Bitlife is a fun simulation game in which players can create characters and completely control their lives. The devs introduce regular challenges to keep the game fresh and exciting. This week, we have a new challenge called Golden Gals, which will run for four days. Read on to find out how to Golden Gals Challenge in Bitlife.


Bitlife: How to Become a Pilot

Bitlife players who want to become a pilot can find what they need to know in this detailed guide.

How to Complete the Golden Gals Challenge in Bitlife

golden gals challenge bitlife

The Bitlife Golden Gals Challenge has five parts:

  • Be born a female in Miami
  • Work as a teacher for 20+ years
  • Get a divorce
  • Make 3 female friends at the age of 55+
  • Date a clown at age 55+.

How to Be Born a Female in Miami in Bitlife

First, you will have to be born a female in Miami. This step is pretty simple. All the players have to do is start a new life, select female as your character’s gender, choose the USA as their country and Miami as their birthplace.

Work As a Teacher for 20+ Years

occupations bitlife

Now you will need to work as a school teacher for more than 20 years. For this purpose, age up to 18 and apply for a university. Choose a degree and study hard for the next four years until graduation. Then go to ‘Occupation’, click on ‘Jobs’, and interview for the ‘School Teacher’ job. Once you get the job, keep working for 20 years.

How to Get a Divorce in Bitlife

To get a divorce in Bitlife, players will need to get married first. If you haven’t married yet, you can find a date by going to ‘Activities’, selecting ‘Love’, and then selecting the Date option.

Once you are married, stay together for some time and then divorce your partner by going to ‘Relationships’ and selecting the ‘Spouse’ and ‘Divorce’ options.

How to Make 3 Female Friends at the Age of 55+ in Bitlife

To complete this step, players need to be 55 years old. So age up until your character is 55 y/o and then make three female friends. Bitizens can also befriend their coworkers for this step. For that, go to the ‘Occupation’ section, click ‘School Teacher’, click on ‘Co-workers’, and choose three people.

How to Date a Clown at Age 55+ in Bitlife

how to find a date bitlife

Lastly, gamers will have to date a clown. To do this, you can find a date from the dating app found in the ‘Love’ section under Activities. However, it can take some time to find a partner who works as a clown. Players can also apply for a job at a circus and date a coworker.



September 30, 2018

Groom Lake Development, LLC

Groom Lake Development, LLC



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