
  • Palworld has faced controversy and harassment from fans who believe it has plagiarized Pokemon designs.
  • The game’s developers have received “unhinged threats” online.
  • Despite the harassment, Palworld has been a huge success, selling over 8 million units on Steam and topping the Xbox Game Pass charts. The future looks bright for the game, with planned updates and improvements.

Palworld‘s developers are still being harassed, with the developers receiving “unhinged threats” from people online. While it’s been an incredible sales success, Palworld has certainly not been without controversy. Some Pokemon fans in particular have taken issue with the game, allegedly targeting its developers with death threats because they think that it has plagiarized Game Freak’s Pokemon designs.

Whether Palworld creature designs are close enough to existing Pokemon to warrant legal action is not up for fans to decide. The Pokemon Company has issued a statement on Palworld indicating that it will investigate the game. If The Pokemon Company decides to pursue legal action, the courts will decide if Palworld infringes on Pokemon‘s copyrights. Even though The Pokemon Company can take care of itself, some online have reportedly decided to target the game’s developers with death threats.


Palworld Dev Claims the Game’s PvP Won’t Suffer From the Same Issues as Rust

Palworld developer responds to fans concerned about the game’s future PvP mode and comparisons to challenging PvP titles like Rust.

It seems the Palworld threats have continued, according to community manager “Bucky” on Twitter. Bucky shares all kinds of information about Palworld, including updated sales figures for the game as well as patch notes. Recently, Bucky said that if they post anything about the game, they get “unhinged threats” to themselves and Palworld developer Pocketpair. “Shame, but ok,” they said in a tweet about the situation.

Even if one feels Palworld is ripping off Pokemon, it’s obviously not appropriate to harass or threaten the game developers on Twitter. As previously mentioned, The Pokemon Company is perfectly capable of handling things itself. Attacking the game developers on Twitter accomplishes nothing of value.

Palworld Has Been a Huge Success

palworld zoe and grizzbolt-1

The threats aimed at Palworld and its developers have been an unfortunate blight on what must otherwise be an extremely exciting time for the team. Palworld has been a massive success, passing 8 million units sold on Steam mere days after its early access release and rocketing to the top of the Xbox Game Pass charts. Assuming it doesn’t find itself in any legal trouble, the future is looking incredibly bright for Palworld.

Just recently, Palworld shared a roadmap detailing its plans for future updates. First and foremost, Palworld will be focused on fixing the game’s technical shortcomings and making important improvements, but later updates will add PvP, raid bosses, and more.


January 19, 2024

Pocket Pair, Inc.

Pocket Pair, Inc.

Unreal Engine 5

T For Teen Due To Violence

Number of Players
1-4 (Co-Op); 32 Players Server Limit


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