As Mahito faces Itadori in a showdown during the Shibuya arc of the Jujutsu Kaisen anime series, fans see the curse go all out as he puts his ideals and way of thinking against Itadori. During his many battles against jujutsu sorcerers and Itadori Yuji in Jujutsu Kaisen, Mahito has gone from a curse that had the potential to cause trouble for jujutsu sorcerers, to one who causes chaos wherever he goes.

Throughout his many battles, Mahito has dropped many quotes, some more wise than others. While some of his quotes simply serve to display his vile nature, others show that the cursed spirit is quite intelligent and has a point.


Jujutsu Kaisen: Mahito’s Strongest Attacks & Jujutsu Abilities

Here are Mahito’s most formidable attacks and abilities, which make him one of the most threatening antagonists in the series.

7 “Life simply flows.”

Season 1, Episode 10

Mahitos philosophy

In this quote, Mahito compares life to water, and he states:

“Just like how water flows throughout the Earth, life simply flows.”

As he compares water to life, Mahito remarks that life is ever flowing, and if one life is lost, another will replace it. In a way, Mahito states that life isn’t particularly significant. As there will always be replacements for that which is lost, one must live the way one wants.

As a villain who sees human life as worthless, this quote perfectly embodies the lack of value that Mahito places on human life. That is why he so easily eradicates it without a care in the world, and with no rhyme or reason.

6 “You can’t let yourself get trapped in an ideal of indifference.”

Season 1, Episode 10


At the time Mahito met Junpei Yoshino, Junpei lived his life indifferently, caring about very few things. As someone who got bullied enough, Junpei couldn’t express himself and became apathetic towards many things. While many of Mahito’s quotes towards Junpei edged him to the wrong side, this one has more meaning.

In the context in which Mahito used it, he told Junpei to fulfill his carnal desires. Here, Mahito claims that in the same way in which he eats when he is hungry, he can kill when he hates someone, rather than being indifferent towards everything. While that is not the best of advice, not allowing oneself to be trapped in indifference is something many more people should adhere to.

5 “The sparks of black do not choose who to bless.”

Chapter 126


Since Todo explained the concept of Black Flash to Itadori, the young sorcerer has used it many times, even destroying Nanami’s previous record of four consecutive Black Flashes in a row. However, while it seems Itadori has mastery over the technique, fans are left bewildered as Mahito also executes a Black Flash on an already heavily wounded Yuji.


Jujutsu Kaisen: The Black Flash Brothers

Some exciting and colorful animation kicks off the last all-out battle of Season 2 between Mahito, Yuji, and Todo.

As fans had begun associating Black Flash with Itadori, Mahito’s words hit deep. They reminded fans that any person or curse could use Black Flash and grow stronger, not just the good guys. After his Black Flash, Mahito went on to understand his nature and cursed technique better, making him a more dangerous opponent.

4 “Thanks to the hate spewed between humans…I was born.”

Season 1, Episode 9


Humans have always been fickle creatures, who bear ill will and develop negative emotions against each other. When the negative emotions of humans build up to a certain point, a curse is born. In Mahito’s case, he is the curse born from humanity’s inhumanity towards each other.

Mahito is the ideal curse. He is individualistic, selfish, stubborn, and bears no sympathy for human life or anything else except his ideals. Because of his supposed origins in human hate, Mahito believes he is meant to eradicate and replace them. Moreover, of the special-grade curses in his group, he is the only one not born from a natural disaster, and his manipulation skills are top-notch.

3 “This is war! Not a battle to fix what’s wrong! But a clash of truths!”

Season 2, Episode 20

Yuji and Mahito

After sevaral battles, Itadori Yuji and Mahito have come to see each other as polar opposites. However, Itadori had come to see the battle between Jujutsu sorcerers and curses as akin to good versus evil, but Mahito corrected that notion. Rather than a simple clash of good versus evil, the Shibuya incident arc is more like the start of a war, which serves to prove whose ideals are right.


Jujutsu Kaisen: Every Major Cursed Spirit Who Dies In Shibuya

These Cursed Spirits may have left Shibuya in ruins, but they eventually met their end.

In this case, the one with the right ideals is the one that comes out on top, and Mahito is determined to win. Thankfully, in the clash of truths, the Jujutsu sorcerers eventually come out on top against Mahito and the other special-grade sorcerers. If they didn’t, the age of humanity would be over.

2 “I kill people without a second thought.”

Season 2, Episode 20


Mahito has always been the embodiment of a true and vile cursed spirit. His statement, “I kill people without a second thought,” clearly proves it. Rather than killing for a greater purpose or his ideals, Mahito simply disposes of humans because he feels like it. Many times, he uses humans for experimentation, and once he gets bored, he kills them.

The same way Itadori protects people without a second thought, Mahito kills without thinking about it. Killing is second nature to Mahito and bears no real consequences for him. Just how Itadori has never thought to count how many curses he’s killed, Mahito has never thought about human lives, as he sees them as beings with no real value but to be toyed with.

1 “Which do you think came first, the soul or the body?”

Season 1, Episode 10

Nanami and Mahito

Despite being a relatively young cursed spirit, Mahito has raised many philosophical questions about the soul and the body. As his technique widely deals with the soul, he asked Nanami this question, similar to asking if the chicken or the egg came first. Despite some believing the soul resides inside the body, Mahito claimed that the body was built around the soul. By changing the soul, he can affect the body.

While many may have differing opinions on whether the soul or the body came first, Mahito claims that each cursed technique works according to its own principles. This means that his technique operates in a world in which he sees fit.

Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen
Release Date
October 3, 2020


Number of Episodes


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