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  • How To Use The Facilities On Dondoko Farm

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth gives players the opportunity to explore multiple areas so that they won’t grow bored. The game has multiple fun substories, which are also a source of entertainment.

At one point in the story, players will be sent to Dondoko Island. It used to be a resort, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it was abandoned and left to rot. When players arrive on the island, their goal will be to get rid of all the problems and restore it to its glory. After raising the resort rank, players will unlock Dondoko Farm.


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth – Where to Get Dim Sum Assortment

The delectable Dim Sum Assortment is a popular gift in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Here’s where players can find it.

What Is Dondoko Farm

​​​​​​In order to travel to ​Dondoko Farm, players will have to go to Mukku Beach and then use the raft. Upon reaching the farm, players will learn that there are four different facilities that can be used to earn Dokobucks, resources, and EXP for your Sujimon. Occasionally, players will have to defend the farm from pests with the help of their Sujimon.

How To Use The Facilities On Dondoko Farm

Players will have to approach one of the four places and check the available courses. Then, they will have to select the one that seems appropriate. Each course requires a certain amount of time to complete. The better the course, the more time it will take to complete it.

The Workshop

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Dondoko Farm guide

The Workshop has four courses, and assigning Sujimon here will enable them to earn Dokobucks. This facility is extremely useful, especially early in the game. With the Dokobucks, players can upgrade their weapons and purchase lodgings.

Crop Patches

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Dondoko Farm Crop Patches guide

Players can assign Sujimon to the Crop Patches to get various vegetables that are needed to produce souvenirs. Once again, there are four courses. Choosing the course with the longest duration ensures that players get healthy produce.

Recycling Center

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Dondoko Farm Recycling course guide

The Recycling Center is a great way to obtain resources that are needed to build different things on Dondoko Island. Players need to pick the course that falls in line with their needs and choose the right Sujimon for the job.

Training Spot

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Dondoko Farm Sujimon training guide

The Training Spot is the place where Sujimon can be left to train. This helps themraise their level. The Training Spot is ideal for players who have a ton of Sujimon and want to raise all of them. Initially, players will only have access to the Beginner course, but they will unlock more as they progress through the story.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth

Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth
January 26, 2024


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