
  • Frieza’s inability to sense energy puts him at a disadvantage, as he can’t locate opponents or anticipate ambushes. This is exploited by the heroes on Namek.
  • Frieza’s stamina is a weakness, as he can’t maintain his maximum power level for long. This is seen in his battles with Goku, where his energy starts dropping and his attacks become ineffective.
  • Unlike other Dragon Ball Z villains, Frieza can’t regenerate lost body parts, making him mortal. This affects his longevity in battle and gives the heroes a chance to defeat him.

The evil Emperor Frieza is arguably the most notorious Dragon Ball villain. Even before he crosses paths with Goku and friends, he’s ruled the galaxy for years. He establishes a regime feared throughout countless planets, thanks in large part to his immense physical strength. As tough as he is, though, he’s not invincible.

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Frieza has a handful of weaknesses to iron out. Some are more apparent than others, with a few lying beneath the surface. However, these flaws are no less important, as it’s not just physical strength that wins a fight. Warriors must also nail down technique, mentality, and a slew of other factors. Frieza forgets these fundamental rules, and this severely cripples him in combat.

5 Can’t Sense Energy

Without Scouters, Frieza Can’t Locate the Z-Fighters

Frieza with a scouter in Dragon Ball Z

The ability to sense people’s energy (or ki) is an acquired skill. Nevertheless, it’s an invaluable boon for any self-respecting martial artist in this world, as it lets fighters locate any opponents who aren’t currently visible. This decreases the likelihood of an ambush and cuts down on search time. Sure, some enemies can suppress their power, but that’s difficult to do while moving. In short, not having the sensory gift is a hindrance.

That’s how the heroes repeatedly thwart Frieza on Namek. Once he and his troops lose their scouters, they have no way of locating either the Dragon Balls or their adversaries. Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan fly all over the planet, knowing the villains are virtually blind. The same goes for Goku. Once the Saiyan realizes Frieza operates by his eyes alone, he takes advantage of that weakness. Firing a few blasts from underwater lets him hit his opponent from behind. Talk about flying blind.

To be fair, though, Frieza seems to learn from these mistakes by the time he enters the Tournament of Power. During combat, he mockingly comments on Jiren’s reduced strength. Not only does this aid his own awareness, but it’s a convenient angle from which to psyche out his victim.

4 Stamina

Frieza Can’t Maintain His Maximum Power Level For Long

Vegeta and Frieza in Dragon Ball Super

At first, Frieza gradually reveals his strength. There’s apparently a reason for that: he can’t handle his own power. Whenever he reaches his maximum level, he can’t maintain it for long. Fans first see it in his battle with Goku. Once Frieza pumps up his muscles and goes 100 percent, his energy eventually starts dropping. This allows the hero to triumph. One would think this humbling experience would teach Frieza a lesson.

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Sadly, he later makes the same mistake during their rematch. After enduring months of training to attain a Golden transformation, he fights on equal footing with Goku’s Super Saiyan Blue form. It doesn’t last, though, as his attacks soon start glancing off his opponent. Viewers learn that Frieza rushed into battle right after achieving this new level. He’s not yet used to his full strength, so his body gives out. Again, he seems to amend this flaw by the Tournament of Power, where he stays in his Golden form for longer. That said, there’s no telling if he’ll repeat his Black Frieza milestone.

3 Can’t Regenerate

In the End, Frieza is Mortal

Frieza dismembered in Dragon Ball Z

This is only a problem in relation to other Dragon Ball Z villains. Cell and Buu both have restorative abilities: they can regenerate lost body parts. In the latter’s case, he can recover from virtually any damage dealt, even if he’s in a million pieces. This is a great way of wearing down the toughest opponents. Thus, the only method of truly stopping these baddies is an attack so devastating that nothing remains. That’s not the case with Frieza.

The evil emperor may be strong, but he’s also mortal. He retains any wounds inflicted on him. This seriously affects his longevity in battle, especially when coupled with his aforementioned energy issue. Then again, fans probably find him refreshing in hindsight. There’s something to be said for a conventional foe without any unfair perks.

2 Obliviousness

Frieza Isn’t Great at Observing His Surroundings

Goku, Frieza, and a Spirit Bomb in Dragon Ball FighterZ

Again, Frieza relies on his eyes, but even those don’t work very well. The villain suffers from a crippling case of tunnel vision. How else does one explain Goku gathering a Spirit Bomb right above him without the slightest suspicion? Frieza only sees the attack when he looks directly at its reflection in the water. Even then, he forgets about it as soon as Piccolo sucker-punches him from behind.

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These moments paint the overlord as someone who falls for the tiniest distractions. The heroes repeatedly draw him away while their comrades recover. Krillin, for example, leads him through a rock maze as Dende heals Gohan. Once Frieza sets his sights on something, he can’t focus on anything else or see the bigger picture. He’d better hope a fly doesn’t buzz by in future fights.

1 Fear Of Saiyans

The Giant Alien Monkeys Have Frieza’s Number

Frieza and the Saiyans in Dragon Ball Super: Broly

How ironic that someone with Frieza’s might is scared of a bunch of giant monkeys. He’s extremely wary of this warrior race and their ever-increasing strength. These factors give them the best chance of surpassing him. Above all, though, he’s terrified of a Super Saiyan emerging from the pages of legend. The despot tries to nip the problem in the bud by blowing up the Saiyans’ planet, but this only infuriates the survivors to be a continual thorn in his side.

The Saiyans ultimately prove to be Frieza’s downfall on numerous occasions. Vegeta wipes out the villain’s entire army on Namek and repeatedly thwarts his hunt for the Dragon Balls. Later, Goku attains the Super Saiyan form and defeats the baddie in spectacular fashion. So devastating is that defeat that it results in PTSD. When Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan, Frieza is petrified. Truly, these simians are the bane of his existence.

Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z
Release Date
April 26, 1989

Action, Adventure, Comedy

Toei Animation

Akira Toriyama

Number of Episodes

Streaming Service(s)


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