
  • Palia’s bugs play a crucial role in quests & earning gold, with rare finds like the Firebreathing Dragonfly & Raspberry Beetle.
  • Key locations like Kilima Lake Coast & Pulsewater Plains offer unique habitats teeming with rare & epic bugs for collection.
  • From Maji’s Hollow to Leafhopper Hills, Palia is rich in bug diversity, providing ample opportunities for bug enthusiasts to explore.

In Palia, bugs are more than just colorful creatures fluttering in the eternal summer breeze. They are considerably valuable and essential for completing quests, fulfilling vault bundles, and earning gold used for spending in the game. Bug enthusiasts can develop their skill by finding uncommon, rare, and epic bugs in several places around the map, but true entomophiles know there are distinct places where the best bugs are hiding in plain sight.


Palia: All Bugs & Where To Find Them

There are many bugs for you to find and catch in Palia, and here is where they can all be found.

From the shores of Kilima Lake Coast to the vast fields of northern Bahari Bay, each of these locations offers a unique habitat teeming with fascinating insect life. Discover eight key places players should look to when searching for certain bugs to complete their collection.

8 Kilima Lake Coast

Map: Kilima

A map showing one of the best places to catch bugs, known as the Kilima Lake Coast

Bug Type

Bugs Spotted In The Area


Golden Glory Bee & Princess Ladybug


Garden Mantis


Brushtail Dragonfly & Common Blue Butterfly

Along the southern coast of Kilima, players will find beautiful landscapes overlooking a large body of water known as Kilima Lake. It’s known for being a popular place to visit for fishing in Palia, but should not be overlooked as a great bug hunting location. Bugs often spawn in open fields and plains, making the areas near the coastline a breeding ground for bugs.

Near Gillyfin Cove and Fisherman’s Lagoon, players will find the rare Princess Ladybug and the uncommon Garden Mantis. These bugs are around at all times of day but may require special smoke bombs or upgrades to the bug belt. After chopping down medium or large sapwood trees near the coast, there is a small chance of spawning a rare Golden Glory Bee.

7 Maji’s Hollow

Map: Kilima

The map showing Maji's Hollow, one of the best places to catch bugs

Bug Type

Bugs Spotted In The Area


Golden Glory Bee & Spotted Mantis


Duskwing Butterfly


Common Blue Butterfly, Common Field Cricket, Kilima Night Moth

Maji’s Hollow is located in the northeast corner of Kilima. It is where Chayne often spends his time near the dragon shrine. In exchange for renown, which is earned after completing quests, players can pray at the statue to increase the focus bar potential by 50 points. The uncommon Duskwing Butterfly and rare Spotted Mantis bugs are native to the fields surrounding Maji’s Hollow.


Palia: Best Locations For Hunting

Players who want to optimize their hunting in Palia should spend most of their time in the following locations.

When caught, rare bugs like the Spotted Mantis and Golden Glory Bee can drop silk threads. After a recent Palia update, players can also experience secondary drops from uncommon bugs like gatherable flowers. The Duskwing Butterfly, in particular, can drop a blue hydrangea flower. The flowers have yet to be included in crafting or cooking recipes, but there are promising signs for the game’s future.

6 Flooded Fortress

Map: Bahari Bay

The map of the Flooded Fortress, one of the best places to catch bugs in Bahari Bay

Bug Type

Bugs Available In The Area


Spitfire Cicada, Stripeshell Snail, Vampire Crab


Garden Snail & Spineshell Crab


Bahari Crab

Kilima Village and Bahari Bay are littered with ruins, which are said to belong to humans who once inhabited the area. The Flooded Fortress is one of the biggest ruin sites in Palia. It is a stunning area of the Bahari Bay map where players can find different types of crabs and snails not found anywhere else.

The Flooded Fortress is a key location for those looking to complete bundles from Palia‘s Vault of Waves quest. The deep red Vampire Crab can be seen here, scurrying along the sandy shores. This crab is needed to complete the spooky bundle. In addition, patience, virtue, and specialty smoke bombs can help players get their hands on a purple Stripeshell Snail, required for the completion of the beach bundle.

5 Bahari Bay Coast

Map: Bahari Bay

A map showing the Bahari Bay Coast, a good place to catch bugs

Bug Type

Bugs Available In The Area


Stripeshell Snail


Cerulean Cicada, Garden Snail, Spineshell Crab


Bahari Crab & Paper Lantern Bug

Much like the Kilima Lake coastline, the eastern coast of Bahari Bay is a great place to find rare and uncommon species of bugs. In spots like Beachcomber Cove and Coral Shores, players will find other species of crabs and snails, like the Garden Snail, the Spineshell Crab, and the Bahari Crab.

There are hoards of common Paper Lantern Bugs that will appear during the evening and night hours of the game. Their bright blue bodies can easily be spotted flying about near the Bahari Bay coast. Catching these bugs isn’t much of a challenge, making it an easy way to build the bug-catching skill and a simple contribution to the Vault of Flames in the brightbug bundle.

4 Mirror Fields

Map: Kilima

A map showing Mirror Fields, a great place to catch bugs

Bug Type

Bugs Available In The Area


Firebreathing Dragon


Garden Leafhopper


Common Blue Butterfly, Kilima Night Moth, Spotted Stinkbug

Back in Kilima, bug-hunting enthusiasts should consider searching near Mirror Fields. This area may not have the biggest variety of bugs, nor the rarest, but it definitely has plentiful common bugs like the Common Blue Butterfly, Kilima Night Moth, and Spotted Stinkbug. Sprinting through the fields, players will find themselves constantly alerting bugs, sernuk, and chapaas in their vicinity.



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Those looking for the best fishing games have come to the right plaice, as these fantastic fishing sims really are the reel deal.

Those who are lucky, or have the right bug-catching tools, can happen upon the Firebreathing Dragonfly from this part of the map. This dragonfly, like the Paper Lantern Bug, is needed for the brightbug bundle in the Vault of Flames. That’s not all the Firebreathing Dragonfly is good for. It is also a requirement for completing the level three friendship discovery quest for Badruu and the level four quest for Hodari. There are many benefits to earning better relationships with villagers in Palia.

3 Leafhopper Hills

Map: Kilima

A map at Leafhopper Hills, which is one of the best places to go bug catching

Bug Type

Bugs Available In The Area


Golden Glory Bee, Gossamer Veil Moth, Raspberry Beetle


Garden Leafhopper, Garden Millipede, Proudhorned Stag Beetle


Common Blue Butterfly, Common Field Cricket, Kilima Night Moth, Spotted Stinkbug

Named after the uncommon Garden Leafhopper, the western fields near the Daiya Family Farm are one of the best places to go to catch bugs. 10 different types of bugs can be found in Leafhopper Hills alone. One of these bugs, the rare Raspberry Beetle, is highly sought after as the most valuable bug in Palia. It sells for 145 gold each, or 217 gold if it is gold-star quality.

The Gossamer Veil Moth is also known to fly around this area during the evening and night hours. Unlike bugs who zigzag to avoid a player’s anticipated movements, the Gossamer Veil Moth flies in a straight line, darting as far as it can before despawning. Along with the Golden Glory Bee, this rare moth is needed to complete the fairywind bundle in the Vault of the Gale quest.

2 Pulsewater Plains

Map: Bahari Bay

A map showing Pulsewater Plains and Hideaway Bluffs, the best area in Bahari Bay to catch bugs

Bug Type

Bugs Available In The Area


Fairy Mantis & Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly


Azure Stonehopper, Bahari Glowbug, Spitfire Cicada


Cerulean Cicada, Inky Dragonfly, Lunar Fairy Moth


Common Blue Butterfly & Common Field Cricket

Pulsewater Plains, in Bahari Bay, is near the exit to Kilima Village. The fields between Pulsewater Plains and the Hideaway Bluffs are hosts to many different kinds of bugs, ranging from the Common Field Cricket to the epic Rainbow-Tipped Butterfly. Multiple bugs available in this area are needed to complete vault bundles.

For example, the Inky Dragonfly, Bahari Glowbug, and Spitfire Cicada are all essential for the Vault of the Flames and the Vault of the Waves. Because the fields are so large, it is recommended that players bug hunt with their friends and neighbors in the area. As long as a player gets one successful hit on the bug, they will be able to collect it when it is downed.

1 Northern Bahari Bay

Map: Bahari Bay

A map of Northern Bahari Bay, the best area to catch bugs in Bahari Bay

Bug Type

Bugs Available In The Area


Ancient Amber Beetle


Brighteye Butterfly, Hairy Millipede, Leafstalker Mantis, Scintillating Centipede, Spitfire Cicada


Bahari Bee, Cerulean Cicada, Garden Ladybug, Garden Snail, Inky Dragonfly, Lunar Fairy Moth


Brushtail Dragonfly, Common Bark Cicada, Paper Lantern Bug, Spotted Stinkbug

The place players will find the most bugs is the northern half of Bahari Bay. The fields and forests between The Outskirts, the Thorny Thicket, the Flooded Steps, and Proudhorn Pass house 16 different species of bugs. It can be quite time-consuming to walk a character up to this area of the map, so fast travel is recommended to save time.

There are five bugs that are involved in vault bundles, all of which can be found in this area of Bahari Bay. The Inky Dragonfly belongs to the Vault of Waves, the Paper Lantern Bug and Spitfire Cicada to the Vault of Flames, and the Ancient Amber Beetle and the Leafstalker Mantis to the new Vault of Roots.


August 10, 2023

Singularity 6, Inc.

Singularity 6, Inc.


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