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Silent Death is a companion quest for Yuna in Ghost of Tsushima. It is triggered after completing the Tale of Yuna in Toyotama. It is the second Tale in a series of four available for Yuna in the region.

After the prerequisite tale is complete, Silent Death’s quest marker will appear directly east of Ichi’s inn. Follow the marker and talk to Yuna, who is sitting by the large oak tree, to start the quest.


Ghost of Tsushima 2 Shouldn’t Fix What Isn’t Broken With QTEs

Ghost of Tsushima features a few Quick Time Events implemented smartly, and any sequel should interfere with the formula too much.

How to Find the Mamushi Brothers in Ghost of Tsushima

silent death quest location on map in ghost of tsushima

At the Mamushi Farmstead, Yuna will charge Jin with finding and killing the Mamushi brothers in a way that sends a message to the entire Tsushima Island: No one is beyond the reach of the Ghost. Three conditions need to be met to complete this objective:

  1. Do not be noticed.
  2. Do not kill the guards.
  3. Kill all three Mamushi brothers: Kichizo, Manzo, and Taizo.

The main difficulty in this quest is figuring out who the brothers are among the dozens of red NPCs inside the farmstead. Killing everyone without being seen is easy, but the objective fails if Jin so much as scratches a guard.

Luckily, the Mamushi brothers’ locations are fixed and they don’t move from their spots for the duration of the Tale. Here is where to find them:

Taizo Mamushi Location

Enter the farmstead using the gap in the fence, next to the field of burnt and impaled dead bodies. Climb the ladder to the left and look for a large green hut. Activate Focused Hearing to notice the lone red NPC inside. This is Taizo. Sneak into the house using the secret entrance (or the main door) and assassinate him quickly. Make sure he does not have a chance to call for help. All the brothers are unarmed and unarmored, meaning they go down with one swing of the sword.

Interact with Taizo’s dead body to cut off his head and take it as a trophy to bring to Yuna (required).

Kichizo Mamushi Location

Exit Taizo’s hut and use the pampas grass to head back the way you came. Climb down the ladder and look for another large green hut. Kichizo is inside, but unlike Taizo, he is accompanied by a Peasant woman. Use the entrance on the second floor to sneak into the house and assassinate Kichizo from above. Avoid entering the Peasant’s line of sight.

Claim Kichizo’s head as a trophy before heading back out.

Manzo Mamushi Location

Unlike the other two brothers, Manzo is outside in the field, overlooking a pampas grass field being worked by slaves near Kichizo’s hut. If you kill Kichizo before Manzo, the guards will be alerted and make their way inside Kichizo’s house. This does not count as a quest failure, as no one saw you do it.

With the guards gone, use your Half-bow to kill Manzo from a distance. Since he is standing right next to a patch of pampas grass, Jin can use the cover to claim his head as the last trophy.

How to Return to Yuna

sneaking to the front gate in silent death in ghost of tsushima

Leave the farmstead the same way you came in, and make sure to avoid the guards on the way. The Ronin Attire is very useful here as it makes the guards less likely to notice Jin as he leaves the pampas grass. The Charm of Shadows is also useful here as it does the same thing and makes Jin even less noticeable.

Silent Death Quest Rewards in Ghost of Tsushima

silent death logo in ghost of tsushima

Talk to Yuna outside and tell her the good news. After getting them from Jin, Yuna will impale the three brothers’ heads on a stake and display it directly outside the farmstead to send Altan a message.

After Jin and Yuna watch the guards get scared by the severed heads of the Mamushi brothers, Yuna will leave to hunt the Black Wolf, marking the end of the quest. Completing this quest gives players the following rewards:

  • Minor Legend Increase
  • Minor Stealth Charm
  • 2x Silk

Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT

Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut

August 20, 2021

Sony Interactive Entertainment


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