Today has brought word puzzle fans a whole new challenging word-search Strands puzzle, and this one can be quite difficult for anyone.

Strands has one of the more challenging puzzles that the New York Times Games has ever put out, and it will be very difficult for anyone not super familiar with the category Spangram. If you already know how to play Strands and are stuck on this puzzle game and don’t want to use the in-game hint system, don’t worry. This article has a host of hints, individual word spoilers, and even the entire puzzle answer if you would like to see it. At the end, there is also an explanation of how the words all fit together with the Spangram and the clue for today.


7 Darkest Puzzle Games, Ranked

It’s rather common for the best horror games to feature puzzle elements to keep players using their sharp minds, with an eye looking for dark ends.

The NYT Games Strands Puzzle #31 for April 3, 2024


This Strands puzzle has seven total things to find: one category Spangram and six words. The clue for today is Play Time!

New York Times Games Strands Clues

Searching for some help with this mobile-friendly puzzle game? If you just want some general hints that don’t spoil anything, check out the three expandable sections below.

General Hint 1

General Hint 2

General Hint 3

Spoilers for Two of the Words in Today’s Strands

If you are looking for individual word spoilers for this innovative puzzle game, you can find two of those below. Click the Read More buttons to see these spoilers.

Spoiler 1

Spoiler 2

The Answer to Today’s New York Times Games Strands

If you want to see the full answer to today’s puzzle game, you can check the section below. It has all the words, including the Spangram, and the positions of all the words in the puzzle.

Today’s Strands Explained

Want to know how all the themed words, the clues, and Spangram all work together? Check out the box below to see what the whole puzzle means when it is put together.

new your times strands

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March 4, 2024

The New York Times Company



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