OnePlus is all set to host its ‘Smooth Beyond Belief’ event on January 23 in India to unveil the flagship OnePlus 12 and OnePlus 12R. Ahead of the big launch event, the Chinese smartphone brand is celebrating its 10 year anniversary in India and partnership with Amazon. It also pointed out the impressive sales growth achieved by the OnePlus 11R 5G and OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G smartphones on Amazon India. OnePlus claims that the OnePlus 11R 5G emerged as the best-selling Android premium smartphone in the Rs. 30,000 price segment on Amazon this year.

Through a press note on Wednesday, (December 20) OnePlus announced its 10 year anniversary. The company also spoke about its 10 year partnership with Amazon India. It said that the OnePlus 11R 5G came out as the best-selling Android premium smartphone by volume in the Rs. 30,000 price segment on Amazon in 2023. Meanwhile, the OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G is claimed to have emerged as the best-selling smartphone by volume across all price segments on the e-commerce website.

OnePlus 11R 5G with Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC launched in February with an initial price tag of Rs. 39,999. The OnePlus Nord CE 3 Lite 5G, in contrast, was unveiled in April with a starting price of Rs. 19,999. It runs on a Snapdragon 695 SoC.

OnePlus made its entry into the country in 2014 with the debut of the OnePlus One. Since then, Amazon has been the exclusive e-commerce partner for the company. The Pete Lau-led brand says it has sold more than 12 million smartphones across 98.9 percent of pin codes in the country via the e-commerce partner since its inception.

To mark the anniversary, OnePlus is hosting a ‘Smooth Beyond Belief’ event in New Delhi on January 23. The launch event will see the debut of OnePlus 12 and OnePlus 12R. The former is already available in the Chinese market.


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