Strands has another daily word puzzle game for everyone to try their hand against. Winning requires that you dig through a letter grid, searching for seven themed words hidden within it, but first you have to figure out what the theme for today might be.

Today’s puzzle is even more difficult than the rules of Strands make it sound; the clue for this puzzle is particularly opaque. If you want some help with this one, this article contains general clues, word spoilers, and even the full answer if you want to see it.


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The NYT Games Strands Puzzle #171 August 21, 2024


The Strands puzzle for today has the clue One For the Ages. It has seven items to find: one Spangram and six themed words.

New York Times Games Strands Clues

If you want some spoiler-free clues for this puzzle game that can make you smarter, check out the three sections below. Each has one clue to get you closer to the theme for today.

General Hint 1

General Hint 2

General Hint 3

Spoilers for Two of the Words in Today’s Strands

Inside each of these expandable sections is one single spoiled word and a screenshot of where it goes in the puzzle’s grid. Open them up if that sounds like something you want to see for yourself.

Spoiler 1

Spoiler 2

The Answer to Today’s New York Times Games Strands

The full answer to this internet browser-based puzzle game is in the expandable section below. Open it up to see all the themed words, the Spangram, and where each goes in the letter grid.

Today’s Strands Explained

Want an explanation for the puzzle, the theme, and the clue? Open up the section below to see all the info you need laid out for this puzzle game you can play with kids.

Want to play? Check out the New York Times Games Strands website, available on almost any device with a browser.

new your times strands


Web Browser

March 4, 2024

The New York Times Company

The New York Times Company


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