The Ages mechanic is a major new element of Civilization 7, but it could end up getting in the way of a returning mechanic. While new information only recently started coming out about Civilization 7, enough has been revealed to show that it will be very different from its predecessor. A prominent culprit of this change is the Ages mechanic, which marks a radical new direction. How the new mechanic will play out in Civilization 7 is still up in the air. However, it already looks like it may clash with one part of Civilization 6 that’s making a return.

The new features of Civilization 7 are painting a stark picture compared to not only Civilization 6, but every previous game in the franchise. One notable shift is the fact that leaders are no longer tied to civilizations. Players can pick a leader from Civilization 7‘s roster and pair them with whatever civ they want, even one that has absolutely nothing to do with them historically. The Ages system plays into this, giving civilizations major events and obstacles between ages that will determine how they grow. It may be the most consequential aspect of Civilization 7‘s design when all is said and done.

Alternate leader personas appearing in certain editions of
Civilization 7
likely means that more will come in future DLC.


Civilization 7 Making a Big Change to Religion is a Logical Progression After Civ 6

With Civilization 7’s new multicultural focus, advancing religious victories would make for a more robust strategy and empire.

Civilization 7’s Alternate Leader Personas May Struggle to Stand Out Among the Ages

Civilization 7 is Bringing Back Alternate Personas for Leaders

Some leaders like Qin Shi Huang in Civilization 6 had alternate personas that they could use, both under the player and as an AI opponent. These alternate personas have different leader bonuses and agendas, which can dramatically change how they play. It has already been confirmed that this feature will be returning to Civilization 7 in some way, as alternate personas are included in some of the game’s special editions. It’s good to see such an interesting mechanic making a comeback in Civilization 7. However, it does raise some questions on how well it will work with the game’s new Ages system.

Ages in Civilization 7 Introduce a Wrinkle in Civ Building

In addition to Leaders and civs being separate, the Ages of Civilization 7 provide another notable shift. After each civilization advances to a new age, they will transform into a new civ based on a collection of factors in-game. This means that the civ players start with will not be the same one that they’re controlling at the end of the game. The changing civilization will also mean that its benefits and playstyle will also see some changes as time goes on. This carries the risk of making the unique abilities from an alternate leader persona seem less notable in the long run.

Civilization 7’s Leader Abilities May Struggle to Stand Out

Civilization 7‘s approach to leaders may run into a problem. The leaders of Civilization 7 should, at the very least, be able to contribute their abilities throughout the game. However, since players will have to change civs over the course of the game, these shifts in power and strategy can keep leaders from feeling as distinct as they should. This would also hurt alternate persona leaders, since they would not be able to flex what makes them different from the original versions as effectively. Unless Civilization 7 can keep leader abilities relevant throughout the game, alternate personas could lose their greatest quality.

Changing up leaders and civs in Civilization isn’t an entirely flawed idea, since it can make the moment-to-moment play of any one Civ game more dynamic. Even so, Civilization 7 could miss a big opportunity due to its approach. Combining this change in formula with the Ages mechanic both risks becoming too complicated as well as taking some identity away from the civs and leaders themselves. This is especially concerning for alternate leader personas, since their unique abilities are what make them meaningful additions to the game rather than simple reskins. Without careful balancing, alternate personas for Civilization 7‘s leaders could end up being underwhelming.


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