Key Takeaways

  • Team Rocket’s Pokemon roster is diverse and unique.
  • Jessie’s Pokemon include Lickitung, Dustox, Wobbuffet, Gourgeist, and Yanmega.
  • James’s Pokemon often consist of Yamask, Mareanie, Inkay, Victreebel, Arbok, Seviper, Amoonguss, and Gyarados.

Ash and Pikachu have historically been a big part of the Pokemon anime series, but arguably just as big are the persistent, yet constantly bumbling Team Rocket trio of Jessie, James, and Meowth. Initially insistent on kidnapping Pikachu, the Team Rocket trio has evolved into a sort of rival for the young trainer, and they have appeared frequently throughout the series.


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As Pokemon trainers themselves, Jessie and James have maintained a steady collection of Pokemon over the years. While they rarely do well against Ash and his friends’ teams, they still have their strengths. Here are some of Team Rocket’s best Pokemon that have appeared in the anime.

Updated October 24, 2024, by Hamza Haq: Like Ash and his companions, Team Rocket’s James and Jessie’s roster of Pokemon is ever-rotating, with new ones being introduced every season to keep things fresh and exciting. Owing to the extremely long runtime of the original anime and the number of Pokemon, however, choosing which of Team Rocket’s Pokemon deserves to be acknowledged as the best ones is a hard choice to make.

1 Meowth

The Heart And Soul Of Team Rocket

Team Rocket - James, Meowth and Jessie

  • Debut Episode: “Pokémon Emergency!”
  • Strongest Move: Scratch

Meowth is as much a part of the trio of Team Rocket as Jessie and James are and is one of the main supporting cast of Pokemon and after Pikachu, is the biggest mascot of the series. Putting him anywhere other than the top of this list would be a disservice. An argument can be made, however, about Meowth not being a caught Pokemon in the traditional sense, taking up more of a villain role instead because he almost never is a part of any Pokemon battles, preferring to cheer from the sidelines.

But at the end of the day, Meowth is still a Pokemon who knows moves like Scratch, can battle if he really needs to, and can be captured inside a Pokeball, which happens once during the Black & White series. Up until the very end, Meowth is a wild Pokemon who doesn’t have a trainer, but rather takes on the role of a Rocket Grunt, as much a part of the team as everyone else. Meowth’s ability to talk like a human is his biggest defining trait and what makes him special in the series. It allows him to be the only being in the entire universe with the ability to communicate with Pokemon and people in their native tongue, an advantage that even Ash sometimes takes advantage of to understand what his team wants to tell him.

2 James’s Mime Jr.

An Adorably Childish Psychic

James's Mime Jr

  • Debut Episode: “Sweet Baby James”
  • Strongest Move: Mimic

Mime Jr. was living with an old couple when it accidentally activated one of the Pokeballs in James’s possession, making it an accidental catch for James. Nevertheless, the two got on quite well, and Mime Jr. soon began traveling with James, replacing Chimecho on James’s roster at the time.

Mime Jr. generally serves as James’s main Contest Pokemon, and he rarely ever uses it in battle. Because of that, it has no real combat attacks, with moves like Tickle and Teeter Dance being more useful for Contests and support rather than damage. Despite this, Mime Jr. still has one move that is useful for combat; its signature Mimic, which allows it to copy the moves of other Pokemon. With this move, Mime Jr. has been able to use powerful moves like Fire Spin, Bubble Beam, and Pin Missile.

3 Jessie’s Woobat

A Flying Bully Of A Bat

Jessie holding her Woobat.

  • Debut Episode: “Enter Iris and Axew!”
  • Strongest Move: Air Slash

Woobat was the first Pokemon that Jessie caught in the Unova region, and one of the few Pokemon to continue journeying with her to her last appearance in the series. Woobat tends to pick on the weak and helpless, showing an affinity with the similarly arrogant Jessie.

Woobat’s main arsenal generally involves Flying-type moves, such as Gust and the powerful Air Slash. Although Woobat is a dual Psychic/Flying-type Pokemon, Jessie has never had Woobat perform any Psychic moves. Woobat isn’t a core part of Jessie’s Pokemon arsenal, but he has always served well in a pinch when his particular specialties are needed.

4 James’s Morpeko

A Pokemon With An Insatiable Hunger

Morpeko In The Pokemon Anime

  • Debut Episode: “Sobbing Sobble!”
  • Strongest Move: Aura Wheel

Morpeko is the only Pokemon James managed to catch during the Pokemon Journeys anime. It is an incredibly gluttonous Pokemon, so much so that it has a special mode for when it becomes hangry. Though it was first introduced as a constant pest to Team Rocket, constantly eating up their rations, it and James ended up bonding enough to the point he decided to catch it and officially make Morpeko his Pokemon.


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Though Morpeko is often a drain on Team Rocket’s food rations, it is also a very capable fighter. Its signature move is Aura Wheel, which changes types between Electric and Dark depending on which mode it is in. Though it lacks variety in its moveset, it can certainly deal some damage when it is needed.

5 Jessie’s Mimikyu

No. 1 Hater Of Pikachus

Jessie with Mimikyu perched on her arm

  • Debut Episode: “Loading the Dex!”
  • Strongest Move: Wood Hammer

Mimikyu is the only Pokemon Jessie managed to catch while in the Alola region. Unlike other Mimikyu, Jessie’s Mimikyu doesn’t disguise itself as Pikachu out of admiration, but hatred, and it links up with Team Rocket specifically to fight against Ash’s Pikachu. However, its obsession is so powerful that it has at times refused to fight Pokemon if they are not Pikachu.

As a Ghost/Fairy-type Pokemon, Mimikyu has demonstrated a variety of attacks. This includes Ghost-type moves like Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball, but also the Fairy-type Play Rough and the incredibly powerful Grass-type move Wood Hammer. Despite having several powerful attacks, its willfulness can make it an unreliable ally.

6 Jessie’s Lickitung

Unhelpful Tongue Lasher

the pink pokemon using lick on pikachu in the anime

  • Debut Episode: “Princess vs. Princess”
  • Strongest Move: Slam

Lickitung was not only the first Pokemon that Jessie caught, but also the first Pokemon Team Rocket was ever seen capturing. It had an uncooperative nature and rarely listened to Jessie’s orders, so it was not often used in battles.

Being a Normal-type Pokemon, Lickitung does not have many special properties. However, it does have some powerful attacks, such as Slam or Stomp. It can also use its tongue to disgust its opponents with a lick, paralyzing them.

7 James’s Yamask

Versatile Ghost-Type Pokemon

James's Yamask

  • Debut Episode: “Battling for the Love of Bug-Types!”
  • Strongest Move: Shadow Ball

Yamask is one of James’s Pokemon that he caught while on the continent of Unova. Yamask accompanied James and Team Rocket in their many battles against Ash until it was sent to Giovanni to assist in the organization’s cause.

As a Ghost-type, Yamask often used various supporting skills to help his allies or hinder his opponents. Moves like Haze and Will-O-Wisp helped Team Rocket gain the advantage, while Shadow Ball served as one of his strongest attacks.

8 Jessie’s Dustox

A Fashionable Fighter

Jessie's Dustox

  • Debut Episode: “All in a Day’s Wurmple”
  • Strongest Move: Psybeam

Jessie initially caught Dustox as a Wurmple around the same time May caught hers. While May’s Wurmple managed to evolve into a Beautifly, Jessie was disappointed to see hers evolve into a Dustox. Nevertheless, her love for the Pokemon did not change, and the two remained steadfast partners for much of Hoenn and Sinnoh.


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Jessie’s Dustox primarily competed in contests, particularly against May and her Pokemon. However, she was still quite potent in battle in her fully evolved form. She used strong moves like Gust and Psybeam to damage its opponents while weakening them with other attacks like Stun Spore and Poison Sting.

9 James’s Mareanie

A Toxic Paramour

James's Mareanie

  • Debut Episode: “The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair!”
  • Strongest Move: Sludge Bomb

Mareanie was essentially the only Pokemon that James caught while adventuring in Alola. When he was stung by one of Mareanie’s poison needles, his appearance made him look like another Mareanie, causing her to fall in love with him. She is very loyal to James, and the two had a good relationship before James was forced to leave her behind when he left Alola.

As a Water/Poison-type, Mareanie’s most potent ability is to inflict poison on her opponents, such as with moves like Sludge Bomb. She can also use several Dark-type attacks, such as Knock Off and the Z-Move Black Hole Eclipse.

10 Jessie’s Wobbuffet

Disarming Surprise Counterattacker

Psychic Pokemon

  • Debut Episode: “Tricks of the Trade”
  • Strongest Move: Mirror Coat

Wobbuffet is largely a joke Pokemon among Team Rocket’s roster. He often comes out of his Pokeball at inappropriate times, and his owner Jessie is constantly furious and frustrated with his lack of intelligence.

Despite this, Wobbuffet can certainly be an asset in battle. Team Rocket is often blown away by powerful attacks, but Wobbuffet’s Counter and Mirror Coat can send those attacks back at their users, saving the team from another humiliating defeat.

11 James’s Weezing

Poisonous Gas Bomber


  • Debut Episode: “Pokemon Emergency!”
  • Strongest Move: Sludge

The first Pokemon James used in the series was Koffing (which would eventually evolve into Weezing). Weezing loyally accompanied James as his main battle Pokemon, and continued as a supporting Pokemon even after James started using other Pokemon.

Weezing’s main function in battle was to stun its enemies with various gas-like moves such as Smokescreen or Smog. These moves kept Weezing as a valuable member of James’s team until it was set free in Hoenn.

12 Jessie’s Gourgeist

Hard-Hitting Battler

Jessie hugging her Gourgeist

  • Debut Episode: “The Bamboozling Forest!”
  • Strongest Move: Shadow Ball

Jessie’s Gourgeist is one she found while traveling through the region of Kalos. Initially a Pumpkaboo, Gourgeist served as Jessie’s main battle Pokemon in Kalos, though she temporarily traded her away once for a Mawile.

As a rare Grass/Ghost-type, Gourgeist has a number of moves that Jessie’s usual Pokemon do not have, such as Seed Bomb and Shadow Ball. While Gourgeist is not as effective in battle as some of Jessie’s other Pokemon, she certainly pulls her weight.

13 James’s Inkay

Prankster Psychic-Type

Pokemon GO james inkay from anime cartoon

  • Debut Episode: “A Battle of Aerial Mobility!”
  • Strongest Move: Foul Play

Inkay is one of the most mischievous Pokemon in Team Rocket’s arsenal. Initially caught in the Kalos area, Inkay initially caused trouble for Team Rocket by playing pranks on them but is now a loyal Pokemon to James.


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Despite its size, Inkay is quite a capable fighter. He can attack from afar using moves like Psybeam or contend in close combat with moves like Tackle. He can also spray ink to distract its foes.

14 James’s Victreebel

Mighty Grass-Type With An Affectionate Streak

Victreebel eating James

  • Debut Episode: “The Breeding Center Secret”
  • Strongest Move: Double-Edge

James is known for owning several overly affectionate Grass-type Pokemon, and Victreebel was the first of these. Originally a Weepinbell, Victreebel served as James’s main battle Pokemon throughout Johto until James was forced to trade it away.

Victreebel used many powerful Grass-type moves in battle, including Razor Leaf and Vine Whip, as well as debilitating moves like Sleep Powder and Stun Spore. It served well as a combatant in battle despite its over-affectionate personality.

15 Jessie’s Arbok

Quintessential Poison-Type Fighter

Jessie's Arbok attacking a Fearow

  • Debut Episode: “Pokemon Emergency!”
  • Strongest Move: Double-Edge

Jessie’s first known Pokemon was Ekans, which would eventually evolve into an Arbok as the series went on. Jessie would frequently use Arbok as her main battle Pokemon until eventually setting it free in Hoenn.

As a Poison-type Pokemon, Arbok used a lot of poison-type moves such as Poison Sting and Toxic. It also knew several other useful moves such as Dig and Wrap. All in all, Arbok was a strong contender in battle.

16 Jessie’s Seviper

Vicious Toxic Combatant

Pokemon Seviper

  • Debut Episode: “A Tail with a Twist”
  • Strongest Move: Sludge Bomb/Poison Tail

Seviper was Jessie’s main battle Pokemon during her time in Hoenn, and it continues to travel with her as a part of the team, though it sees much less use. Its strength is equal only to its cruel and vicious nature.


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As a Poison-type snake Pokemon similar to Arbok, Seviper has many similar moves such as Wrap, as well as new moves like Bite and Poison Tail. Compared to Arbok, Seviper is far more ruthless in battle, making it a more capable combatant.

17 James’s Chimecho

A Friendly, Upbeat Healer

James hugging his beloved Chimecho.

  • Debut Episode: “Who’s Flying Now?”
  • Signature Move: Heal Bell

Chimecho became a part of Team Rocket’s James fairly early on in the series, during the gang’s journey across the Hoenn region. During a flashback scene prior to James capturing Chimecho, it is revealed that Chimecho has always been one of the Pokemon James has always wanted to get, even as a youngster. When he does finally manage to convince a wild Chimecho in Hoenn to become his companion, it quickly becomes one of his favorite Pokemon, and one he obviously favors over the others in his team.

James’s Chimecho frequently stays out of its Pokeball, wrapping its long tail around James’s head given half a chance. Where most of Team Rocket’s Pokemon are a mix of adorable and dangerous, Chimecho is always upbeat and happy, something James loves. In addition, it is one of the only Pokemon in the trio’s roster who can actively aid them in battle not by fighting but by way of healing. Heal Bell saves Team Rocket’s hide more than one time throughout the series. Eventually, Chimecho has to leave James and Team Rocket behind due to falling extremely sick. After a tearful goodbye and an emotional rollercoaster of an episode, James leaves Chimecho in the care of an elderly couple capable of caring for the sick Pokemon and, hopefully, nursing it back to health.

18 James’s Amoonguss

Massive Grass-Type Bruiser

James' Amoonguss standing on a log

  • Debut Episode: “New Places… Familiar Faces!”
  • Strongest Move: Energy Ball

Amoonguss is a rarity among James’s roster of Pokemon, being the only one of his Grass-types to not attack him out of affection. Despite this, it is a very loyal Pokemon that never fails to carry out James’s orders.

Amoonguss easily ranks among one of James’s most powerful Pokemon, having been able to knock Pikachu out with a single Body Slam once. Unfortunately, Amoonguss still ends up with many losses against Ash and friends, but its track record is better than others.

19 Jessie’s Yanmega

Stylish Battler And Showstopper

Jessie with her Yanmega at a Pokemon contest

  • Debut Episode: “The Thief That Keeps On Thieving!”
  • Strongest Move: Steel Wing

After catching a Yanma (which would later evolve to Yanmega), Jessie would replace Seviper with this powerful Bug/Flying-type Pokemon. Yanmega served as Jessie’s main Pokemon in the Sinnoh region.

Yanmega knows several powerful moves, such as Ancient Power, Wing Attack, and Steel Wing. Yanmega is one of Jessie’s strongest Pokemon, having come close to beating Ash and his friends several times.

20 James’s Gyarados

The Raging Destroyer

Pokemon Gyarados roaring in battle

  • Debut Episode: “Battle Aboard the St. Anne”
  • Strongest Move: Dragon Rage

In an early episode of Pokemon, James was conned into buying a Magikarp by a scammer. Initially hoping to use the Pokemon to get rich, James is dismayed to learn that Magikarp is completely useless, lacking the power to swim or even perform basic attacks in battle.

After a series of mishaps and frustration, James ultimately attempted to abandon Magikarp, causing it to evolve into a Gyarados. Remembering its poor treatment, Gyarados attacked Team Rocket, blowing them away with a stormy Dragon Rage. Despite never actually being used to their benefit, Gyarados was certainly the most powerful Pokemon Team Rocket ever owned.


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