There are a huge number of characters in Game of Thrones, and many decisions are made every single episode that, for better or worse, constantly change the face of the political strife that constantly wreaks havoc across the country. There are few characters who make quite as many political moves and change sides in quite so major a fashion as Tyrion Lannister.

Though he manages to survive the entirety of Game of Thrones, a feat not achieved by many of the characters who were there at the beginning of the show, Tyrion did make some mistakes. His victories and losses were constant, his fortune seemed to change more frequently than most characters, and his worst mistakes were some truly terrible regrets, even worse than his romantic history.

Related:Worst Decisions Made By Daenerys Targaryen

6 The Battle Of Blackwater

Season 2, Episode 9

Wildfire obliterates Stannis' fleet at the Battle of Blackwater in Game of Thrones.

While Tyrion’s one major moment on the field of battle was brave, it almost ended in his death because he wasn’t prepared for the betrayal, following his previous antagonizing of Joffrey. Instead, he was almost split in half and gained a scar that deformed his face.

Trapped outside the walls of King’s Landing, Tyrion fought bravely despite his size. Going onto the battlefield at all was a mistake though. His military mind was much more useful behind the scenes. It would have been much more prudent for him to try and hide away during the battle itself, or do more directing of others in place of attempting to battle himself.

5 His Relationship With Joffrey

Season 4, Episode 2

Tyrion And Joffrey

Tyrion has always been a fantastic political mind, but there are few people he had a worse relationship with than his nephew, Joffrey. After becoming king, this young character proved himself to be quite the tyrant in the making, his reign of terror and petulance extending to all those around him.

Tyrion stood up to his nephew on a number of occasions and refused to put up with his horrific behavior. However, if Tyrion had been gentler with him, and taken a bigger role in attempting to advise him to be better than he started out, then Joffrey could have been better. As for Tyrion himself, it wouldn’t have been quite so easy to believe he had assassinated Joffrey when he was framed for the job, an easy culprit for Cersei since she hated her brother.

4 Killing His Father

Season 4, Episode 10

Tyrion kills Tywin in Game of Thrones

The downfall of House Lannister was very much of their own making, but the worst of their problems began when Cersei was left to run things unchecked. Jaime never stood up to her, and she wouldn’t listen to Tyrion. Tywin Lannister was a brutal, savage man, but he was smart enough to see reason and act with it, like the long history of previous Lannisters was able to do.

Tywin led House Lannister capably, and though he deserved the death Tyrion gave him, it was a mistake. If Tywin had been left alive, much of the destruction around the Lannister family wouldn’t have come to pass, events that Tyrion wouldn’t have wanted in spite of his excommunication. The finale might have been different as well if Tywin had remained alive to bargain with Daenerys and help fight the Northern threat.

3 Advising Daenerys To Make Peace

Season 7, Episode 7

Game of Thrones Daenerys, Tyrion and Jon Snow plus crew

Tyrion, despite being often represented as one of the smartest characters in Game of Thrones, trusted his sister in spite of all the times she had proven herself unworthy of that trust. After seeing that Cersei was pregnant, Tyrion believed that she would honor an agreement to send her army to the North.

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Instead, Cersei turned on them once again, gathering the Golden Company at King’s Landing and refusing to help in the fight against the White Walkers. The result was that Jon’s entire journey to the North was a waste of time. Many of the leaders prepared to fight the real threat were far south when the White Walker army finally invaded Westeros.

2 Betraying Varys

Season 8, Episode 5

Tyrion & Varys

Part of the larger final mistake that Tyrion committed, his true friend Varys had joined Daenerys with him, but outsmarted Tyrion at last by seeing the madness of Daenerys coming to the forefront in the wake of her dragons and friends dying.

Instead of seeing reason and helping Jon realize he would make a better leader for Westeros, Tyrion betrayed Varys to Daenerys, ending in his death. Varys was one of the most cunning political minds in Westeros, and if he and Tyrion had teamed to help Jon ascend to the throne, the destruction of King’s Landing and the deaths of Tyrion’s siblings could have been avoided.

1 Not Seeing Daenerys’ Madness

Season 8, Episode 5

Tyrion And Daenerys

Tyrion becomes a loyal advisor to Daenerys Targaryen near the end of the series, believing that she is the right leader for Westeros. He became her hand, and executed her orders, without ever seeing any signs of the madness that was slowly overtaking her as she slipped further into the same old ways of her ancestors.

Unfortunately, many were killed in the brutal destruction of King’s Landing before Tyrion finally saw sense. His final manipulation, encouraging Jon Snow to kill his lover, was another case of Tyrion letting someone else handle the dirty work, and throwing Westeros into further chaos, including the deaths of his siblings. Despite this, it was the right decision, finally helping to fix Tyrion’s last major mistake in the show of believing in Daenerys.

game of thrones

Game of Thrones
First TV Show
Game Of Thrones

First Episode Air Date
April 17, 2011

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