
  • Choose a mech that suits your style in Mech Arena for dynamic battles and strategic gameplay.
  • The Nomad is a versatile mech favored by players for its well-balanced stats and abilities.
  • Each mech in Mech Arena, like Panther and Surge, has unique strengths for different tactical roles.

Mech Arena is a fast-paced multiplayer shooter where players pilot powerful mechs in team-based combat. Offering a variety of mechs, weapons, and customization options, it features intense PvP battles across diverse arenas. Strategic gameplay and unique abilities ensure dynamic and competitive matches, appealing to fans of tactical shooters.


Mech Arena: 6 Best Weapons For Panther

Panther is one of the most versatile mechs in Mech Arena, and can therefore be outfitted with a wide range of weapons and still be effective.

Choosing a mech that suits a player’s preferred playing style is crucial in enjoying this tactical mech game. These roles tend to follow typical archetypes such as tank, scout, and brawler. Some mechs are specialized towards one role, and others are more general-purpose and adaptable, being able to fulfill multiple different roles based on the loadout of weapons used.

6 Nomad

Good All-Rounder

Nomad Is A Good Mech In Mech Arena

  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 18
    • Hit points: 103,900
    • Speed: 29 km/h
    • Power: 550

The Nomad is a very versatile mech that many Mech Arena players settle on for at least some of their playing time. The great thing about the Nomad is that even though it is categorized as a scout, it is simply so well-balanced. It has decent speed, average defenses, and can mount a fair level of firepower. Especially when the Chain Dash ability is added to the mix.


Mech Arena: Best Weapons For Killshot

Killshot is a glass cannon mech, with high speed and agility, suitable for hit-and-run attacks. Here are the best weapons for it in Mech Arena.

New players who gain access to the Nomad mech early on, tend to stick with it for some time, upgrading it and using it as a Swiss Army knife of mechs until they have played for a few months and unlocked more specialized mechs.

5 Guardian

A Real Monster In The Right Hands

Guardian Is A Good Mech In Mech Arena

  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 16
    • Hit points: 39,900
    • Speed: 16 km/h
    • Power: 220

The Guardian mech is categorized as an attack mech, and this really does describe it well. It can mount a formidable amount of weaponry, although the limited energy reserves mean this weaponry has to be used sparingly. The System Crash ability is similar in that it needs to be used tactically, due to its long cooldown.

Defense-wise, the Guardian mech is no brawler, as it is designed to be something of a glass cannon. That being said, it isn’t paper thin and can survive quite well if used properly. The emphasis here is on the word properly, as with its slow speed, the Guardian is best working from cover, only exposing itself to fire.

4 Panther

Designed For Tactical Gameplay

Panther Is A Good Mech In Mech Arena

  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 20
    • Hit points: 49,100
    • Speed: 20 km/h
    • Power: 326

Although the Panther is categorized as an attacker mech, it is more suited to skirmish-style gameplay, using hit-and-run tactics. Yes, it has a good combination of speed and survivability, but with its great energy pool, it excels in taking down tactically important targets quickly.

The Stasis Barrier ability is very useful in these scenarios as well. Put simply, the Panther is designed as a mech to be used for taking down priority targets, such as enemy mechs that are taking over a capture point, rather than taking part in the greater battle.

3 Surge

Agile CQC Mech

Surge Is A Good Mech In Mech Arena

  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 18
    • Hit points: 97,400
    • Speed: 29 km/h
    • Power: 542

As one might expect from a scout mech, Surge is fast, very fast. And this is its only real strength. It excels at sticking to cover, before dive-bombing an enemy mech and unloading its weapon rack, before scooting back into cover again.


8 Best FromSoftware Mech Games, Ranked

No one can make a fun and engaging mech game quite like FromSoftware, but which is really the greatest of them all?

The Storm Dash ability doubles down on this kind of tactical gameplay for Surge. It has an average cooldown, which is short enough for the ability to be ready well within the time it takes a player to regroup between attack runs. This isn’t the easiest mech to master, as it means staying out of the general melee and playing more tactically. But once mastered, Surge can change the tide of a battle in the right hands.

2 Bastion

A Real Tank Of A Mech

Bastion Is A Good Mech In Mech Arena

  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 18
    • Hit points: 162,400
    • Speed: 18 km/h
    • Power: 619

Mech Arena players who enjoy being part of the overall brawl that tends to take place in the center of the map, might like to give the Bastion mech a try. It excels in this role. Sure, it is a little lacking in the offensive department, but it is a real brawler in a defensive role.

The Blast Shield ability is perfect for this mech, as it gives a short period of increased defense. This is a good thing, as Bastion is a slow mech, and it will not be able to escape to the safety of cover if it finds itself in trouble in this competitive PvP game.

1 Eclipse

The Assassin Mech

Eclipse Is A Good Mech In Mech Arena

  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 18
    • Hit points: 97,400
    • Speed: 28 km/h
    • Power: 542

Some Mech Arena players love the Eclipse mech so much that they seldom take any other unit into battle. It is categorized as a scout mech, but it is more like an assassin, due to its Phase Cloak ability that lets it move around the battlefield without being detected for short periods. For players who enjoy stealth gameplay, this is the mech to choose.


7 Best Indie Mech Games

Fans of mech games should give these excellent indie titles a chance.

The standard tactic for the Eclipse is to use Phase Cloak to get into range of a target, unload all weapon racks, and then use the mech’s respectable 28 km/h speed to head into cover, recharge all weapons and Phase Cloak, before choosing the next target.

mech arena

Mech Arena

August 9, 2021



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