. This increases Halsin’s HP by 2 every level up.

He also unlocks the Deep Rothe as well as the Dire Raven.

At level 5, he gets Wild Strike.

At level 6, he can use the Panther and Owlbear. His subclass will also grant him a primal Strike.

At level 8, he can use the Saber Tooth Tiger.

At level 10, he can use the improved Wild strike, as well as the Dilophosaurus. From his subclass, he unlocks 4 new Wild shapes: the Air Myrmidon, the Earth Myrmidon, the Fire Myrmidon, and the Water Myrmidon.

When it comes to Druid Spells, here are the best ones for each level:

Level 1 Druid Spells

  • Healing Word. Halsin can heal from a distance with 1d4 + wisdom modifier.
  • Goodberry. This allows Halsin to conjure four berries into his inventory or an ally that each heals 1d4.
  • Entangle. Halsin can now create vines that can entangle his enemies.

Level 2 Druid Spells

  • Hold Person. This allows Halsin to trap an enemy for up to 10 turns, making them unable to move or act.
  • Lesser Restoration. This allows Halsin to remove negative status effects from an ally such as poison or blindness.
  • Moonbeam. With this spell, Halsin can do some heavy radiant damage with it, 2d10 to anyone who enters the beams he cast.

Level 3 Druid Spells

  • Call Lighting. This powerful spell allows Halsin to conjure lighting that deals 3d10 damage to all enemies within range. Additionally, Halsin can, within 10 turns, call for the lighting once more without even having to use a spell slot.
  • Plant Growth. Halsin can grow weeds which will quarter the movement speed of anyone who walks over them.

Level 4 Druid Spells

  • Conjure Woodland Being. Halsin can call for a Dryad to fight with him.
  • Conjure Minor Elemental. An elemental will fight alongside Halsin.

Level 5 Druid Spells

  • Greater Restoration. An upgraded version of the previous Lesser Restoration.
  • Conjure Elemental. An Elemental will help Halsin in his fight.
  • Insect Plague. Everyone within range receives 4d10 piercing damage. These insects will also cause disadvantages on perception checks and make the area a difficult terrain.

Level 6 Druid Spells

  • Sunbeam. 6d8 radiant damage that blinds everyone it hits. It can be recast without using a spell slot during 10 turns.
  • Wall of Thorns. Causes 7d8 piercing damage to any enemies who try to cross the wall and heavily affects their movement speed.

Best Items For Halsin

Here are some great items to consider for Halsin:

  • The Shapeshifter’s Boon Ring. Halsin gains a bonus 1d4 to all checks while transformed.
  • Armour of Moonbasking. This light armor will grant Halsin 22 HP when shapeshifting. It also gives him +2 to his armor class and an advantage on saving throws when it comes to spells.
  • Shapeshifter Hat. He gets a +1 to his Wild shape charge.
  • Watcher’s Guide. This weapon can be found quite early on in the Dank Crypt in BG3. It will allow Halsin to get a true strike against his target if misses it before.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available to play on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation 5.


MORE: Baldur’s Gate 3: How To Kill Each Of The Goblin Leaders


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