Monopoly GO is a game of luck, no doubt, but not many players get lucky with dice rolls in the game. If someone is not happy with their fate, they can use the airplane mode glitch to get more dice rolls. With this new glitch, players can roll the dice as many times as they want. Read the following guide detailing how to use the Airplane mode glitch in Monopoly GO.

Updated September 20, 2024, by Usama Ali: Unfortunately, Scopely has now patched the Airplane mode glitch, preventing players from manipulating their rolls. They have also added a daily Login Limit that restricts players from using multiple accounts. The login limit ensures that all players have a level playing field and that no individual has an unfair advantage. If you’re looking for a way to top up your dice pool, check out the link below:

How to Use the Airplane Mode Hack in Monopoly GO

Dice rolls are undoubtedly the most important element in Monopoly GO. The game has two six-sided dice, and their total number determines where you land on the game’s board. As such, players want to have more and more dice rolls. The good news is that it is now possible with the Airplane mode hack. Not only does this glitch let players pick their landing spot, but it also keeps them safe from unlucky rolls.

Using this glitch does not require players to uninstall and reinstall the game, or switch accounts. They don’t have to install suspicious mods either. They just need to make sure that Airplane mode is enabled on their phone before they roll the dice. If you’re not happy with the first roll, you can take a second chance using the Airplane mode glitch.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to do this trick:

  • Exit the Monopoly GO app.
  • Activate Airplane mode.
  • Launch Monopoly GO again.
  • Wait for the game to load until it hits 20% of the loading.
  • Disable Airplane mode at 20% of loading progress.
  • If the Airplane mode glitch works, the loading screen will continue from the same place. If not, repeat the process.
  • Watch the loading screen quickly reach 100%.
  • If the trick is successful, you’ll find yourself at the same place where you rolled the dice before.
  • This is your second chance to roll the dice and get a different result.

If players don’t get their desired results even after using this glitch, they can repeat it again and again until they get the outcome they want.

Monopoly Go Daily Login Limit, Explained

monopoly go cover

Scopely has added a daily login limit to Monopoly Go that prevents players from exploiting the game’s mechanics and ensures fair play for all. This limit restricts the number of times a player can log into their account within 24 hours.

Players who frequently log out and back into Facebook, Apple, or Google in Monopoly Go will receive a ‘Limit Warning’ notice. This is to remind them that they’re close to reaching the daily login limit.

If a player continues to log out and back in after receiving this warning, their account may be temporarily locked. It’s recommended to stick to using a single account to avoid exceeding the limit and risking getting your account suspended.

What Does the Airplane Mode Glitch Do?

Players may want to use the Airplane mode glitch for several reasons in the game. For starters, it can help them save their dice. Besides, it allows them to get their desired results and land on the tiles they want to. This can help them get valuable properties, shield skins, and other useful materials.


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