The Nintendo Switch has a reputation for hosting some of the best platformers, JRPGs, and simulation games in recent years. The system isn’t known for its vast library of first-person shooters, primarily because the technical limitations of the platform prevent it from running some of the newest FPS games.

However, that is not to say that Switch owners don’t have a wide variety of shooters to choose from. Quite the contrary — one can find lots of great FPS titles that have been ported to the platform, with slight changes to accommodate Switch’s older hardware. Some of these games are technical marvels in their own right, with their developers going to great lengths to make them playable on Nintendo’s hybrid system. What are the best Switch shooter games?


The Best First-Party Nintendo Switch Games, Ranked

Games exclusive to the Nintendo Switch share a high pedigree, and here is a ranking of the best titles available on the console.

Neon White

Metascore: 88

White holding an Elevate Card and shooting a demon that is shooting at him in Neon White

Neon White
June 16, 2022

Angel Matrix

How Long To Beat
11 Hours

A fast-paced shooter that is perfect for speedruns, Neon White provides a creative and addictive twist on the FPS genre. As “White,” players are competing in a contest to demonstrate they are the top dog when it comes to eliminating demons, and efficiency is the name of the game here. Most levels are very short, barely lasting more than a minute or two, and they are designed to be replayed since victory requires the elimination of every enemy. As such, missions are essentially puzzles that must be solved to find the quickest and most effective route.

Neon White‘s best mechanic is its card system, which determines the actions players can take. Souls Cards act as either weapons or movement options, with the latter activating by discarding a card. Consequently, players need to make split-second decisions to determine whether they should be holding on to a card or letting it go to utilize its traversal feature. Neon White is a fantastic and frantic game that runs well on the Switch, one that regularly challenges players to think outside the box and use a holistic view to approach missions.

Call Of Juarez: Gunslinger

Metascore: 72

Bounty hunter Silas in the middle of a duel

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
May 22, 2013

How Long To Beat
5 Hours

Originally released in 2013, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is a Western-themed shooter framed around a bounty hunter’s stories as he recounts his missions to take down some of history’s most infamous outlaws. Despite being roughly a decade old, Techland’s game has aged rather well thanks to its stylized visuals and simple but effective gameplay. Although not featuring an especially huge arsenal of weapons, Gunslinger‘s chosen guns generally feel good to use, particularly the sawed-off shotgun and quickshooter.

The gunplay has an arcade feel to it, with the campaign guiding players down a fixed path akin to a shooting gallery. While this gets repetitive on occasion, Gunslinger makes up for it by maintaining a very quick pace. Quite a few of the chapters also end with Mexican standoffs, some of which are genuinely intense.

Metro: Last Light

Metascore: 86

Metro Last Light Redux ps now ps4

Metro: Last Light

$9 $30 Save $21

May 14, 2013

How Long To Beat
10 Hours

The Metro series has established itself as one of the best single-player franchises in the first-person shooter genre. As opposed to its successor, Metro: Exodus, Metro: Last Light is a linear experience that follows Artyom, the main character, on his journey across post-apocalyptic Moscow. It’s a direct follow-up to Metro 2033, the first game in the series, which is also available on the Nintendo eShop.


The 16 Best PS5 First-Person Shooters, Ranked (January 2024)

The best FPS games on the PlayStation 5 find ways to set themselves apart, either through their unique mechanics or their unparalleled online support.

Contrary to the first entry in the franchise, which largely consisted of navigating the dark tunnels and stations of Moscow’s sprawling metro system, Last Light switches things up a bit by giving players more opportunities to explore the surface of nuclear war-ridden Moscow. Gameplay-wise, the title is a regular FPS experience with added survival horror elements and a morality system that affects the ending. In a departure from the genre’s tried-and-true formula, the game does away with most of the HUD, with players having to pay attention to visual and sound cues to monitor Artyom’s health and ammo.

Apex Legends (If Switch Is The Only Option)

Metascore: 54

apex legends switch

Apex Legends
February 4, 2019

If someone has another console or a PC, they should use those systems to play Apex Legends. While the “Switch version is far worse than the rest” is a statement that holds for many multi-platform shooters, it is not that big of a deal in single-player packages. Respawn’s battle royale is all about competitive action, and it even supports crossplay between platforms (which Switch users should disable to create a level playing field; unfortunately, it might be difficult to get a game with crossplay disabled).

Still, if Switch is a player’s only option, Apex Legends could offer an OK way to spend a few hours, and its free-to-play status removes any real risk beyond consuming memory space. Nobody should ever get a Switch specifically to play this FPS game (an Xbox Series S is a better budget option), but it is also a fine addition to most libraries.

BioShock: The Collection

Metascore: 84

Big Daddy with Little Sister in Bioshock

BioShock: The Collection
September 13, 2016

How Long To Beat
45 Hours

Containing all the BioShock games and expansions, this collection offers great value for money, especially for newcomers who never experienced this trilogy. 2007’s BioShock is rightfully regarded as one of the best games of the 2000s, garnering widespread praise for its brilliant world-building, complex philosophical themes, and setting. Even all these years later, Rapture still impresses, both in its environmental storytelling and sheer atmosphere. Combat-wise, BioShock is nothing too amazing, but it does not detract from the experience either.

Its sequels, BioShock 2 and Infinite, are more polarizing, but their positives outweigh their negatives. Infinite‘s story is probably its strongest component, especially its handling of Elizabeth as a supporting character. As a setting, Columbia is a nice change from Rapture, especially since the latter was reused in BioShock 2. Although generally overshadowed by its predecessor and successor, BioShock 2 arguably has the strongest gunplay in the trilogy.

Quake Remastered

Metascore: 87

An image from Quake showing two players taking on a Knight.

May 22, 1996

How Long To Beat
6 Hours

Id Software followed up Doom with another genre-defining project in Quake, and the game’s brilliance has not faded at all over the last 25 years. The Switch remaster is a great package that comes with the original game’s DLC, a new expansion, and other bonus content; however, at its heart, this is still the same game that dropped in 1996. In this case, that is a positive since Quake‘s gunplay, level design, and atmosphere are timeless, despite the fact they scream “1990s.”


7 Games To Play If You Miss Quake

For fans that miss the exhilarating gameplay of Quake, these similar games could provide some comfort.

Although nostalgia can sweeten the experience, Quake Remastered holds up beautifully even when someone does not have a pre-installed love for the property. The multiplayer is fantastic, and the same can be said for Quake‘s single-player campaign. The latter is enough to justify picking up this Switch FPS.

Quake 2 is also available on the Nintendo Switch, and it is similarly awesome.

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun

Metascore: 73

Warhammer 40000 Boltgun Atmosphere

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun
May 23, 2023

Auroch Digital

How Long To Beat
10 Hours

In 2023, retro shooters are no longer remotely special. Each month seems to produce one or two throwbacks to the ’90s, particularly on PC, and they do have a habit of blurring into each other. Nevertheless, fans of classic run-and-gun first-person shooters will likely find something to enjoy in most of these releases, and a few of the best boomer shooters are available on the Switch. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is one of the better examples of this modern subgenre, although it should only be a Switch user’s first purchase if they happen to be big fans of the source material since there are slightly better options on the store.

Cast as an Ultramarine, players crash-land on a planet filled with Techpriests, which naturally must be eradicated. While not devoid of a story, Boltgun largely pushes it to the side to focus on gameplay; that said, Warhammer 40,000 fans should get a kick out of the game’s references. The gunplay is aggressive, impactful, and satisfying, as any retro shooter should be. Boltgun‘s weapon selection is solid, with each gun having its uses and strengths.

Post Void

Metascore: 83 (PS4)

Post Void - Shotgun Fire

Post Void
August 6, 2020

YCJY Games

How Long To Beat
2 Hours

The marketplace is flooded with retro-style run and gun shooters, but Post Void is a singular experience. YCJY Games’ roguelike challenges players to survive 11 levels of high-octane relentless action, and they will have to deal with a disorienting visual style and aiming controls that might not always feel incredibly precise. The latter does not take anything away from the campaign since Post Void just radiates strangeness and otherworldliness in the best possible way.

As a low-cost roguelike, Post Void is not a particularly long game when viewed solely on its levels. The game can readily be completed in an hour, although newcomers will need to play for a long while to become good enough to survive a full playthrough. Death sends players back to the start, encouraging them to head back into the void.

Bulletstorm: Duke Of Switch Edition

Metascore: 74

bulletstorm full clip edition

February 22, 2011

How Long To Beat
8 Hours

Developed by People Can Fly, a Polish studio responsible for titles like Outriders, the Painkiller series, and Gears of War: Judgment, Bulletstorm was initially released in 2011 and generated a fair bit of praise for its humor and an arcade-like approach to the combat, which places an emphasis on creative, spectacular takedowns via its Skillshot system.


7 Forgotten One-Off FPS Games That Are Worth Revisiting

FPS are a popular genre, but even some FPS games get forgotten over the years, like these examples that deserve some revisits.

Players who like action-packed shooters who don’t limit the ways in which they can approach each encounter will feel right at home with Bulletstorm. The Switch version of the game also comes with a Duke Nukem skin which replaces Grayson, the default protagonist, allowing players to play out the campaign as the iconic character.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

Metascore: 79

wolfenstein 2 cover

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
October 27, 2017

How Long To Beat
10 Hours

The Wolfenstein series is one of the most important franchises in video game history. 1991’s Wolfenstein 3D is widely recognized as the first-ever modern first-person shooter. For years, the series was overshadowed by id Software’s other titles, like Doom or Quake, but the recent Wolfenstein games have enjoyed a fair share of popularity as well-polished, story-focused shooters.

Despite being a sequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order, playing the first game (which is unfortunately unavailable on the Switch) isn’t really necessary for players to get a grip on what’s going on in the plotline, which follows B.J. Blazkowicz as he links up with various freedom fighters to start a revolution with the goal of toppling the Nazi regime once and for all. In terms of gameplay, it’s pretty much what one would expect from a Wolfenstein title, wrapped up in stunning graphics that push the Switch’s hardware to its very limits.

Turok 3: Shadow Of Oblivion Remastered

Metascore: 71 (PC)

turok 3 remastered

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered
November 30, 2023

How Long To Beat
5 Hours

It took a couple of years, but NightDive finished remastering the Turok trilogy in November 2023, and all three projects were a success. People who want the full experience can pick up the trilogy as a set, which comes to roughly a full-priced release. Individually, the entries are available for either $19.99 or $29.99, which is a hefty investment for remasters of 20+-year-old games that are not particularly long. Still, Turok deserves some love, especially since the franchise has otherwise barely received any attention since the 2008 reboot.

Even though they connect fairly well, all three Turok games have enough unique traits to set them apart from each other. Compared to its predecessors, Shadow of Oblivion is far more concerned with being a full-blown action blockbuster that delivers set piece after set piece. With basically no puzzles or exploration, the campaign’s focus is squarely on the gunplay, and it holds up pretty well provided players go in with reasonable expectations. Also, NightDive deserves a lot of praise for the remaster’s visuals as they are genuinely impressive. Sure, they still look like they belong to a Nintendo 64 game, but they are like the romanticized version that people remember in their heads.

Doom Eternal

Metascore: 80

doom eteranal on nintendo switch

DOOM Eternal
March 20, 2020

How Long To Beat
15 Hours

Considered by many to be the most impressive port on the Nintendo Switch, Doom Eternal serves as an example of just how much can be done on a system with such limited hardware capabilities. The game runs at a steady 30 frames per second throughout the entire campaign and doesn’t limit the experience in any way compared to the PC and console releases, aside from the downscaled graphics.


15 Best Weapons Of Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal features the Slayer’s relentless quest to rid the world of hellish demons, and only the best weapons can help him finish the job.

The Switch version of Doom Eternal also includes the gyroscopic control option for aiming, which is certainly a welcome addition for all those preferring to play in handheld mode. Gameplay-wise, it’s classic Doom action: fast-paced encounters with dozens of monsters rushing at the player from all sides, tons of gore, and a heavy metal soundtrack to boot.


Metascore: 81

Prodeus Trial Missions allow for practice and grant valuable rewards

September 23, 2022


How Long To Beat
7 Hours

Prodeus is oddly relaxing. Just to be clear, the retro-style shooter barely gives the player a moment’s rest as they rampage through missions filled with pixilated enemies who are not pushovers. However, the game’s structure, level design, and short but still substantial missions lend themselves well to quick play sessions driven by a player’s desire to unwind while blasting monsters in the face. Even though it has a minimalist story that builds quite well throughout the campaign, Prodeus has a pick-up-and-play quality that makes it an easy recommendation.

One of the game’s more controversial design choices is its progression system which requires players to unlock moves like a dash, and the process will take a few hours. On the one hand, this decision ensures the gameplay is periodically revitalized with a game-changing mechanic; conversely, it does force players to repeat levels since certain collectibles can only be reached once these abilities are unlocked.

Borderlands 3: Ultimate Edition

Metascore: 78

Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition Logo

Borderlands 3
September 13, 2019

How Long To Beat
25 Hours

It took a long while to happen, but in October 2023, Borderlands 3 arrived on the Switch in the form of the Ultimate Edition. This package contains the base game and all of its DLC, offering a lot of content considering a single playthrough can last 30 hours without spending too much time on side quests or any of the expansions. Borderlands 3 is also designed to be replayed thanks to its diverse roster of Vault Hunters, each of whom has their own skill trees that allow for wildly diverse builds.

All of the above would mean nothing if the game ran poorly on the Nintendo Switch, which was a pre-launch fear since Gearbox did not reveal too much about the port. While obviously coming with more concessions than any of the other versions, Borderlands 3 performs pretty well on the Switch, at least to the point of not hampering the overall experience.

Crysis Trilogy

Metascore: 75

crysis 2 art

Crysis Remastered
July 23, 2020

How Long To Beat
10 Hours

The Crysis games, especially the first one, are most often associated with their gorgeous graphics. Back in 2007, the first game in the franchise was relentlessly memed about because of its high system requirements and the fact that even the most advanced of PCs struggled with running the title smoothly. Today, players can enjoy the entire Crysis trilogy on the go, as it was released on the Switch in 2021.


8 Best Games Set In The 2040s

There have been a lot of games set in the 2040s, but which ones are the best ones for gamers to try out?

Each one of the titles looks gorgeous, but there is much more to Crysis games than the graphics. All of them encourage players to take unique approaches to each encounter and experiment with their protagonist’s advanced nanosuit technology to find the best playstyle for themselves.

Metroid Prime: Remastered

Metascore: 94

Samus faces the final boss in her Phazon suit in Metroid Prime Remastered

Metroid Prime Remastered
February 8, 2023

How Long To Beat
14 Hours

Metroid Prime is considered to be the best game of the GameCube era, as well as one of the best games of all time. The much anticipated remaster of the very first 3D Metroid game was released without any prior promotional activity during a Nintendo Direct event in January 2023, and turned out to be just as good as the original, if not better.

Aside from updated graphics, Metroid Prime: Remastered has introduced some quality-of-life improvements to the classic game, such as gyroscopic aiming, a modern control scheme, and a variety of other customization options. Players who never got the chance to experience the original should definitely consider giving this one a shot.


Metascore: 88

Dusk 2018

December 10, 2018

David Szymanski

How Long To Beat
8 Hours

Another retro boomer shooter, Dusk would have fallen through the cracks if it was not absolutely incredible. Dusk is the best FPS game on the Switch since it plays very well on the console and does not come with an obvious downgrade. Beyond performance, there is just a lot to adore in this package, and a nostalgic love for Blood is not required to appreciate this modern gem.

Utilizing a horror aesthetic, Dusk is split into three episodes, all of which craft unique atmospheres that make them exciting in their own right. The gunplay is fast-paced, responsive, and gratifying, and it has just enough nuance to introduce a learning curve. If someone can only pick up one Switch FPS, Dusk should be it.

Special Mention: Dying Light: Definitive Edition

Dying Light Platinum Edition switch

Dying Light: Definitive Edition
October 19, 2021

How Long To Beat
26 Hours

This recommendation comes with the caveat that gunplay is not the main focus, to the point of being actively discouraged in most situations. Nevertheless, Dying Light is a fantastic Switch port that can satisfy a few different consumer needs. Craving an open-world experience? Techland’s release delivers an impressive map that emphasizes verticality. Want a challenging horror campaign? Unlike its sequel, the original Dying Light fits the genre well, delivering a good mix of action and survival horror elements. Yearning for intense action? The game features brutal combat that prioritizes close-quarters encounters against relatively large hordes of zombies, along with ranged options that can be relied upon in desperate situations.

Now, while guns are not in short supply, Dying Light revolves primarily around melee since firing off a shotgun is likely to attract the attention of zombies, meaning players will want to avoid using these types of weapons as much as possible. That said, the gunplay feels pretty good, and it complements the rest of the gameplay loop. The game also has great parkour, arguably among the best of all time.


Every Major Video Game Release Coming Soon For Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch’s library is vast, and it is constantly growing. Here are all the upcoming major Switch games and their release dates.


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