Millennia is a relatively complex game in a subgenre of strategy games full of complicated titles. However, many aspects of this unique grand strategy game are quite traditional. That is the case of unrest, which afflicts regions based on the quality of life of its citizens. If the population of a city has no food, if sanitation is too low, or if the nation is fighting multiple wars, unrest will start growing.

Even if some nations can tolerate unrest better than others, every participant in a game of Millennia will have to keep this value under control. And while the best way to deal with unrest is to limit growth altogether, it’s not too hard to reduce unrest once it starts growing out of control. If left unchecked, unrest can massively reduce a region’s production value, making it harder to control it, and it can even cause a region to split out into a different nation.


Millennia: Best Starting Bonuses, Ranked

When starting a playthrough of C Prompt Games’ Millennia, players can pick from a few starting bonuses, some of which are better than others.

How To Reduce Unrest in Millennia

dealing wit hunrest in Millennia

Unrest in Millennia represents the lack of support from regions and is usually caused by a lack of food, housing, and sanitation, but it can be heightened by any population need that is not met in time. War also creates unrest, as does having a region’s capital under siege or any enemy unit wandering inside the region. Some ages can make unrest worse or better, while the Age of Blood completely removes warfare unrest.

These are the first steps to reduce unrest.

  • Meeting all needs in a region
  • Placing military units on a region’s capital
  • Immediately dealing with military invasions
  • Create buildings and improvements that lower unrest

Once unrest starts growing, lowering it should become the players’ biggest priority. Unexperienced players, in particular, should treat any amount of unrest growth above one or two per turn as an emergency. Stopping unrest gets harder and harder as it grows, so it’s best to catch it early, especially if a nation doesn’t have access to unrest-reduction powers.

How To Stop Unrest From Growing

A city in Millennia struggling to produce enough food

There are a lot of variables that can change the way unrest works in Millennia. National spirits can greatly influence a society’s needs for food or goods, as well as its reaction to being under siege or in war. In general, the best way to stop unrest is to avoid long and costly wars or at least plan the biggest war efforts carefully.

Avoiding sieges is also essential for most nations, as is keeping some units in every region’s capital, especially units specialized in unrest suppression. Meeting a region’s needs relies instead on good positioning, and it’s hard to fix late into the game. If a region is struggling for food, housing, or luxury goods, there can be two causes: it could just need to use its surrounding goods better, or it might not have enough goods around it to exploit.

The first case is easy to fix. It’s just an issue of spending more improvement points on that forgotten region. The second possibility is much more dire, as a poorly positioned region can’t be moved. Domestic or international trade can help those struggling regions, but players will have to decide for themselves if it’s really worth it. A struggling region can always be turned back into a vassal city.


March 26, 2024

C Prompt Games


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