
  • Combat Width 40 is ideal for large-scale urban conflict, offering heavy firepower without penalties in urban terrain.
  • Combat Width 35 strikes a balance for plains, hills, and desert battles, providing reasonable penalties for increased troop numbers.
  • Combat Width 18 is perfect for securing defense in vulnerable areas, offering efficient units for protective plays.

With Hearts of Iron 4 considered one of the most comprehensive grand strategy games set in World War 2, fans of wargames may appreciate the level of depth the game offers, especially from the perspective of wartime production and overall warfare. After players research improvements and other advancements for their ground troops, they can engage in intense land battles against enemy forces – with much of their units’ strength reliant on Combat Width.


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Combat Width in the game is defined as the overall concentration of a faction’s ground forces. Terrain determines the base width and flanking width available to players, with elements such as flanking, naval attacks, and paradrops adding to a side’s Combat Width before engagements begin. Considering how Combat Width is determined by its encompassing battalions, fans may wonder just how much is “enough” when trying to engage enemies as practically as possible. With the game offering different engagement setups, just which Combat Widths are the most practical in the game?

1 Combat Width 40

Technical Number Ideal For Large-Scale Urban Conflict

A group of soldiers in Hearts of Iron 4


Averaged Penalties

All Terrains, All Directions


Marsh & Mountain (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

8.49 (20.00/0.44/4.00/7.84)

Forest & Jungle (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

16.46 (33.33/11.11/0.00/0.44)

Plains, Hills & Desert (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

2.04 (2.04/2.04/2.04/2.04)

Urban (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.00 (0.00/0.00/0.00/0.00)

Due to how Urban Terrain already offers +20% Movement Cost on top of -30% Attack and -50% Enemy Air Support, players may as well take advantage of these penalties to opt for a battle based on numbers. This is the underlying logic of Combat Width 40, as its lack of penalty multipliers on Urban Terrain means players can try to go wild with large divisions to devastate enemies in these areas.

Not to mention, the relatively manageable penalties on Plains, Hills, and Desert as well as Marsh and Mountains can make Combat Width 40 a tolerable heavy-hitter in these areas. The increased penalties for Forest and Jungle areas make Combat Width 40 not as practical in these locations.

2 Combat Width 35

Technical Possible Width To Deal With Plains, Hills & Desert

A tank in the desert in Hearts of Iron 4


Averaged Penalties

All Terrains, All Directions


Marsh & Mountain (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

13.57 (30.00/6.67/0.25/1.44)

Forest & Jungle (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

2.78 (2.78/2.78/2.78/2.78)

Plains, Hills & Desert (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.00 (0.00/0.00/0.00/0.00)

Urban (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

4.81 (9.77/2.78/0.88/0.25)

While the Plains and the Lake remain as the more neutral of Terrain types in Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay, the Desert’s +5% Movement Cost and +15% Attrition, as well as the Hills’ +50% Movement Cost with -25% Attack, seem to be more bearable penalties compared to those possessed by other combat locations. In this regard, players can capitalize on the increased numbers of Combat Width 35 to potentially wreak havoc on enemy forces, at least provided they don’t step into Marsh and Mountains due to their innately large penalties.


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Among Combat Widths going towards the larger part of the scale (>30), Combat Width 35 makes for a reasonable middle ground, especially for increasing troop numbers. Width 35’s relatively manageable penalties mean players can balance these setbacks with the bonuses of division multipliers. With the right division composition, Combat Width 35 may be able to become the player’s main frontline or defensive force.

3 Combat Width 18

Secure Defense By Plugging Into Vulnerable Sections

Troops gathering in Hearts of Iron 4


Averaged Penalties

All Terrains, All Directions


Marsh & Mountain (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

1.96 (0.64/4.00/0.64/0.01)

Forest & Jungle (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

1.52 (4.00/0.00/0.25/0.64)

Plains, Hills & Desert (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.08 (0.08/0.08/0.08/0.08)

Urban (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.69 (1.54/0.25/0.02/0.64)

At first glance, players who want high-intensity grand strategy warfare might want to proceed with their Hearts of Iron 4 gameplay with more aggressive strategies. However, those who want to play safe in terms of securing both attack and defense might want to get Combat Width 18 units in reserve.

Compared to other Width setups, Combat Width 18 is more suitable for protective and defensive plays. Their small nature makes them weak in terms of overall firepower, but being cheaper allows them to be plugged into defensive lines and even garrisons more efficiently. Their compatibility across most Terrains due to minimal penalties also makes them suitable for backline plays, especially when players find themselves at a disadvantage.

4 Combat Width 20

Small And Sweet Number For Tactical City Fights

Urban Warfare in Hearts of Iron 4


Averaged Penalties

All Terrains, All Directions


Marsh & Mountain (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

1.68 (4.00/0.44/0.00/1.44)

Forest & Jungle (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.51 (0.00/1.23/0.00/0.44)

Plains, Hills & Desert (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

1.55 (2.04/2.04/0.00/0.08)

Urban (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.00 (0.00/0.00/0.00/0.00)

While a game like Hearts of Iron 4 can encourage large-scale conflicts to take areas quickly, players who prefer to play it safe could use Combat Width 20 for a sweet spot in most incursions – especially for Urban Terrain, which generally offers low penalties at the onset. Given the 80/40 setup of Urban Terrain, Combat Width 20 can overwhelm foes with multi-directional strikes. Moreover, the nature of No Step Back wars being won by capturing Supply Hubs can work well with Urban-accommodating units, as many Supply Hubs are often in cities.

Not to mention, the rather low scale of penalties in other areas such as Marshes and Mountains make Width 20 reliable in supporting roles. While its lack of firepower makes it unideal for large-scale conflict, its size should be just right for supporting the backline or even flanks.

5 Combat Width 30

Technical Width To Dominate Forest & Jungle Incursions

Forces cementing defensesi n Hearts of Iron 4


Averaged Penalties

All Terrains, All Directions


Marsh & Mountain (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

4.00 (4.00/4.00/4.00/4.00)

Forest & Jungle (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.00 (0.00/0.00/0.00/0.00)

Plains, Hills & Desert (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

3.86 (8.16/2.04/0.51/0.08)

Urban (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.89 (1.56/0.00/1.56/0.25)

Considering the +50% Movement Cost of the Forest and Jungle Terrains on top of the -15% Attack and 0.08 Supply Flow Penalty imposed on combatants, Combat Width 30 seems like a technical sweet spot for Hearts of Iron 4 players who want to dominate a particular Terrain in land combat. At first glance, Combat Width 30 seems to lag compared to higher-number regiments. However, it’s in the relative lack of penalties where the Combat Width shines.


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Second to Forest and Jungle Terrains, Combat Width 30 doesn’t have as many penalties when used in Urban Terrains. Not to mention, it can theoretically perform reasonably well in Plains, Hills, and Desert, as well as the more movement-brutal Marsh and Mountain areas. As such, while Combat Width 30 is again not as efficient as higher-number Widths in terms of overall firepower, building them en masse could give players a more manageable edge in overall combat.

6 Combat Width 25

Technical Ideal For Marsh & Mountain Skirmishes

Two forces fighting in Hearts of Iron 4


Averaged Penalties

All Terrains, All Directions


Marsh & Mountain (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.00 (0.00/0.00/0.00/0.00)

Forest & Jungle (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

2.78 (6.25/1.23/0.17/0.00)

Plains, Hills & Desert (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

1.74 (0.51/3.63/0.51/0.00)

Urban (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

2.50 (6.26/0.17/0.88/0.00)

The high base penalties of Marsh and Mountain Terrains related to Movement Cost (+100% to both), Attrition (+35%,+30%), and Attack (-40%,-50%) make them extremely dangerous for most unit setups in Hearts of Iron 4. This is also why Combat Width 25 is rather practical in these environments, as they suffer the least penalties in these locations. Moreover, their manageable penalties on other Terrains make them a relatively safe “middle ground” between large forces and smaller units, making this a more all-around Combat Width for most players to try.

Of course, this metric is only based on sheer penalties alone, meaning Doctrines, Technologies, and even division composition play a large role in determining the success of Combat Width 25 in combat. Setbacks here include the undeniably smaller numbers of Combat Width 25 compared to other unit compositions, as such making it ideal for them to be supplemented with backup or for them to act as heavy-hitting support.

7 Combat Width 15

Ideal For Non-Specialized Divisions

Meeting forces head on in Hearts of Iron 4


Averaged Penalties

All Terrains, All Directions


Marsh & Mountain (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

1.52 (4.00/0.00/0.25/0.64)

Forest & Jungle (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.00 (0.00/0.00/0.00/0.00)

Plains, Hills & Desert (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

0.29 (0.51/0.00/0.51/0.08)

Urban (Attack from 1/2/3/4 Directions)

1.30 (3.53/0.00/0.10/0.25)

Fans of Hearts of Iron 4 who want to find an adequate Combat Width to accommodate most combat situations should consider Combat Width 15. This isn’t to say that Combat Width 15 can take down most enemies, but this Width has the advantage of having the least penalties for terrain types and attack directions. In turn, the Width is ideal for players who want a safe unit composition to tinker with in situations.

At its core, its non-specialized nature means Combat Width 15 can be converted into almost any combat role. However, Combat Width 15 isn’t suggested for large-scale combat incursions due to disadvantages in terms of firepower and defense. In turn, they’re not suitable for hard-cementing frontline attacks or pure protections. Instead, the Width is more effective for fortifying defenses or surprise engagements to secure breakthroughs past the enemy’s divisions.

hearts of iron 4

Hearts of Iron 4
June 6, 2016

Grand Strategy


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