
  • Proud Mode in Kingdom Hearts offers a new challenging experience for gamers looking to test their abilities.
  • Players should get potions early in Traverse Town to ensure that their inventory is stocked for difficult battles in the early game.
  • Choosing the Dream Shield and discarding the Dream Rod will grant access to better abilities for a Proud Mode playthrough.

Kingdom Hearts may look quite approachable at first glance, but the series can actually be surprisingly difficult. Those looking for a more story-focused experience have access to Beginner Mode, which serves as the easiest difficulty setting available, but gamers hoping to really test their Keyblade wielding abilities should do so via Standard or Proud Mode.


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One of the biggest ways Square Enix changed the game with the Final Mix version was by implementing the Proud Mode difficulty. Similar to how Kingdom Hearts 3 introduced Critical Mode post-launch, Proud Mode offers players an entirely new way to play the game. Unfortunately, getting through Proud Mode is easier said than done, but thankfully, there are several ways to make the process easier.

Updated June 26, 2024, by Justin Flynn: Though its child-friendly visuals may seem inviting at first, the Kingdom Hearts series is notorious for featuring challenges that even veteran players might struggle to overcome, and the franchise’s debut title is no exception. If gamers are unable to best the challenges presented in this game on Beginner or Standard Mode, it is likely that attempting to do so on Proud Mode will feel almost impossible. Serving as the hardest difficulty setting, Proud Mode can be incredibly challenging for those unsure of how to approach it, and with most Kingdom Hearts games now available on Steam, some newcomers may need to take note of a few tricks to make the journey easier.

12 Stock Up On Potions As Soon As Possible

Restorative Items Can Be Hard To Find During The Early Game

The Item Shop in Kingdom Hearts

How to Get

Item Shop in Traverse Town


60 Munny


30 HP

Though the need to rely on Potions will eventually lessen once players gain access to the Cure spell, it’s always useful to keep one’s inventory relatively stocked with them. Unfortunately, this can be hard to do during the early hours of the game if players are simply hoping to find these healing items while exploring. For those willing to part with their Munny, however, Potions can be purchased from the Item Shop in Traverse Town.

Sora can buy a variety of different items from Donald’s nephews in the Item Shop, but Potions are arguably the best option during the early game when there are few other healing methods available. Some grinding may be required to amass the funds needed to buy large quantities, but doing so before leaving Traverse Town is highly recommended. If players reach Deep Jungle without Potions and are unable to beat a certain fight or boss, they may need to manually fly back to Traverse Town in order to restock. The trip becomes less arduous once the Warp feature is unlocked, but until players can make use of it, they should ensure to buy as many Potions as they think they’ll need before setting off to continue Sora’s journey.

11 Grind As You Go

Avoid Becoming Underpowered By Regularly Defeating Enemies

Tidus and Sora in the Second District in Traverse Town Kingdom Hearts

Proud Mode can be extremely challenging if Sora doesn’t spend enough time grinding. Thankfully, there are several areas where leveling can be done quite quickly at the beginning of the game. The Second District in Traverse Town can be a great place to start, but those willing enough can even begin on Destiny Island.

The best way to grind on Destiny Island is to fight Tidus. Though his moves can be difficult to predict, deflecting them will award Sora with two Tech Points each. Using this battle to grind can be very beneficial to the player when Sora eventually leaves the island.

10 Learn When To Block

Mashing Is Not As Reliable In Proud Mode

Sora blocking with the Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts

How to Unlock

  • Level 15 (Shield)
  • Level 24 (Sword)
  • Level 33 (Rod)

Though blocking enemy attacks in the original Kingdom Hearts isn’t as efficient as blocking in the sequel, it can be very effective depending on the situation. Mastering how to Guard requires the player to be patient and study the patterns of the enemies they hope to defeat.

The Guard ability will unlock by leveling Sora up, but it’s up to the player to choose when they obtain it. Choosing the Dream Shield during the tutorial segment will result in Sora obtaining Guard at level 15. Picking the Dream Shield will also increase Sora’s defense, so it can help a great deal in the long run.

9 Pursue Optional Content While Progressing The Story

Worlds Become More Dangerous During The Late-Game

Deep Jungle in Kingdom Hearts

Though it’s possible to get through Proud Mode without pursuing optional content, those hoping to experience everything Kingdom Hearts has to offer should aim to do so sooner rather than later. This is because the difficulty level of each world increases after the events at Hollow Bastion have taken place, resulting in stronger enemies appearing in areas that wouldn’t normally feature them. For completionists, the increased difficulty level can make searching for missing collectibles a real headache if they are underleveled. As such, it’s best to deal with any unfinished business in whatever worlds players need to before progressing through Hollow Bastion.

The tournaments being held at Olympus Coliseum also become a great deal more challenging post-Hollow Bastion, meaning that those who fail to beat the Phil, Pegasus, and Hercules Cups beforehand will be in for a much harder time.

8 Configure Donald’s Fighting Style

For Reliable Heals, Donald Should Focus On Defensive Magic

The Customize Menu in Kingdom Hearts

Though Donald’s unwillingness to heal Sora has become something of a meme in the Kingdom Hearts community, there is a way to change his approach to combat. To ensure he prioritizes healing above all else, the best thing to do is to select Customize in the pause menu. Here, the player will get the option to select a different fighting style for Donald.


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Donald will die a great deal throughout a Proud Mode playthrough, so setting his style to “Defensive” can make a huge difference. Doing so will also cause Donald to use healing magic and items much more frequently than he did before.

7 Get Familiar With Strike Raid

Allows Players To Maintain A Safe Distance While Dishing Out Good Damage

Sora using Strike Raid in Kingdom Hearts

How to Unlock

Complete the Pegasus Cup in Olympus Coliseum.

Strike Raid is arguably the most powerful ability in all of Kingdom Hearts. Using it on mobile enemies can be quite challenging depending on how quick they are, but it can be extremely effective when used against something more stationary.

Sora will obtain Strike Raid after beating the Pegasus Cup and will thus be able to use it for the remainder of the game. Sadly, it cannot be used while flying or while exploring Atlantica, but it can help a tremendous amount while traversing other worlds. It allows Sora to keep his distance when attacking while also making him invulnerable to oncoming blows, making it one of the most useful abilities Kingdom Hearts has to offer.

6 Choose The Dream Shield & Discard The Dream Rod

Grants Faster Access To Great Defensive Abilities

Sora holding the Dream Shield in Kingdom Hearts

  • Guard, Leaf Bracer, and Second Chance are unlocked sooner via this path.

The original Kingdom Hearts opens with a truly memorable sequence as players are thrust into a strange yet intriguing tutorial that teaches them the basic gameplay elements. Before Kingdom Hearts shows players the basics of combat, they are thrown into the deep end with a surprising decision. At the start, players must choose between three weapons: the Sword, the Shield, and the Staff. Only one can be kept, and another must be sacrificed

For a Proud Mode playthrough, players should choose to keep the Shield and discard the Staff. With the Dream Shield, players will get Guard, Leaf Bracer, and Second Chance much earlier than the other two options. This will also provide players with the highest possible starting Defense. The next choice is to discard the Staff, as doing so will only negatively impact how much MP Sora starts with.

5 Hold Onto Elixirs For Later Battles

A Fast Healing Method That Completely Restores Sora’s HP And MP

How to Synthesize an Elixir in Kingdom Hearts

How to Craft

  • Power Crystal x1
  • Shiny Crystal x1
  • Bright Crystal x2
  • Orichalcum x3

Elixirs can be synthesized upon unlocking the Synthesis Shop in Traverse Town, but obtaining the necessary materials to make them can be quite challenging. 1 Power Crystal, 1 Shiny Crystal, 2 Bright Crystals, and 3 Orichalcums are required to do so, so it’s better to hold onto whatever Elixirs are found throughout the playthrough until later.


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Offensive magic isn’t overly useful in the original Kingdom Hearts, so discarding the Dream Rod is a smart choice. However, doing so will limit the amount of MP bars Sora can obtain. As such, Sora won’t always get the chance to use Cure to heal himself, but storing Elixirs will render this restriction somewhat less frightening.

4 Choose The Correct Path

The Dialogue Options During The Tutorial Determine How Sora Levels Up

Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie in Kingdom Hearts


Level quickly until Level 40, and level slowly after.


Regular leveling until Level 100.


Level slowly until Level 40, and level quickly after.

During the tutorial segment, Sora will get the opportunity to converse with Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie on Destiny Island. The first interaction with the iconic Final Fantasy characters sees them posing a series of questions to the yet-to-be Keyblade wielder, but it’s up to the player to decide how Sora answers.

The way Sora levels will change depending on the answers he chooses, so it’s vital the player carefully considers each option. Choosing the top answer in each list will allow Sora to level faster until he reaches level 40, the middle option will cause him to level normally, and the third option will result in him leveling slowly until he hits level 40. The first option is ideal for those who wish to experience the main story, but those hoping to complete all the post-game content may prefer the second choice.

3 Always Cast Aero

Significantly Reduces The Amount Of Damage Sora Takes

Sora using Aero in Kingdom Hearts

How to Unlock

  • Aero: Defeat Opposite Armor in Traverse Town.
  • Aerora: Interact with the Yellow Trinity in Neverland.
  • Aeroga: Find and return all 99 Dalmatians.

Sometimes when casting Aero, Sora has the habit of screaming “Defense!” This enthusiastic shout pretty much cements why Aero is an important tool to have throughout Proud Mode. Aero adds a layer of defense that will halve all incoming damage for at least 18 seconds. The spell itself will cost two MP to cast, but for best results, Sora should always be surrounded by wind.

While Aero alone is incredibly useful, its next levels give it an extra sting. Aerora provides a barrier that will inflict damage to any enemy touched by the summoned wind. Aeroga takes it further by upping the power of the damage and adding a deflect ability. Considering how strong both of these upgrades are, it makes sense why they are harder to obtain. Aerora is found in Neverland by using the Yellow Trinity in the Ship’s Cabin. To get the final evolution of the spell, players must collect all 99 missing Dalmatians for Aeroga. The spell is given to Sora by Pongo and Perdita in Traverse Town upon returning with all the puppies found.

2 Get Curaga Before The Final Fights

A Reliable Healing Method That Players Might Miss

Sora using Curaga in Kingdom Hearts

How to Unlock

  • Cure: Beat Clayton in Deep Jungle.
  • Cura: Obtained before the fight against Captain Hook in Neverland.
  • Curaga: Speak to Aerith three times in the Library after sealing the Keyhole in Hollow Bastion.

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix continues the Final Fantasy tradition of spell levels, with the majority of upgraded magic coming with the additional suffixes of “-ra” and “-ga.” As mentioned under the explanation of Aero’s spell benefits, sometimes these spells are not simply granted to the player and must be earned through additional actions. Since Proud Mode will be dishing out some very heavy hits, the most important spell will be Cure as well as Cura and Curaga.


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While Cure and Cura are given to the player naturally, Curaga can easily be missed if players are not on the lookout. Curaga can only be obtained near the very end of the game by talking to Aerith three times in the Hollow Bastion Library, right below the save point. Considering how vital Curaga is against Kingdom Hearts’ tough extra bosses, talking to Aerith is a surprisingly easy way for gamers to acquire it.

1 Summon Tinker Bell In Dangerous Battles

Tinker Bell Constantly Heals Sora And Will Revive Him If He Dies

Sora and Tinker Bell in Kingdom Hearts

How to Unlock

Seal the Keyhole in Neverland.

It is a well-known joke within the Kingdom Hearts community that Donald is a terrible healer. Starting from the very first Kingdom Hearts, Donald has always been overzealous in healing at the worst of times. So, since Donald is a pretty bad healer and Goofy can’t be trusted with items, it is always best to focus on Sora alone. There’s never really a need to worry about other party members, as most of the time, they will just be knocked out.

On a special note for summons, Tinker Bell is one that will be a literal lifesaver late-game. Unlike other summons, Tinker Bell doesn’t require the removal of Donald or Goofy, but they must both be alive in order for her to be summoned. She regularly heals Sora and will resurrect him should he be taken out. It is only upon Sora’s resurrection that she is removed from battle or if players opt to dismiss her.

kingdom hearts 1

Kingdom Hearts

September 17, 2002

Action RPG


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