Key Takeaways

  • Final Fantasy 17 likely won’t be announced soon, but it could benefit from Final Fantasy 16’s innovations.
  • Final Fantasy 17 should consider adding an animal companion like Torgal from Final Fantasy 16.
  • To stand out, Final Fantasy 17 should ensure any animal companion is unique and significant to the story.

The next mainline Final Fantasy game has yet to be announced, but given there are usually several years between games and Final Fantasy 16 only launched last year, it will likely still be at least another year or two before anything about Final Fantasy 17 surfaces. Regardless, it’s worth considering how Final Fantasy 16‘s drastic shift in formula might affect the next game, as there are plenty of things it could draw inspiration from that have been both loved and hated by the fan base.

Despite Final Fantasy 16‘s divisiveness, some parts of it are universally received. One feature, in particular, is something Final Fantasy 17 shouldn’t hesitate to copy, as it is beloved at large by the community and should therefore be put up for consideration as a new Final Fantasy staple.

Final Fantasy 17’s Protagonist Needs an Animal Companion Like Final Fantasy 16’s Torgal

Torgal Is a Fan-Favorite Animal Companion From Final Fantasy 16

The Final Fantasy series and its protagonists have seen no shortage of animal companions, but no installment has implemented one quite like Final Fantasy 16. Torgal is Clive Rosfield’s lovable, furry wolf companion who remains by his side throughout the majority of the game, assisting him in combat and occasionally chiming in with a bark when spoken to. What sets Torgal apart is his unbridled loyalty to the protagonist, and his ability to fight without direction — although players can still issue commands to Torgal during combat if they wish. Since his introduction, he has become a fan-favorite character, so the only way forward seems to be to include a similar companion in the next game.

Final Fantasy 17’s Protagonist Should Have Their Own Torgal-Like Animal Companion

Now that Final Fantasy 16 has broken ground for it, Final Fantasy 17 shouldn’t forego giving its protagonist an adorable animal companion like Torgal. This would give players another round of what they got with Torgal in Final Fantasy 16, as well as potentially expound on Torgal’s unique additions to Final Fantasy 16‘s gameplay.

The only issue Final Fantasy 17 would need to resolve is the fact that many fans weren’t happy with Clive being the only playable character in Final Fantasy 16, and that’s likely the only way the next installment could get a Torgal-like companion to work. If the next Final Fantasy went back to a traditional party setup where the player controls each character, a new animal companion might be nothing more than another Final Fantasy 10 Khumari or Final Fantasy 7 Cait Sith. As such, Final Fantasy 17 would need to lean into what makes Torgal a unique animal companion in the series.

Firstly, Torgal doesn’t speak, nor does he walk upright, unlike almost every other animal companion in the Final Fantasy series. He is, in every way, an animal, and that is ultimately what sets him apart from the rest. Since Torgal is strictly an animal, players can bond with him in a much different way than they can with others like Final Fantasy 7‘s Red XIII or Final Fantasy 9‘s Freya. Secondly, players can complete special quests for Torgal in Final Fantasy 16 that strengthen Clive’s bond with him and unlock his potential in combat.

This is highly unlike what players might experience with other animal companions in the series, and it is something
Final Fantasy 17
would need to consider, should it continue the trend that its predecessor started.

It’s unclear whether Final Fantasy 17‘s protagonist will get their own animal companion, or whether it will adopt any of Final Fantasy 16‘s features at all. Nevertheless, as Torgal has proven to be a fan-favorite companion among the Final Fantasy community, it would be a shame not to include a similar character in the next installment. Of course, Final Fantasy 17 will need to first consider what it is that makes Torgal unique among the rest.


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